Chapter One - Boy Problems

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He's walking toward me, his eyes focused on mine. It's not something I'm used to, anyone looking at me this way, but he is cute. He's almost right in front of me, his eyes a piecing blue. Then I realise I can only see his eyes, the rest of him is blurry.

His hands hold me around the waist, he cradles my chin in his hand and leans my head back to kiss him. He's so close, my heart starts to pound and....

"Bonnie your late for school!" Dad's voice hollows from downstairs, slamming me back into reality. Of course it was a dream, I sigh.

No ones ever looked at me like that because I'm not the kind of girl that all the guys are interested in. It's the first day of grade 11 for me and I'm hoping to just get it done, no distractions.

I'm still pondering the dream when I realise I'm still late for school. I make a rushed effort to choose my clothes, not really taking into consideration what goes with what at this point.

By the time I get down stairs Dad has left for work and Mum is wandering about the kitchen. She is making my little sister Anna's lunch.

Anna is only four years old, Mum and Dad took their dear sweet time to decide to have another baby after me. The age gap between Anna and me is huge.

I grab an apple and say goodbye to my distracted mother, I walk toward the door.

"BONNIE!" Anna squeals from her seat in the kitchen. I half walk half run back and kiss her on the head.

The grandfather clock in the lounge room chimes. 8:30. Now I am really late, I run out to the car and drive hurriedly to school.

The school car lot is bustling with students catching up with their friends. It's like trying to drive through a crowded mall, I see a parking  spot and dart into it. As I turn off my car, I look up and a girl is leaning against the car in front of mine.

Long ginger hair falls around framing her face, making her green eyes stand out. She is a slender girl but she has a brilliant sense of fashion.

As I was saying she's leaning against her car almost impatiently. I take the keys out of the ignition and get out, the first thing I hear is roar of laughter across the lot. The source, Tyler Hanson and Aiden Murphy. They're huddled in the group of football players  being the typical idiots that most high school guys are.

"Um hello? Late on the first day Bonnie?" The ginger haired girl says.

"Amber, I'm just not ready for school yet." I answer her with a smile and a hug.

Amber is my best friend and has been since the seventh grade. She's always lecturing me about my social habits, claiming that my, 'reading addiction' as she calls it,  is extremely antisocial. But I've always known that she has my best interests at heart.

"You only had two months off." She laughs linking arms with me and dragging me through the masses of teenagers.

Amber has already collected our timetables and our lockers are the same ones from last year. I'm relieved to find that out, my locker is the last one on a long row and Amber's is right next to mine. The bell sounds when we're halfway there.

"Well we'll have to go to the lockers later, I've got Business and you have Legal Studies. Catch ya at break." Amber disappears into the crowd of bodies flooding the corridor.

My future aspiration is to be a lawyer, so I chose Legal studies for that reason and another. The other reason most of the idiots, the boys, won't do it.

I walk in and Mr Monelly has already written notes up on the board for us to copy. I take a seat near the front and begin copying them down. So far so good no idiots in here yet.

"Monelly!" A growl comes from the corridor, a growl that is all too familiar. Aiden enters the room with Tyler behind him.

"Boys," Monelly greets them, "take a seat."

What the hell are they doing in here? Football players never do classes like this. Then it hits me, it's Monelly. He's the assistant coach of the football team, they're probably doing it to kiss his arse and be reinstated on the team this year.

"Stevenson." Tyler says slapping my book shut to gain my full attention.

"I do have a first name Tyler." I say raising my eyes tiredly to meet his, "Do you mind." I pull the book out from his grasp and keep working.

Tyler and Aiden walk to the back of the room and for a moment I believe this won't be as bad as I thought. Fifteen minutes of the class passes without any problems and then a paper ball hits me on the back of the head. Then another and another.

"Don't react" I tell myself but it's hard I'm getting annoyed really quickly. The paper just keeps coming I know I'm going to loose my shit.

The bell rings, my saving grace. I have had to put up with the paper ball annoyance for half an hour and I kept my cool.

I am the first one out of the classroom and bolt down the corridor to escape those idiots. I'm on direct course for Amber when I smash into something hard, because I walk with my head down.

"Stevenson, leaving so soon." Tyler says, I try to back up but Aiden is there,  a flicker of panic surges through me. I turn back to Tyler but there's something  in his eyes that I haven't seen before. But it only lasted a second and was gone.

"I-I.." I stammer desperately searching for the courage to say the words in my mind, it never comes.

"You two scram."

Amber, thank god, those bright green eyes look agitated not a common look for her.

Tyler and Aiden step away from me a couple of steps before walking away in the opposite direction to us.

"How was legal?"

"Don't even ask." I answer.

"Oh so they were in it?"

I don't answer I know it's obvious. I just want to go home, this day has just gone from OK to terrible in the space of an hour.

"They just won't leave me alone, and you know I don't have the guts to do anything about it."

"I know lets just get through the day, we'll sort it out tomorrow." Amber assures me, I nod.

She throws her arm around my shoulders and leads me off to English.

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