Chapter seventeen

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*Sean's pov*

It had been a few hours since I had texted Eve , and she still hadn't replied . It was getting late . What was keeping them ? " Has Mark been in contact ?" I asked Hannah , who was sitting beside me in Eve's sitting room . "No , but I'm sure they're grand! Sure what could happen Hannah in her own town?" Hannah said , trying to reassure me , while still scrolling on her phone . I looked at my watch , then the clock on the wall and then my phone . Nothing changed . It was still eight o'clock and Mark and Eve still weren't home . Then Hannah's phone began to buzz .

She held it up to her ear , beginning to talk . " Hello , Hannah speaking !" She spoke into the phone . Then my phone began to buzz . It was a strange , unknown number ! "Hello !" I greeted the person on the other side of the phone . "Hello , is this Sean Mcloughlin ?" The caller asked . In the background I could hear many other people and more phones going off . A lot of people who weren't on phones were also to be heard. "Yes , that is me . May I ask who this is ?" I asked the caller , looking to Hannah. She too , seemed confused . "This is the Lourdes hospital in county Louth calling on behalf of Eve Hughes!" The caller told me . I instantly knew this was going to be bad .

" Eve ! Is she okay ? What's wrong ?" I asked all at once , worried it could be something terrible . " Your girlfriend has seemed to be in a terrible car accident , including one man . She is severely injured , but the other man is okay , just a broken bone or two . But your name and number was written on a slip of paper in the overhead mirror !" The caller informed me . What was Mark and Hannah doing ? Why did she crash? "Thanks , I'll be there soon!" I replied , ending the phone car and grabbing my keys . This couldn't be happening ! Hannah stood up . "Mark is in hospital !" She gasped , acting as he was the victim . " Well , IT WAS PROBABLY HIS FUCKING FAULT !" I shouted at her , opening the front door , Hannah following . I locked up and got into my car , zooming out the road .

Her apartment wasn't too far from the hospital , so we reached there in no time . I ran in ." I'm Sean Mcloughlin here for Eve Hughes ! I got a call only a few minutes ago that she was in here !" I told the receptionist . "Yes , she is in room 103!" The receptionist informed me . I ran into the elevator , leaving Hannah behind . Eve was in trouble ! That was the only thing on my mind at the moment . I ran into room 103 to find it was a single room , and Eve lay on a bed on her own . Doctors surrounded her , followed by nurses and other people who were taking notes . A woman approached me , holding a clipboard . "You must be Sean ! I'm Kate , and I'm sorry to tell you , your girlfriend here crashed into a brick wall , affecting her more than the passenger !" The woman informed me , keeping her voice fairly down . " But , is she okay?" I asked , trying to get a glimpse of her through a gap in the doctors . She was wearing an oxygen mask , and attached to a drip .

"She has a few crushed ribs and she lost a lot of blood . A hit to the head has been discovered , but no brain injury had been detected yet ! Her right wrist is broken , as it got crushed and her legs and broken !" The woman told me . "So did you find her?" I asked , tears filling my eyes . " Well ... crushed in the car . The man had ducked , as he must have seen moments before what was coming ahead ," The woman explained .

I walked beside Eve . She was so pale . There was places of her patched up to stop bleeding and her legs were held up . I began to cry . Perhaps we told Hannah about Mark , this wouldn't have happened . Eve risked her life for Hannah's feelings ! She cared too fucking much . I couldn't hear anything apart from Eve's heart monitor and her loud breathing through the oxygen mask . The doctors all eventually left , leaving me with Eve . It crushed me to see her like this . What if she ever woke up ? Or she didn't remember me when she did . Or didn't WANT to know me , because I wasn't there . I hated being so useless.

Hannah and Mark made their way in a few hours later . Mark had his two legs in casts . He fucking deserved it . "Oh ... fuck !" Mark whispered , beginning to cry . I didn't look or pay attention to either of them . My mind was on Eve . " What happened?" I whispered to Mark , still keeping my back turned to him . " I swear Sean ... I didn't mean for this I swear , not after that night !" Mark replied coming closer to me . "What night ?" Hannah asked . I ignored her . Mark didn't answer my question . " I said ... what happened?" I asked him , this time a little more than a whisper.

"She took her eyes off of it for a minute! I didn't want this to happen !" Mark told me , coming closer yet again. "What are you guys on about ?" Hannah asked , as she got confused . "YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND HERE !" I shouted , getting up out of my chair , "HAD A THING FOR MY GORGEOUS GIRLFRIEND!THAT.S WHY HE WAS ON THE GROUND THAT NIGHT I FUCKING PUNCHED HIM , RIGHT IN THE EYE . HE WAS ALL OVER MY EVIE AND SHE DIDN'T WANT IT !" I shouted , losing my temper . My girlfriends life could have been in danger here , and I needed to know what happened . I fucking love the girl . "HE PROBABLY TRIED TO FUCK HER OR SOMETHING ! BUT EVIE ... MY PRECIOUS EVIE WANTED TO PROTECT YOUR FEELINGS AND DIDN'T TELL YOU , SAVING MARK'S FUCKING ASS !" I then shouted . "Wow , Sean , I swear , I didn't mean to freak her out , but when I did , she slapped me , lettig go of the wheel !" Mark said in a flustered rush . " I swear , I didn't know if I touched her there she would freak out that bad !" Mark said , coming closer to me . "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU TOUCH HER !" I screamed , walking over to Mark , reading to kill his ass . " I just touched her thigh and up ...!" Mark trailed off . He fucking felt my girlfriend . Hannah ran to Eve's side crying . Mark , went to follow , but I stopped him . "No fucking way you're going near EITHER of them two !" I warned him .

He wouldn't listen , so I punched him as an even bigger warning . "Did I not make myself clear?" I asked . I had no more power in me to shout or scream . I was just hurt , like dagger had been shot into my chest .

Mark left , knowing his place . Myself and Hannah cried beside Eve . I was't there when She needed me most . It was then her heart rate fastened , the monitor going quicker . Doctors and nurses ran in at once . This was't good!

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