Chapter thirteen

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*Hannah's pov *

We had stayed a little longer than expected by a month or so .But I really loved Ireland . I just didn't want to leave ! "So , Mark , what do you think about moving to Ireland?" I asked as we walked in the park.( Eve suggested it to us) . Mark didn't seem to be listening much . Mark was holding my hand , yet he seemed lost in his thoughts. "Hmm ?" He asked eventually looking at me . "What was that ?" I asked , stopping in the park . "What ? What was what?" Mark asked , standing in front of me . " That , you like , completely blanked out , or ignored me , I don't know , and then five minutes later , when you decide you are done whatever you were doing , then you talk to me !" I exclaimed , letting go of his hand . " Babe , I was thinking about us , embracing the nature , while on a walk with my girlfriend !" He replied , looking me right in the eyes . " What are you worried about , why are you getting annoyed ?" He then asked , still staring into my eyes .

" I don't know , but I'm not getting annoyed , " I said , this time a little louder . "Well then why don't you tell me what you said , I'll answer you , and we can keep going on our walk !" At this stage , I was getting annoyed at him . Why the fuck does he expect me not to be annoyed even in the slightest ! And what was he thinking about that was better than talking to me ! " Never mind , it was nothing , but I'm getting a taxi to Eve's place , you coming?" I asked . I just wanted to get home ! "Sure , it will be getting late soon anyways

*Sean's pov*

It had been a while since Eve and I had gotten back together . Almost a month in fact . And I decided I wanted to do something about it ! Eve was sitting in her kitchen at the table . I snuck up behind her and wrapped my hands around her . I kissed her cheek . "I love you !" I whispered in her ear , giving her a kiss on the cheek. I really meant it . " I love you more!" She whispered , turning around . "Well then , I've an idea !" I whispered , holding her , staring into her blue eyes . "How about we announce our relationship on youtube !" .

Eve laughed a little . "What ?" I laughed , still holding her . "You know how that works a lot of the time!Your fandom will hate me !" She laughed , walking away , going into the sitting room . "No , they won't , because you WERE a fan ! You are one of them !" I explained , following her into the sitting room . "Ye , but come on , EVERYONE on youtube wants to be with their favourite youtuber , or just a cute youtuber in general ! And once the one they like gets with a person , they completely freak out !" Eve argued , picking up some mess as she went around the room . " Ye , but it's you Eve !" I exclaimed , grabbing her by the waist , puling her close to me . " I love you , and I want everyone to know about it !" I whispered , kissing her gorgeous lips . She was so beautiful , it took my breath away . "Okay !" She eventually gave in . I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the front door . " Hannah , I'm just going for a while !" Eve shouted up the stairs to Hannah and Mark before we ran out the door , shutting it behind us . I pulled her playfully into my car and I drove us to my apartment .

This was amazing ! I just couldn't wait to put it up tomorrow ! I opened my apartment door and ran into the kitchen with Eve . " Why the kitchen first?" She laughed , still holding my hand . " Because , I can !" I laughed , pulling her up the stairs into my office . i turned on my pc and all my equipment . Eve just laughed at how fast I was doing all this . I just had so much energy and excitement building up inside me . This was genuinely exciting for me . " Alright , so you sit over there until I announce you in !" I told Eve , as I turned on my camera . Eve was still laughing .


* Eve's pov*

I was tensing up , and fangirling a lot ! Watching Sean do his intro RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME ! And then me being in a video ! HOLY SHIT ! I was fangirling so hard ! But this was the moment that I would be known as Jacksepticeye's girlfriend ! "So , as you guys may have seen I haven't been that active recently ! Well that's because .. I have fallen in love !" Sean said , looking straight into the camera . " And her name is Eve and she is so gorgeous and amazing and .. well I guess I should just let you guys meet her !" He then said , looking at me . I wheeled over in my chair . " Hey guys !" I laughed into the camera . "Now , I know you guys will love her , after all , she started out like one of you only about three months ago !" Sean laughed .

The video went on , and I sort of just sat there agreeing with Sean , nervous I'd somehow fuck up . But at the end of the video , Sean gave me a massive kiss and turned the camera off . "Everyone will love you so freaking much !" He reassured me . Sean then went onto editing on his pc . I watched him for a while . To have to do that for every single video would be tiresome ! I even got tired while watching him . "Want coffee ?" I asked him , getting up from the chair and unlocking the door . Sean nodded his head and then turned around . " I love you !" He whispered , looking at me right in the eyes . " But I love you more!" I replied , closing the door and going downstairs to make the coffee . Maybe they would like me . Maybe they'd even ship us ! This was an incredible feeling . A feeling I could never describe , but one I loved !

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