Chapter 10

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*Eve's pov*

The next day was a lot better . Hannah and Mark kept me company for most of the time. We sat and watched netflix all day , movie after movie ! And then I pulled out the gaming controllers and Mark was over the moon . We played loads of games , from mario maker (I couldn't stop laughing at Mark's ridiculous reactions ) to happy wheels . I just couldn't of asked for better . But around five o'clock , Mark had to leave for a meetup with a friend .

"Mark , he's such a guy !" I laughed , wiping the tears out of my eyes . " Yeah , I fucking love him!" Hannah replied , looking at the door as if she was waiting for him to return already . " Han , I know you love the fact you're hanging out with one of you idols , but come on , give the guy some room ," I laughed , getting back to netflix . " Em ...Eve , there's ....something I haven't told you yet . I didn't want to upset you , you know with the way you were , but I think you should know ......"

*Hannah's pov*

My heart was racing . But I had to tell Eve . If I didn't , it would just hang there , awkwardly , like mistletoe during the new year . " Mark , and I ... We are sorta ... a ... ya' know ..thing!" I said , shaking at every word . It would kill me if I hurt her . It was the last thing I wanted to do !

Her expression lit up . I couldn't believe it . " OMG ! I'm SOOOOO happy for you two ! When , why , what happened !" She blurted out , needing to know every last drop of information . At least she took it well !

*Mark's pov*

I got into a taxi and called out the name of the restaurant Sean had told me to meet him in. He must of broken his phone , as he was e-mailing me . " That'll be five euro ," He said , as he pulled up outside thee front door of it . I took out all of my money and handed him the first thing I saw with a five written on it . "Is that ok , is it right?" I asked , confused and embarrassed. " You mustn't be from these parts eh?" He said , laughing . I shook my head and went to take off my seat belt . " Ye , gowan' " He laughed , putting it into his pocket and gesturing me to get out of the car .

" Hey , Mark !" I heard Sean saying . He walked over and gave me a hug . " What the fuck did you do ?" I said , pulling him off of me . " I shouldn't have stayed with Katrina , I wasn't even properly with her in the first place . I never asked her out . I hardly even saw her!" He said , followed with a load of hand gestures . " And then I left my fuckin' phone at her place and Katrina called , " Sean told me , his eyes getting teary . " I really fucked up !"

" Well at least we know who's phone is in pieces on the kitchen floor at Eve's place!" I said , remembering to when I first walked in with Hannah . " To be quite honest , I can't fuckin' blame her !I broke her poor heart !" Sean cried . I put my arm around Sean . He looked into the restaurant and winced a little . " Can we just get a chipper or somethin' ," He asked , walking up the street . I agreed , not completely knowing what a chipper was .

"How's she holding up?" Sean asked , his hands in his pocket as he walked up the street . "Not too good , she burnt your shit and cried for like a complete day . Oh yeh , she also wouldn't eat!" I informed him , making sure I didn't lie . If I lied , he might go around nd see her or do something even crazier . I couldn't go soft on him !

"Fuck !" he whispered , walking into a small diner . They served fish and chips and whole variety of greasy foods . Sean ordered his , and looked at me . I didn't know what i could or couldn't afford , so just looked for the things that looked like they were small enough . We both sat down at a booth . Sean rested his head in his hands . " I hurt the girl I love the most !" He exclaimed . " Give it a week , and then text me ...or e-mail me . You might wanna tell this to her face . Even if she believes you or not!" I consoled him , taking out my phone and texting Hannah to see how she was .

* Hannah's pov*

I got a text from Mark a while later . Sean was terrible , according to him . "Who is it ?" Eve asked me . "Just Mark , seeing how I am !" I replied , while texting him back . "How's his friend ?" She then asked , still looking at the television . "He's not so great . He really fucked up and is really down !" I said , looking up at Eve to see her reaction . " Well maybe he should ! Maybe he hurt someone when he did it !" Eve exclaimed , still showing no expressions and looking at the t.v . "Well , maybe Mark's friend has broken up with Katrina and would do anything for a certain someone !" I then said , still looking at Eve .

Her face remained the same . " Well maybe I don't WANT a certain someone to do anything for me !" She said , now turning to me . Mark was calling me . "One sec , gotta' pic this up !" I explained to Eve , and left the room . I walked into the kitchen . A phone still lay smashed on the ground.

"Hey babe !" I said , as I picked up the phone . "Yo , is Eve there?" Mark asked , sounding flustered . I looked into the sitting room . Eve was now watching a movie . " She's not in the room , but yeah , she's in the sitting room. All I could hear was Mark panting . " Oh fuck , get her out of there and make sure the front door is locked , also the curtains in the sitting room , pulled !" He said breathlessly .

I was quite confused , but I did as Mark said . "I gotta' go , but just don't answer the door!" He then told me , ending the call . I put my phone into my pocket and went into Eve . "You wanna' eat something in here?" I asked , closing the curtains . " Sure , a snack would be good ," Eve replied , getting up and turning off the t.v. I locked the front door when she reached the kitchen . "Oh my God , look at the state of the place ," Eve gasped as she walked into the kitchen . "You get the food , I'll clean up !" She instructed me , getting out the dustpan and brush and cleaning everything up .

I knew Sean was most likely the reason we had to do this . The poor guy , must feel terrible . He's such a sweetheart ! Although what he did was wrong , he was doing it with a kind heart ... in ways . I closed the kitchen door so we wouldn't hear anything or anyone out the front . And then we started to talk .

"So what do you want?" I asked , looking in the presses . "Ice cream would be amazing to be honest!" Eve laughed back , throwing the glass and phone into the bin . "I am over the moon you are here Han !" She exclaimed , putting the dustpan and brush back in the press . She came up behind me and gave me a giant hug . And just as it got silent , a knock at the door could be heard.

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