Chapter one

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I was standing in line for a while and I still couldn't comprehend what was happening!I was going to meet Jack ! The man who has seemed so far away , as I could only see him behind a screen. A man I never thought would mean so much to me. He was right there !!! Like so close I could touch him ! As I neared him my stomach was doing flips and kartwheels and summersaults and turning every which way you could imagine ! But as I got closer and closer his eyes hit mine .... And we just stared . It was weirdly amazing! Until Jack realised what he was doing and shook his head .

"Sorry there , hey I'm Jack , what's your name " Jack laughed looking down at the ground in a fluster . "I'm Eve . And just as a heads up , I know who you are," I laughed still staring at him . Jack went bright red in the face . "You can call me Sean if you like !" He exclaimed . "Where you from eve ?" He asked taking my posters and hat. "I'm from county Meath ,close enough to where you're from ! " I said , looking at him signing my merch . "Really ,"he smiled , still signing my posters . "Well hey , maybe sometime we could hang out !when I'm back in Ireland " he said , putting the lid on the pen and handing me back my hat and posters . "Can I've a selfie real quick "I frantically asked. "Sure thing !" he luaghed as I rushed to get my phone out . He put his arms around me and posed as if we had known each other for ages ! I took the selfie and looked at it . It was amazing ! "Thanks for coming Eve ," he whispered as I left , just loud enough that I could hear .

I was over the moon . Thrilled to bits ! I looked at all my posters ,making sure nothing got smudged . And then I saw it . I couldn't believe my eyes . His number was sitting there on one of the posters , with a note underneath it . It read ;

Hey I'm back in Ireland this Saturday , call me if you're around :) Sean .

This couldn't have been happening . I wiped my eyes , but it was still there , the number , the note ! EVERYTHING . I couldn't believe it.

I whipped out my phone and dialled in Hannah's number . "Hannah , I know you won't believe me , but I just met Jack , and he stared at me and we had , I think , a moment and he gave me my posters back and my hat and we took a selfie and then I left and I realised he gave me his number and I didn't know what to do so I called you !" I blurted out all at once . I couldn't breath I was talking so fast . " ... Wow that's a lot of information to take in at once !" Hannah laughed . "I know but I'm just so excited I can't hold it in !!" I shouted at the phone . "Where abouts are you?" I asked , still shaking from a few moments ago and still trying to catch my breath . I couldn't believe I was at vidcon , never mind meeting Jack and getting his number . "I'm in the line for Mark , why where are you?" Hannah replied . "I'll be there in a second !"I exclaimed , ending the call and rushin to find Mark .

I was still punching myself making sure this was real !But I was so high on excitement I couldn't feel the pain. I ran towards Mark's line and ran up and down it looking for Hannah . I eventually found her , after a while of running . "Oh my god , you actually got it , I thought you were joking !" She exclaimed , looking the poster up and down . "I KNOW !" I shouted , full of excitement . I still couldn't comprehend what had happened , and how it happened ?! But all I know is Jack gave ME an invite to hang out with him . ME . I hugged Hannah really tight . This had to be the best day of my life !! It was crazy , insane !! But it was me ! My brain was looping , doing spirals , and I just blacked out . I fell to the ground with a bang , and the faint sound of Hannah's voice .

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