Chapter nine

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*Hannah's pov*

Eve had told me her address millions of times "just in case" . And just as well too . She wasn't answering her phone ! I told the taxi driver (Who was quite pleasant) the address. He drove right p to the exact apartment block , so i wouldn't get lost with Mark .Mark took our things out of the boot of the car , as I payed the taxi driver . "Now , you be careful with this blue- haired man ya got !" He said ." Stay away from pubs unless you're with an Irish friend and DO NOT go to Dublin past nine o'clock !" He said , almost laughing . "It's not safe for people like ye' out there " His Irish accent was strong like i had always imagined it . I thanked him as he drove off , nodding his head . I looked up . This was a really nice place!

Myself and Mark went up the stairs and past the different apartments. "23 , 23 , 23 "I kept saying in my head , looking at all the door numbers . We eventually found it .I took a breath and knocked on the door ....

*Eve's pov*

I heard a knocking at my door . Was it Sean ? I wasn't sure . I just knew i hadn't locked it the day before . I hadn't slept a wink and I hadn't moved . I didn't want to go near the stairs as Sean's things were still strewn across almost every step . I heard another knock on the door . I still didn't move . I wasn't even crying anymore. I had cried them all out ages ago . I was now just blankly staring at the wall in front of me . I couldn't even think .

And that's when the door opened . "Hello ," a familiar voice called , followed by footsteps . "Oh my God , Evie , you here?" the voice called again . And then a deep voice followed . " Hey , those are Sean's clothes!" I knew who it was , and wasn't prepared to move . I could see my reflection from the oven in front of me . My hair was a mess , my eyes were puffed and red, my face like a cherry . Everything looked terrible.

The footsteps neared . All of a sudden I heard a gasp . " Evie , are you ok ?" Hannah asked . I pulled myself up . Hannah wrapped her arms around me. I cried a little more . Not much , but with what little strength I had left . I didn't even hug her back , I just cried .

*Hannah's pov*

Something had to be up . And it had to be bad . I didn't even ask about Sean . Mark followed me in . He saw Eve crying and took out his phone . He was texting someone . I was just thankful he wasn't taking a video!

*Marks pov*

I took out my phone . I went onto Sean's contact and began to text him :

Yo , Where are you?

I sent it and put my phone away . Something bad happened . It probably had to do with Katrina . I knew it would come back onto him . He could have just broken up with Katrina the last time. But no , Sean didn't want to hurt her , even though he didn't even like her the same way anymore! But no , instead , he spared HER feelings , and hurt the girl he loved ! What a fucking idiot .

Now , here Eve was , crying , broken !And Katrina was probably okay , getting her kisses and hugs and her lovey dovey! I never even like Katrina myself if I was brutally honest! . " Eve , he really loved you !" He was just trying to spare Katrina's feelings . And i know he hurt you , but he loved you more thn anything in this world !" I said , trying to console her .

"TRYING TO SPARE HER FEELINGS , WHAT ABOUT MY FEELINGS , THE GIRL HE LOVED?" she shouted , walking away . She really was broken . Eve came back in , taking out a box of matches . She threw everything of Sean's into her fire , and then threw in a match . Up it went in flames . Eve sat watching it , just staring into the fire . She wouldn't sit on the couch , but on the floor . Just staring into the fire for a good while . Hannah went over and sat beside her , putting her arm around Eve and leaning on her shoulder . " It's okay!" Hannah whispered , rubbing Eve's back . Eve wouldn't respond , she just stared as everything burnt .

*Eve's pov*

I love Hannah so much . She just sat beside me and kept me company . Eventually , Mark came in with three cups of tea and sat down beside us . We just sat there . It felt peaceful . This was one of my Dad's favourite past time . Just watching fire . It never came to me why he loved it so much , until this very moment . The look of it was amazing . The things it could do , for good , or for bad ! It could cause tragedy and devour anything in it's path , or it could simply provide heat , for those that need it most !It was relaxing .Calming . Just perfect. I just wanted to forget everything.

* A while later*

Hannah was the kindest . She made dinner for the three of us and cleaned up my mess . Mark hugged me and kept me company . " I'm sorry guys.For everything . This lousy welcoming , this screaming and crying , the mess!" I apologized , eating the amazing food Hannah had made . "Don't bother with apologies , it's ok , we understand !" Hannah said . "Just eat for now , you must be starving !" she said , gesturing to the food . Mark was already wolfing it down . I was so happy just to bee around my friends at this time ! I couldn't wait for the next two weeks together !

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