The Waterside Turnabout, Part 3 (Polly)

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"Say what?" Lust asked from the other side of the courtroom, his green eyes wider than saucers. 

"I wish to request another testimony from this witness," I smirked. 

"Huh...?" Ms. Alla questioned in a daze. "What is it about...?"

Once an airhead, always an airhead, I suppose...

"The argument you heard just before the splash," I told her in as simple terms as I could think of. I don't think she would understand it any other way.

"Oh!" Ms. Alla exclaimed. "I can do that! No problem!"

"You'd think she was a model with that brain of hers," Lust whispered to Chrysalis.

"Tell me about it," Chrysalis agreed, rolling her eyes. 

I sighed. "Just start talking already," I instructed of the witness."

"Okay..." Ms. Alla agreed, looking even more hazy than before. What in the world was wrong with this girl's brain...?!


-I was finishing scrubbing out the toilet when I heard yelling...

-It was coming from two guys outside of the restroom...

-Something about victory was involved, I think...

-But since it was two guys, that means that the culprit had to have been the defendant...!

-It had to have been the defendant who did it... Right...?

"Why didn't you say anything about this argument during your last testimony, witness?!" the judge yelled, causing Anton to flinch. He stared at me with longing eyes, looking ready to cry. I resisted the urge to run to him and give him a hug. Thankfully, Chrysalis went ahead and consoled him for me so I didn't disrupt the trial. 

"I didn't think it was really important... I guess I was wrong, though, since you people keep flipping your tops about it..." Ms. Alla answered, causing me to face palm. What the heck was wrong with this girl's head?! It was empty to an almost unhealthy degree!

"Are you ready to cross-examine the testimony, Mr. Lust?" the judge asked, turning to Chrysalis and the red haired attorney.

Chrysalis shot him a thumbs up. "We were born ready!" Chrysalis grinned widely, nudging Lust in an attempt to get him to agree with her. 

"Y-yeah!" Lust agreed shakily, nodding wildly. He wasn't convincing anybody, if you ask me.

"In that case, go on, Ms. Alla," I told Ms. Alla, who nodded to me. 


-I was finishing scrubbing out the toilet when I heard yelling...

-It was coming from two guys outside of the restroom...

-Something about victory was involved, I think...

-But since it was two guys, that means that the culprit had to have been the defendant...!

-It had to have been the defendant who did it... Right...?


Instead of it being Lust like I had expected, I realized it was Chrysalis. She smirked and played with her hair proudly. "And that's where it all falls apart," she declared. 

"Huh...?" Ms. Airhead asked, stumbling around the witness stand in a daze. "What falls apart...?"

"It's a figure of speech!" I frowned. I couldn't wait for this trial to end, for both Anton's sake and my own. This woman was so exhausting! I needed the child filter I used to use on Anton for her!

Anton flinched at my loud voice. I shot him an apologetic glance, but as it turned out, I didn't need to.

I had done just what I had to. 

"Did you see how the defendant flinched just now?" Chrysalis asked. "He is clearly frightened of the yelling from the prosecution, making a loud argument between him and the victim quite impossible."

"So the defendant couldn't have gotten into an argument with the victim because he's afraid of the yelling that we hear in this courtroom?" the judge asked. "That makes sense..."

"Yeah, it does," I agreed. One step closer to proving Anton's innocence makes even that relieving to me. The detention center was practically second home. Who knew how much of his mail had been sent there already?

"But that doesn't make sense..." Ms. Alla whispered. "He could be just acting... So that you all will take pity on him..."

I flinched in shock. So she does have a brain... I never would have guessed that in a million years.

"The witness' claim also holds a good amount of water," the judge agreed.

"I don't think claims can have water, though... They're just words..." Ms. Alla told the court.

I huffed angrily. Couldn't this girl take a hint?! "That's just an expression!" I roared, my hand flying to my face. How had I survived this far with somebody so tiring?!

"Oh..." Ms. Alla murmured, staring at me with wide eyes.

"There's just one question I have at this point in time," the judge declared.

"W-what is it, Your Honor?" Lust stammered, his face going pale. He was just as curious about the judge's thoughts as I was...

"If the defendant wasn't the one who drowned the victim, then who did do it?" the judge asked. "The defense nor prosecution has made a point to show who the killer could be other than the defendant..."

I growled. The one time he had to be perceptive was the one time I would love it if he wasn't! After all these years of stuff being explained to him, the old fool was finally starting to get a mind of his own!!

"It looks like Prosecutor Bloom is even more broken about this than we are..." I heard Lust mutter to Chrysalis.

"It's her adopted son we're talking about. What did you expect? Happiness over the judge figuring something out for once?" Chrysalis replied. "Of course she would be upset!"

"I wish we had a piece of evidence, just one little thing, to show who really killed that guy!" Lust groaned, face planting the defense bench dramatically.

"I'm sure something will come to you sooner or later, Thom-" Chrysalis began, though she never got the chance to finish her sentence, as a cry came from the doorway.

"We found something at the crime scene in the pool, Your Honor!"


When half of a ship is in a coma-


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