Chapter six

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I woke up to a tapping on my shoulder . Sean was there whispering . " Eve , you have to see this!" He excitedly exclaimed . He pointed out the window to the view below us . It was beautiful . The sun was setting and the clouds were gorgeous pink colour. I had no words for how amazing this looked ." I'm a sucker for good scenery," Sean said , still staring out the window . We began to talk about places we had been and what we had seen there. It was amazing

                                                                        * a while later*

Sean and I had gotten off of the flight and into a taxi quite easily. I was wrecked and leaned on Sean's shoulder in the taxi . It was almost eight am in Ireland and the sun was up. It was beautiful that morning . I was so happy to be home . I think Sean was too . He couldn't stop smiling the whole ride to my place. "So , do you think we would make a good couple?" He said randomly . I don't think the taxi man was listening . In fact I think he was trying to drown us out. He had two earphones stuck in his ears . "Of course !" I replied , still leaning on his shoulder ." So does that mean you think we should get together ?" Sean teasingly replied with a smirk on his face . I kissed his lips , holding his head in my hands . He laughed a little ."So is that a yes ?" He laughed , putting his arm around me while I leaned my head back onto his shoulder . 

As we neared my place , the taxi driver took his earphones out . His accent was hard to understand . I think he was from Kerry to be honest . "So where do you two want to be left off?" He asked , looking into the mirror at us . " Em , if you wouldn't mind , a little more up from here would be great !" I informed him , looking him in the eyes . He was looking at Sean though . Sean looked away in a bit of a sweat . " Do I know you from somewhere boy?" the taxi driver asked , still staring at Sean , occasionally looking at the road . He was going quite slow as the street was pretty empty. Sean was looking out the window . "Mmm? No I don't think I've seen you before, " Sean replied , still staring out of the window . The taxi driver stopped almost just outside my apartment . The driver looked away suspiciously and went off of the subject and told us our fee.

As I was opening my apartment door , I looked at Sean . "What was that ?" I asked , opening the and letting both of us in . " I don't know , he just seemed a bit edgy !" Sean replied , following me in . " So is this you apartment ?" He asked , looking around . "Yeah , I've put a lot of time into making it look this good !" I laughed . "You can really tell !" He laughed . I showed him around the place until we came to the bedroom . He walked in and looked around . "So yeah , I basically live in this room alone !" I laughed . Sean looked me up and down . "Have I told you how fuckin' gorgeous you are ?" Jack whispered , putting his hands on my shoulders, exhaling . I could feel myself blushing already . He ran his hand through my hair , then on to my face . He pulled me forward softly , putting his lips onto mine . This had to be the most amazing thing that was happening . I still couldn't believe any of it was happening .

He ran his hands all the way down my body , Until they reached my waist . His kisses were like heaven , just perfect . We were now sitting on my bed , and Sean began to kiss me harder . We were full on making out . He ran his hand from my knee right up to my thigh . I still hand my hands wrapped around him . This was amazing . He began to take off my top and I began to unbuckle his belt . My heart was racing so fast , I thought it was going to pump out of my chest . He stood me up to take off my pants . Then he threw me onto the bed . He was gorgeous !He was staring right at me. His eyes were amazing , I could certainly get lost in them easily. This was it , it was gonna happen ! And i couldn't believe this was happening to me , of all people , he chose ME!

                                                                          *The next morning*

I woke up early the next morning .It was around seven. I couldn't believe it ! The jet lag really got to us. Sean was fast asleep beside me . We slept for ages , after a tiring night. He was just so fucking gorgeous . Last night was definitely a memorable one ! One I could never forget in a million years . I got up and put on some clothes . The first thing i saw was jacks hoodie , so i threw it on . I walked into the kitchen and looked around . The sunshine blinded me . I turned around and looked into my white mirror that hung on the wall next to the door . I had a severe case of bed head . I took out a load of ingredients and began to boil the kettle. I was making some chocolate pancakes and coffee for Sean , thinking he might be hungry as we didn't eat the day before . I was almost finished when Sean wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek .

"Morning gorgeous!" He whispered into my ear . I turned around and he was only wearing his boxers . "Well hello handsome !" I whispered back , kissing him . I loved him so much . It was hard not to . His body was amazing , his personality was perfect ! I dished up the last pancake and put the big stack of them onto the table along with the pot of coffee and a couple muffins . 

" Babe , you really didn't have to !" He exclaimed , walking over , staring into my eyes ." I thought you might be hungry!" I laughed , grabbing his hand and bringing him over to the table. We both sat down and had our breakfast . Sean kept looking at the clock every so often as we were talking . " The clock is working perfectly in case you were wondering !" I said in a sarcastic tone , while eating my pancake . "Huh , oh no , I was just looking at the time !" Sean replied , downing his coffee . 

"Oh shite , now I really gotta' go ," he said after looking at the clock for the last time . He ran into my room , put on his pants and t-shirt he was wearing the day before . He took one last muffin before kissing my head and putting on his shoes . "What about your hoody?" I asked . "Keep it , it's okay , I can get it later . I'll text you later , it's just I have a meeting at nine and have to get home and get ready !" He exclaimed , getting his bags and opening he door . He blew me a kiss before going out the door . " Love you ,"  I whispered as the door closed. I started to tidy up the kitchen . It must have been an important meeting !

I'm still into youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora