Chapter fifteen

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*Hannah's pov*

I looked up to Sean and Eve as they eyed each other , and then Mark . " Emmm , Fuck !" Sean said under his breath , rubbing his head . Eve was glaring at Sean as if something had gone on jut before I came in . Something she didn't want me to know ! "WELL?" I shouted , worried for my hurt boyfriend who lay helplessly on the ground . He opened his eyes , and instantly touched his eye in pain. "Mark , what happened here?" I asked him , holding his head up , to keep it off the tiled floor . " I ... I don't know!" Mark replied . " I remember , talking to Eve .. and then .... I came over here ....after Eve ...oh !" Mark said , remembering it as he went along . " And you scared me .....And I jumped spilling my coffee on the floor , and Mark slipped , hitting his eye off of the counter !" Eve said , looking at Mark .

"And , where does Sean come in in this situation ?" I asked , looking to Sean . Sean looked very alarmed . "Eve forgot her keys at mine and it was an excuse to see her again !" Sean blurted out , looking to Eve , then Mark , then eventually back to me . He then gave a nervous laugh , and crossed his arms . "Once he slipped , I saw the damage and patched it up !" Eve said , explaining the cream and bandages that lay on the floor and the ones on Mark's face. "So you're okay?" I asked Mark , looking at his poor eye . "Yeah , I'm fine!" he whispered , getting up . I didn't know what to think of this 'story' of theirs , but if all of them say it's true , I guess I just gotta' believe them !

*Eve's pov*

I was freaking out . How I thought of all that o the spot , I don't even know , but I sure was glad I did ! Hannah went back up to bed , but didn't go asleep . Instead she stayed on her laptop doing "Research" . Mark , Sean and I stayed in the kitchen . Sean was still furious . I sat on his lap and he held me tight . " I'm so sorry , I don't know what was going on in my head! I just ... I don't know ?" Mark apologised , hanging his head in shame . He had no excuse for this . " I only did this for Han !" I explained , holding onto Sean's hand . "But you better be gone by tomorrow !" Sean snarled at him , looking at me . " I don't want to see you near Eve after this!" Sean whispered , running is fingers through my hair . Mark nodded , seeming a little un-sure .

But then we could hear footsteps coming closer and closer , until we could see Hannah running into the sitting room and into the kitchen . " OMG IT'S HAPPENING !" she screamed , jumping up and down and into Mark's arms . Mark's eyes widened . He knew what was happening . " What ? What's happening?" I asked , looking at Mark and Hannah , my head darting between the two . " MARK WE COULD GET A DOG , AND A COOL KITCHEN !" Hannah screamed , still jumping around . "AND COFFEE MACHINE ! WE NEED ONE OF THOSE!" She shouted , still jumping around . " What am I missing here ?" I asked . Mark was going even more red in the face .

Sean was in my position too , darting between the too . "Are you two moving in together ?" Sean asked , looking at the two of them . Hannah was still listing off things they needed to get for whatever this chaos was about . "AND WE NEED A BIG PLACE , YOU KNOW JUST IN CASE!" Hannah laughed . Mark stayed silent . He knew exactly what this was about . It was showing on his face . " WHAT IS ALL OF THIS ABOUT ?" Sean eventually shouted , stopping all the nonsense . " ME AND MARK ARE MOVING TO IRELAND ...HERE!" Hannah shouted , still jumping around . I could feel a pit of nothing-ness beginning to form in my stomach . This was only the start of it ! What happened that night could never be put behind us . This wasn't going to end well . This was the begging of the worst to come

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