Chapter twenty five

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                           *seans pov*
It had been a while since Eve had moved in with me , when her 'friend' Danny had called her back. Eve came running into my recording room. I was just setting up to record some more happy wheels when the door burst open. "I GOT AN AUDITION !" Eve screamed at me , jumping around my room. I got up and held her , over the moon that she got an audition. She was so happy that she then ran downstairs to call Hannah to tell her the good news. I laughed to myself. Eve was a very energetic , excitable person. She got excited at the easiest of things - so she was ten times more excited now.

Eve ran back up the stairs and into my room , with the phone up to her head. "Can Felix and Hannah come over for dinner?" She calmly asked. I nodded , laughing To myself. I had to get this recording done for tomorrow.

"TOP O' THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES  My Name Is Jacksepticeye And welcome back to ... HAPPPPYYYY WHEEEEELLLLSSSSSSS !" I shouted into my microphone , opening up my video. Then behind me I could hear Eve from outside , shouting my intro with me. I smiled into my camera , then continued to record these head wrecking levels. From spike falls to just plain silly levels. 

I ended the video and got dressed into something a little more formal as apparently we were having guests over. Eve walked into the room as I was just getting my shirt on. "I put some steaks on and we're gonna have chips and salad with them" Eve informed me , kissing my cheek. As she pulled away I just got in on time to kiss her lips. Eve then couldn't stop giggling. "I love you !" I told her. She just laughed and turned to walk away. I ran and grabbed her , spinning her in the air. " I love you more !" Eve replied running down that stairs. I ran after her , following her into the kitchen. When I ran in she was no where to be seen , but then as I turned around I could hear her laughter filling the sitting room. She ran through the sitting room , through to the hall and back up the stairs. I lost her after that. "Eve .. Where are you?" I shouted , walking quietly through the hall upstairs. "HERE!" She shouted jumping into my back , laughing her head off . I couldn't catch her , so I twisted her round so as we were now face to face. "Boo !" She whispered , as she kissed my nose. I really did love her - so much !

Eve ran downstairs and just as she did the doorbell rang. "Oh yeah ! Felix and Hannah are together a week or so now!" Eve shouted up to me , just before she opened the door. I could hear her greeting Hannah and Felix ," Hi guys ! Oh you really didn't have to ! Come on in ! Sean should be down any second now!" She said , walking them into the kitchen. I made my way down the stairs , into the kitchen.

Felix and Hannah were sitting on the couch in the sitting room , Eve was in the kitchen , turning the steaks. I walked into the kitchen first , giving Eve a kiss before walking into the sitting room. "Hey guys , welcome to our place !" I laughed , making it out as if they were never here before. "Well well well - if it isn't jacksepticeye !" Felix laughed , looking at me with his eyebrows raised. For the first time on Instagram you didn't post a picture of your face !" He exclaimed , showing me the picture of Eve and I holding hands. "I see your pugs are doing well ... Well since they're the only thing on your page !" I laughed , as he got up and gave me a "bro hug". "Hannah , how are ya" I asked , giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Not bad , getting used to the new job is rough though !" Hannah exclaimed , sitting back down onto the couch. Eve came out of the kitchen , hands on hips. "So Han , what exactly are you doing up there ?" She asked , wiping her forehead of the non existent sweat. "Well at the moment I'm doing a few animations for a new game planned , but over all it's just gaming development !" She exclaimed , looking at both myself and Eve.

"I'm actually working with one of the guys who helped a bit around the game five nights a Freddys !" She exclaimed , sitting forward. I was amazed. "But that was like a huge internet rage for a good few months running !" I exclaimed. "Ye I hadn't really heard of it other than you guys playing it !" Hannah said , getting up off of the couch. "Dinner will be ready now in the next five minutes , so if you guys wanna sit at the table , that would be great !" Eve exclaimed , as she walked back into the kitchen. "I'll help ya Hun !" I told Eve as I followed her in.

We played up the steak and salad , putting the chips in a large bowl for people to take as much as they want. "Is everything else on the table ?" Eve asked , obviously stressed. "Hun it's just our friends ! Nobody to impress !" I whispered , trying to calm her down a little. "Ye but I need it to be perfect !" She said , bringing the food into the dining room.

After dinner , Eve began to speak. "Hannah , I have to show you my room !" She exclaimed. Hannah followed her upstairs leaving me and Felix at the table.

                         *Eves pov*
Hannah followed me to my personal room. "Did you really just want to show me your room ?" She laughed , looking around it. "It's nice in all honesty though !" She said , looking at my setup. I was shaking at this point , afraid of what I was about to tell Hannah. And I think she saw it. "Evie ? What's up !" She asked , taking a hold of my shaking hands. I was shaking even more now - as I knew I'd have to tell her . "Han ... I think in pregnant !" I whispered

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