"They grow so fast, one day she's your little princess. Next day she's talking boy business what is this?" ~ Nas

"It's just Uncle Bryson and Ida, Daddy." I whined following him into his bedroom. "I can't hang out with my own uncle and best friend. Daddy please I will stay the night at Ida's please."

"Ray, Bryson will look out for her. Let the girl have some fun she did her homework already." Mommy finally said something after I've been asking can I go over Ida's house this weekend.

"Fawn, baby, you know your brother. He always getting into some shit. I'm not having it this weekend." Daddy walked out the room. I was about to follow him but Mommy stopped me.

"Baby girl, he's not going to say yes."

"But Ma, its my best friend and your brother. I will be fine." I felt like I was about to cry.

"You don't even have your car, Gi. Plus we both know Bryson is smart but he not attentive with you." Mommy hugged me she was quite and so was I, after the long silence she spoke again. "Go pack your bag."

"I already packed it. I thought I would be able too." I looked at her and she just smiled. What is wrong with her?

"Tell your father to come here, then go in your room and close the door, and call Bryson to pick you up but don't let your father see you talking on the phone. Okay?"

"Okay." I inched from out her hug. She's acting weird as hell. She's never this calm when I don't get my way.

When I was younger it used to be me and daddy partners in crime. One of us would always get in trouble with Mommy. But now, lord my mom is like the coolest and my father not so much.

I feel like he let me go when I got boobs and ass. He started being really protective about little things. He used to let me cuss all I want but let fuck this come out my mouth once I get my laptop taken.

The roles have official reverse. Mommy used to never let me do anything because she was concerned for my safety but she's letting me breathe a little every now and then.

Daddy suck his teeth when I found him watching his old games. He mumbled the whole damn time I followed him back upstairs. I did what my mother told me. But I didn't call Uncle Bryson I just texted his phone and he said he'll be here in ten minutes.

I sat my bag on the bed waiting to hear his car that he probably rented as a cover to honk twice. Daddy came busting into my room in a rush.

"Pack your shit, Gi. You can go." He reached into his pockets and pulled out a wad of cash. "Get whatever you want just don't buy no little ass shorts or I'ma fuck you up."

He handed me the money but only two hundred of it. "Thank you Daddy." I hugged him and kissed his cheek when I heard the car beep twice.

I grabbed a hoodie and my bag sprinting out of the house. I don't know what my mother said but it got me a weekend away from them. Nobody couldn't kill my mood right now.

It was a guy in the passenger seat so I had to sit in the back. I didn't bother to put my seat belt on because I want control over the aux cord.

"Unc, where we going?" I asked.

"Aye, man you see her. Now say something. Was bothering me all day about talking to her ass all of a sudden your ass is mute." Uncle Bryson ignored me and was fussing at the guy.

He was cuter than just about every nigga in Langston. He must be from at New Orleans or Alabama because he look like a southern boy to me.

"Shut the hell up. She was talking to you." He turned around to look at me and I could have dropped right there. "Wassup, I'm Monty."

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