Chapter eleven

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                                                                                       *Sean's pov*

I could hear nothing inside , not the television , not talking , nothing . Was anyone home ? Without another thought , I knocked on the door , and stood back . I was shaking like a leaf , scared to death of what could happen ! Then I heard faint voices . One was definitely Eve's ! It was too distinct , too amazing to mistake ! Then I heard a shout . What was going on in there? I knocked again , waiting for a reply . And that's when I heard Mark shouting from not too far away .

                                                                                          *Eve's pov*

I went to go answer the door . I thought it might of been Mark , coming back from his time out with Sean . " Hey , I never got my hug!" Hannah complained . " I can give it to you in a minute , I sorta' need to answer the door !" I exclaimed , still heading for the door . Then i could hear Hannah running towards me . " Eve , WAIT , I NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!" she shouted at me , jumping on me . That's when both of us fell to the floor . " Hannah , WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I shouted back at her . My back was killing me now , I was in total agony !

Then I heard it . "Evie , you alright?" He called. I froze , not knowing what to do . I got up , ignoring the pain and covered my mouth . He was right out there . At my front door . I was imploding inside . "No . This isn't real!" I whispered to Hannah. I was legit freaking out . I didn't know what to do !

I ran upstairs into my bedroom . The food was still in there . I threw it out the window , trying to forget everything about him . And then I looked under my pillow for pyjamas . And there it sat . Sean's hoody . I freaked out .

I didn't know how to react . It just lay there . So I picked it up and went downstairs , smelling it as I went . It smelt amazing , just like Sean ! He always did smell good . I was beside Hannah and she was staring at me . I put it in . I had to . I was in love with it . I was in love with Sean ! I went to the door and opened it . Sean was there with a couple (obviously hand picked) flowers and he was brushing his hair back with his fingers . " Oh , heya Evie!" He laughed , putting his hands down by my side . Just as he said that emotions flooded to me . The same as I felt only a while ago . I took off the hoody and threw it on the floor . I then locked the door and ran back upstairs . No way was this happening

I tensed up . I froze . I didn't know what to do ? Then the door opened ." Hey .. Hannah .. Is Eve here?" He asked ." No , but if she was she wouldn't even want to see you!" Hannah told him ." But ... Can you tell her ... I love her !" He said  . Tears began to stream down my face. I loved him too ! The door closed and I could hear Hannah running up the stairs . She sat beside me on the bed and put her arms around me ." You don't need that in your life?" She whispered , rubbing my back . "But .. I still love him!" I sobbed , holding my head in my hands .

That's when the door opened again . Mark walked inside and called out for us .
                          *Marks' pov*
I saw Sean going inside and then getting into his car as he drove off . He was a little red in the face , obvious tears were running down his face . I ran up the stairs and up to the front door . I walked straight in , hoping the door was unlocked . " Hannah , Eve ?" I called out , coming in . Then I heard the sobbing first hand . I ran up the stairs , I knew I messed up when I heard Eve .

It was a scary sobbing . The kind I'd never heard before this ! I ran into the room and saw Eve and Hannah , sitting on the bed . A mix of emotions came over me . I didn't know why .. Or how ... But I felt something for Eve. I couldn't though. I was dating Hannah. She was my girlfriend. I couldn't like her BEST FRIEND. But I couldn't help it . I sat beside Eve and hugged her. Now I knew I was crossing the line. But her she was so beautiful. And now that she was crying I felt so useless. I liked this girl yet I hurt her and could possibly hurt her best friend. "Anyone want food ?" I asked , trying not to feel this way at my best . "Food would be good ," Hannah whispered , handing me money . " Eve likes Chinese , get whatever sounds good!" She whispered I walked down the stairs and took out my phone , looking up the nearest fast food place . This couldn't be happening ! I liked Eve .... Fuck

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