Chapter twenty nine

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                       *Sean's pov*
                     *five months later*
I sat down on the sofa after recording and editing my videos for the next day. I hadn't heard from Eve in a few days as she was very busy on set over the past two weeks. She had been to the doctor only a three weeks ago and found out she was having a baby girl. Imagine that.  In four months I would be cradling my new baby girl. I sat on my laptop , answering tweets , tumblr posts and YouTube comments for over an hour. It felt like I was single again with no one in the house. That was , until , the door opened. I ran to the door as someone bustled inside. I couldn't see who it was but I could hear them crying. It was obviously a woman. I looked at her closely. Eve was bustling in the door with her suitcases and bags in her hands. I ran over to her as she was crying. As soon as Eve saw me she wrapped her arms around me and began balling crying. "Evie , you're home !" I exclaimed. "Babe what's wrong - Is it the movie ?" I asked , as she took a tight grasp of me. "Everything has gone wrong !" She whispered in between deep breaths. I pushed all of her bags in a closed the door. I brought her into the sitting room and she continued to cry in there. "I ... I didn't do anything ... Yet it's all gone !" She cried.  I still wasn't getting why she was home before the seven months was up. "Eve you're not making any sense .. Tell me what happened !" I whispered , holding her as tight as I possibly could. "The baby ! I just convinced myself it would be OK ... I'd love this girl more than anything in this world.... AND HE TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME !!" She shouted , getting louder with each word. "Sean ITS NOT FAIR SHE DIDNT EVEN GET TO SEE THIS WORLD !" She shouted. I could feel an empty pit forming in my stomach. "No ..." I whispered. "THE BABYS GONE AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO HOLD HER ONCE !" She cried , screaming into my shoulder. The baby had died. My child had just died before I could even hold her little hand. "AND I WAS OKAY .. UNTIL THEY TOLD ME I WASN'TSND SENT ME HOME!" She cried. "I HAVE NO JOB , OR A CHILD AND ITS MY FUCKING FAULT!" She shouted. "Babe ... Babe calm down ... It's not your fault , it's anything but your fault ! They sent you home so you wouldn't be sad and so you could tell me what was going on - not because they didn't want you acting - but because they cared about you !" I tried consoling her.

I had to stay strong. Not for myself , but for Evie. It had gotten to the pint where Eve had been crying so much she was finding it hard to catch her breath. "Shhhhhh .. It's okay .. Try calm down honey" I whispered , rubbing her back. How could she think this was her fault ! It was anything BUT her fault.

It took a few hours until Eve had calmed down , and when I'd looked down , Eve was fast asleep on my shoulder. Something obviously happened for this to happen. I called up the company Eve was filming with and walked outside into the kitchen. "Hello - this is Josh Marley - director how may I help you ?" A low voice answered as they picked up the phone. "Hi .. Ye I'm Eve's boyfriend and I was calling up to see what happened over in America with you guys ?" I said , pacing the kitchen. "Eve Mcloughin?" He asked. Had she really done that. I was trying my hardest not to let out a confident laugh. She didn't put down Eve Hughes ... But Eve Mcloughin. "Yes , she came home crying. In the floods of tears today ! And I want to know what happened!" I replied , sitting down on the counter top. "Well we were shooting a scene one of the days. Monday I think ? And she fell to the floor in pain !" He explained. "So I sent her to the doctor - as she was pregnant and it obviously wasn't good- and the next day she just didn't come in. So on Wednesday she came in and didn't look too good , so I took her into her dressing room and she explained to me her expected child was now dead. So I sent her home and her flight should have landed a few hours now in Ireland !" He told me. I was quite annoyed , but at the same time quite thankful. "So she wasn't doing stunts or anything for this to come on - it just happened ?" I asked. The director reassured me she was doing nothing that could put her or her child at harm and I thanked him before hanging up the phone. I just couldn't believe it.

We were basically back to where we were five months ago. I cried a little in the kitchen as I knew I would never be able to meet my baby girl. But I dried my tears and remembered I had to stay strong for Eve. I got up and walked into the sitting room. It was getting late so I lifted Evie up , bringing her to our room. She opened her eyes a little as we were half way upstairs. "Sean ... I love you !" She sleepily whispered before falling back asleep. If only she knew how I felt about her. She was my world.

                        *the next day*
                         *Eve's pov*
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs frying. I looked down to see my bump getting smaller by the day. These whole five months had enlightened so much for me. How much Sean cared about me - how he was there for me no matter what ! How much I want to have him in my life for the REST of my life. How much I wanted a family with him and his goofy ways. How much I loved Sean. And I really did.

I made my way downstairs to see bunches of flowers everywhere , followed by rose petals leading into the dining room. I laughed as I followed them. I walked into the dining room to see the curtains drawn and the lights turned down. A candle burned in the middle of the table and a huge breakfast sat waiting for me at one end of the table along with a note. It read :

  Dear ms.Eve ,
I have made reservations for dinner at 7 pm and I will need you to be ready before I come to pick you up. Love you xx Sean

I almost screamed in excitement. He was such a cute doofus at times. That's why I loved him so much. I ate the breakfast he had made (which was still warm) and went upstairs to get everything ready for later on. I couldn't wait !

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