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"Misery that's all I see, that's my mind state."~ Tupac ft Notorious BIG

Georgia was really irritating. She acting like a nigga was enjoying living within fifty miles of her ass. I asked her which house was hers and she wouldn't answer me.

"Just drop me off at the next corner." She mumbled. Her ass better open her mouth all the way. I ain't have to be nice to her ass.

"Weird ass."

I dropped her off and watched her sneak off to the side of a beige house. After that I didn't care what the fuck she was doing. I was being nice for once. My ass should have made her walk home. Give her time to think about her actions and her attitude towards people, meaning me.

I watched her ass today. She was cool with other people even Malik who clearly gets on everybody nerves. I don't know why I'm worried about her. She might as well have "stay away"  tattooed on her forehead.

I took my ass home. I don't have time for her. I wasn't on my block today so I know I'm going to catch hell when I do get around to seeing my father. To be completely honest I didn't want to be out there in the first place. I don't belong there.

I got in the door to be greeted by Roxie's cute self. Only soul that doesn't get on my nerves. She hopped up trying to lick my face but I don't like it when she does. I seen what she does with her mouth and my face is smooth and acne free almost. Trying to keep it that way.

"Where the fuck were you?" My father came storming from around the corner. I guess he was coming from the kitchen.

"I had to stay after school." I know I shouldn't have skipped out on being on the streets but I don't want to be suspended either.

"Roc, you serious? Nigga we running a fucking business and you staying after school? You serious. Know what get the fuck out my face right now. Making me sick."

I honestly didn't care. He can go the fuck head somewhere. He can kiss my ass.

"Roc, come back down here I wasn't finished." As soon I get upstairs he want me to come back down.

"What?" I asked when I did turn around and go back down. I sat on the steps while he leaned on the banisher. Roxie came back down too after she realized I wasn't with her.

That's the thing with my dog. She never leaves me when I'm with him but let it be someone else she's there but she's not on me. Roxie's protective when it comes to my father and his workers.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"I don't know what you mean by that."

"Don't bullshit me. Roc, if you think what you did back in Chicago was okay it ain't. I let you work on cars and shit so you wouldn't be around the fucking corners moping. You let another bitch get inside your fucking head you getting your neck chopped. You understand me?" My father thought that was intimating.

"She wasn't no bitch." Roxie growled and wouldn't stop until I put my hand on her head. Clearly she doesn't like that word.

"Female, girl, or whatever you want to call her. I don't need another one around here."

"Don't call no women females either."

"Who the father?" I didn't say anything because he not acting like a man in his position. "Exactly. What the fuck I say mister I wanna be getting an education?"

"You don't want a repeat, damn." I'm tired from today. "Can I go?"

"Not until you tell me who she is."

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