Chapter twenty three

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                        *seans pov*
It was getting late and I was getting quite tired. Eve was leaning on my shoulder , holding my hand. This just seemed amazing. Hannah and Felix had already gone up to bed. "Wanna go to bed ?" I asked Eve sitting up on the couch. She nodded her head , after letting out a big yawn. "I wish we could just stay here forever though !" She whispered peacefully. I loved her voice so much. Just the softness of her tone - everything about it just made me fall in love with her Everytime she's speak. Eve was amazing. But I began to shake as the thought ran through my head.

'Should I ask her now - go on Sean just fucking do it !' My head was telling me. But what if Eve didn't want to move on with me ?!? What if I got rejected ?

I stayed quiet - but I picked Eve up and lifted her up the stairs . She giggled into my chest , shaking as she did so. I gently laid her down into the bed as if she were very fragile. I got into the bed beside her. She looked into my eyes with passion, putting her hand on my face. "I never thought I'd be here !" She whispered. "A year it's been - a whole year where I've been Sean Mcloughins girlfriend !" She exclaimed , still staring into my eyes . "And it's been the best year of my life !" I whispered back , kissing her. If there was any perfect moment to ask Eve to move in with me - this was it !

I moved closer to her , holding her in my arms. I then whispered ," after you get your casts off - what are your plans ?". Eve laughed , looking up at me. "Well hopefully still be with you !" She laughed. "Well I was thinking ... We see each other every day .. So why don't we move in together ?" I suggested , looking down to see Eve's reaction . She sat up in a hurry. "Really ? As in you want to move in together - and live together and sleep together !" She exclaimed looking at me with wide eyes . "If it's too much at once , we don't have to !" I quickly spit out , afraid Eve didn't want to !

Eve threw her arms around me. "Of course I want to I have wanted to for ages now!" Eve exclaimed , hugging the shit out of me . I have a sigh of relief. "Thank fuck !" I whispered . "But we can move in when you're ready !" I told her , making sure Eve wasn't feeling rushed or under pressure. "Maybe .. The day I get my casts off?" Eve suggested , pulling back and looking for my approval. "That sounds awesome !" I replied , feeling relieved. "So are we going to move into your place , my place or get a whole new apartment ?" Eve asked. I really wanted to stay in my apartment - but I didn't want to seem rude. "I don't mind ?" I replied. "How about your place ?" Eve asked , holding my hand. "That sounds awesome !" I told her , kissing her nose.

"Sean !" She whispered - looking me deep in the eyes. "I fucking love you !" She whispered, still staring into my eyes. This was the first time she had ever said it so passionately. She really meant it. "I love you more !" I whispered back , taking her head in my hands and kissing her. I really did , and I wanted her to know that ! She lay down on my chest and almost instantly fell asleep . I could feel her heartbeat as she lay there. And for once in my life , I felt like this was where I belonged , I felt like this is where I had to stay. With Eve in my arms .

I fell asleep , holding Eve. But I had the best dream that night.

"Honey could you carry the basket ?" Eve asked , her hair now short and dyed blond. Her side fringe still remained though . We walked through a few fields , like the ones back home ! Two boys ran out in front of myself and Eve . They were holding a football and a picnic mat. "Daddy , daddy , come catch us !" The smaller one shouted , dropping the football and running. The taller one was laying down the mat. "I'm gonna get you !" I shouted , running as fast as my legs would let me ! "Conor don't fall!" Eve shouted out to the younger one . I stayed quiet as I ran , running up behind Conor , and silently grabbing him. His laughter filled the air , as I threw him up in the air , catching him as he fell. I put him over my shoulder , running back to Eve who was holding her tummy. "Look James , the baby is kicking !" She told the older son. James put his hands on Eve's tummy. "Wow mom ! I can't wait to have a baby sister !" James exclaimed. "She'll be born shortly after you turn six !" Eve informed him , looking up at me. I put Conor down on the ground.

I put my hand on her stomach, feeling our baby kick. I kissed Eve , as the boys took out the food. This was perfect ! My dream come true ! "I love you !" She whispered as our noses touched. I looked her in the eyes and whispered back "I love you more !"

But then the dream slowly came to and end as I woke up. I looked at my phone. It was still dark outside and Eve still pay fast asleep on my chest. It was four am and I sighed. If that was my future - I couldn't wait for it ! I lay my head back down , falling asleep once more.

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