Chapter thirty

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                           *Eves pov*
I walked down the stairs in my golden dress - it was tight at the top and loosened out at the bottom. I wore a pair of black high heels and had my makeup done. I had my hair curled and my fringe a little wavy. I held a small golden purse by my side. This was my best outfit - the outfit I wore only on special occasions - and I think this one counted. Sean had never seen me in it before .. Or the dress ! But as it got closer and closer to dinner I could feel butterflies gathering in my stomach. Even thought it wasn't our first date - or last ! I got so nervous I felt like I wouldn't be able to eat !

As the time came , I got a knock on my door. I casually walked to the door - opening it with delicacy. As I looked past Felix I could see a small limo sitting outside the apartment. "Good evening ms.Eve - your limousine is waiting for you outside ," Felix said in an English accent. I couldn't believe my eyes. Felix was in a suit. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "He made me wear it okay?" Felix laughed , taking my hand as he walked me to the limo.

"Where's Sean ?" I asked , putting on my seatbelt. "Would you like a glass of wine ?" Felix asked , as the driver stuck his foot on the accelerator. "White please !" I replied , holding up my glass. "You will meet Sean inside !" Felix assured me , as he poured out the wine. "He really went all out !" I laughed , looking around the limo. It looked crazy expensive. "Anything for his misses !" Felix laughed , fixing his tie. It was obvious he wasn't comfy in it at all !

As we pulled up in the parking lot , Felix got out and helped me out with one of his hands. "Inside here at table ... Eleven !" Felix told me , looking at his hand for instructions. I walked into the building , fixing my dress as I did so. And there , at table eleven , the only table in the room , sat Sean. A candle was lit in the middle of the table and the table was set up elegantly. Sean stood up as he saw me walk in. ".... Wow ..." Sean said as he looked me up and down. "You look .... Beautiful ..." He whispered , as he stared at me. I did a little curtsy as he said so. Sean pulled out my chair and I sat down. A menu say in front of me. This was amazing

                        *after dinner*
We had just finished our desert when a waiter walked over. "Do you need anything else ?" He asked , looking at me and then Sean. Sean winked and the waiter walked away. The waiter came back a few minutes later with a cover platter in his hand. "For you madam !"

I looked it up and down. "Sean . The fuck is this ?" I asked , afraid to take the silver cover off of it. "Just take off the cover!" He instructed me , as he looked very serious. I put my hand on the lid and lifted it off the plate. I could only see a small box now. But what was inside of it ? My eyes were concentrated on the box. I looked around it , until I finally picked it up and opened it. A big diamond shone from inside. I had no words - so I looked at Sean. But he wasn't in his chair anymore. Instead he was on one knee. "Eve .. You have been my life now for almost two years and I don't want it to end any time soon. I want to have a family with you and grow old with you and have the time of my life with you ! " he said , holding my hands. "You are the most beautiful girl in the world - and I'm the luckiest man to have you here , with me !" He said , looking into my eyes. "But Eve .... Will you marry me ?" He asked , smiling from ear to ear. This was when I felt the tears prickling my eyes. "Sean Mcloughin ... I love you so fucking much !" I cried , falling into his arms. He stood up and kissed me. But this kiss was better than any other I had ever gotten. This was true love !

He put the ring on my finger and smiled at me looking for my approval. I kissed him again, showing this was what I wanted so bad. He had tried so hard for this moment. And it was no doubt one of the best moments of my life. Nothing could ruin this moment.

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