Chapter five

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As we reached Hannah's house , I could already feel tears well up in my eyes . I had met my internet friend for two weeks , and it had gone by so fast ! I loved it so much , I didn't want to leave .

I got out of the car and Sean and Mark followed. I opened the door , and there was Hannah sitting at the table . My bags were packed up and ready to go . "I thought you might be late for your flight if I didn't pack for you !" Hannah whispered , fighting back tears . I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her . I burst into tears . This was the last day I was going to see her until another plan would be made !

"I don't wanna' go !" I whispered , sobbing into her shoulder . Hannah took me off of her shoulders ." I'll be over soon , don't you worry ! Get your spare room fixed up!" She laughed , wiping away her tears . This was the worst . Leaving your best friend . I didn't want to , but I knew I had to. "You can come to the airport if you want?" Mark said , looking at his watch . Sean laughed ."Give them a bleedin' minute Mark !"Sean laughed . "No I won't go , I'll just cry more !" Hannah laughed wiping away her tears. I hugged her one last time ."You better come soon !" I whispered , letting go and grabbing my bags . "Thank you so much !" I said , grabbing Sean's hand and walking out the door. Hannah followed , waving at us as we got into the car and drove out the gate.

I waved back , my eyes welling up even more than before . But I knew she'd be over as soon as she could !She promised .

*At the airport*

"Well , Mark , it was nice seeing ya' buddy !" Sean said , giving him a hug . "It was amazing meeting you Mark ! I exclaimed , "And I hope we can meet up again soon !" . Mark gave me a huge hug . We had a good friendship for a week of knowing each other ! "Have a safe flight , and take care !" he whispered int me ear , before letting me and Sean board the plane . This was it .My two week holiday was finished and i was heading home to the land of green .I held Sean's hand while getting onto the plane. I turned around to give Mark one last wave , and i boarded the plane .

Sean and I sat down in our seats and I let out a sigh . Within two week I had been to America for the first time , been to vidcon , met my best friend , met my idols , befriended both of them and even kissed on of them ! It was crazy to think of . I looked over to Sean and he was taring right back at me. " So what's going to happen when we get home ?" Sean asked , holding my hand . "We could just got to my apartment for a while ?" I suggested , as it was closest to Dublin airport than Sean's place. Sean nodded , looking forward , to the seat in front of him .

I was still confused as to what happened in Mark's kitchen that morning . Was it important? Did Sean meet a new fan ? I was so worried it was something he didn't want me to know . "What happened in Mark's kitchen?" I asked , looking over at Sean .He was still tightly grasping my hand . " Hmm?" Sean replied , looking straight at me , with a confused expression on his face. " Well I heard you guys talking from upstairs , but as soon as I came down , everything went dead silent. Sean didn't answer for a while. "It was nothing , just a few plans and goodbyes ," he eventually replied . I wasn't very reassured.

I just sat back and enjoyed the flight , trying not to worry , which was quite hard as I badly needed to know what was happening. Sean fell asleep about two hours into the flight . He looked so cute and peaceful when he slept . I couldn't help but look at him as he slept . He still had a tight grasp on my hand . This is what I'd always dreamed of , yet it was happening right in front of me. I drifted off to sleep after that for a while .

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