Chapter twenty one

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*Hannah's pov*

I couldn't hear Eve after she had opened the door . Did she leave ? Did she faint . I turned around to see her , jaw dropped just staring out the door . "Eve ?" I asked , getting up and walking towards the door . Sean stood there , beside Felix . Sean walked in , holding his hands behind his back . " I know you watch Felix , both of you ! And he was coming for a visit anyway ! So since there is a spare room over here , I offered it to him !" Sean laughed . He then took his hands out from behind his back and handed Eve a box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers . "And I thought you might like these !" He whispered to Eve , kissing her cheek . She moved back , struggling with the crutches . "Thanks Eve !" Felix said , coming in with a suitcase and giving Eve a kiss on the cheek . It felt like we had known each other for ages , as he walked over and gave me one too . "Heya han !" He exclaimed , stopping for a minute as he backed away . He stared into my eyes , as if he knew me from somewhere , and then shook his head .

"Oh my God , sorry !" He apologised , flustered . Sean was giving Eve a kiss as this went on , so it was only me and Felix embracing this moment . "It's okay , you should just be happy I love your eyes !" I whispered , still staring right into them . It really was magical . I really loved Felix . He was a down to earth guy who could still be light hearted and funny .

"Ha , well I just can't help it ! You're really fuckin' beautiful !" He whispered , while messing with the sleeves of his jacket , showing his nervous side . I laughed a little , until I heard Sean beginning to speak . "Hey Han , Felix , wanna come with me to get food ?" He asked , taking out his keys . "I'll stay here , and wait for the food to come to ME !" Eve laughed , sitting down onto the couch, putting her crutches on the floor . "Sure !" I agreed . Felix nodded his head . " Why not?" He replied , putting his hands in his pockets . "We won't be long !" Sean promised Eve , kissing her forehead before leaving . Something told me that Sean didn't just want us to go get food .

*Sean's pov *

I locked the apartment door and got into my car , followed by Hannah and Felix who seemed to be getting along quite well . As the two got into the car , I began to reveal my real purpose of this journey . "Okay guys , I need to ask something !" I said , putting my car into gear and pulling out onto the main road . "Ha , I knew it !" Hannah laughed , looking into my mirror . I had only known her a while , but well enough to know she would of copped on before I could tell her - She was just a very intelligent person .

"Well , myself and Eve have almost been together for a year now ! And I want to .. step it up a little !" I explained to the pair . "But I know proposing is a step too far , but I was thinking ... what would you think if I asked her to move in with me ?" I asked, looking in my rear view mirror . Hannah was bubbling with excitement , clapping her hands and jumping as much as possible in a car !

"YES YES YES !" She shouted , still clapping . "But the thing is .... where do YOU live?" I asked her , feeling very responsible for Hannah's living arrangements . "Ah well , we'll think about THAT when it comes around !" She said , passing it over her head . She obviously cared SO much for Eve . "But i'm going to ask her after she gets her cast taken off !" I explained . "So she will be able to settle in okay !" I told her , looking for approval . "Good idea !" She said , still bubbling with excitement . "Yea man , go you !" Felix added , also seeming excited for me . "But you guys CANNOT ruin it ...keep you mouths SHUT !" I exclaimed , pulling into the Chinese .

"Okay .. agreed !" Hannah informed me

Now .. I just had to wait until the day I could finally ask ....and wait for a response !

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