Chapter Twenty Nine - Calling It Quits

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Bonnie's POV
Back at Amber's house I focus more on cleaning up Alex's face while Amber works in Tyler's. All the blood takes me a long time to clean off. None of us say anything for a long time. Once I clean all the blood off I can see a black eye, a bruised cheek and a big black bruise on his jaw. All on the left side of his face.

"I knew there was a reason I hated him." Alex says absently, the first one to say something since we got here.

"He can punch I'll give him that." Tyler says wincing as Amber dabs his bruised jaw.

"He doesn't mind knocking a girl over either." Alex says angrily.

"I'm ok." I say quietly but I am still rather shocked that it happened. I look down at the two thick bandaids one on each palm. The boys had both insisted that my hands be fixed first and they would wait.

"Sure you are." Tyler says sarcastically.

"A couple of scrapes on my hands are far less important than both of your faces." I say storming out of the living room.

Amber follows me into her kitchen, I'm leaning against the sink staring into it blankly.

"Hey are you ok?" Amber says but I don't look at her.

"Is it too much to ask for some kind of normality? I just want to go to school and come home without all the drama."

"I know how you feel, because I think the same thing everyday." She answers.

"How the hell am I going to explain this to my parents?" I say looking at my hands.

"I don't know."

"Maybe this just isn't going to work."

"What are you saying?" Her eyes are wide.

"I'm saying that maybe I'm done. Maybe I can't do this anymore. I want to be something in my life and that won't happen while ever I keep missing school."


"Tell your brother thanks for having my back. I'm going home to think."

I go out the back door so I don't have to walk past Tyler and Alex. I sneak around the front to where my car is, I hadn't planned on seeing it until later.

No one is home when I get there, I have the house to myself. I sink on to the couch. Maybe I'm really not cut out for the relationship stuff. I can't stand the pain and loss. I can't sacrifice my education anymore that's has to come first above all else.


Amber's POV

I walk back into the living room alone. They both already know something is wrong, it must be me. I don't offer the information if they want it they can ask for it.

"Where is she." Tyler says keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"She's doing what we should have done a long time ago." I say not looking at him.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." Tyler says I can see a look of horror spreading across his sharp features.

"I should probably talk for myself then! Where the hell was Aiden when my brother was getting his bloody face bashed in?!" I can feel my pulse racing and the heat in my cheeks.

"Amber come on it's been a long day." Alex says tiredly but I ignore him, I'm going to get my two cents worth.

"How should I know?!" Tyler's voice begins to rise. 

"Well you're his best friend aren't you?! You're like Siamese twins it wouldn't surprise me if you both new when the other was shitting!"

"Amber!" Alex yells.

"You tell Aiden to get some balls, because he doesn't have any!"

"You and Bonnie are quitters soon as shit gets hard you both run off!" Tyler says.

That's it. I launch myself at him and try to punch him straight in the nose but Alex drags me off.

"That's enough! Amber walk it off!" Alex says he has hold of both my arms drags me to the front door, shoves me out and shuts it behind me.

"Yeah whatever jerk!" I yell not at Alex of course, but at Tyler.

I don't want to walk it off but I do anyway. I wander aimlessly until I decide to head to Lomax. Coffee will be a nice distraction from this crappy  chapter of my life. I just wish for once things would go my way,  just when you think things are finally looking uplift gives you a push. Well it gives you I freaking shove back to bullshit land, where everything goes wrong and you're constantly faced with all the bad decisions you've ever made.  I'm currently there. I've never felt so betrayed, if Aiden really loved me the way he said he did why would he not even move when my brother was being beaten senseless? I loved Alex and seeing him all beaten and bruised hurt me, Bonnie is not a guy she hasn't got the strength to fight one off. Despite that she got hurt trying to help Alex. So if anyone had balls, it was her. My best friend was quietly spoken and afraid of Tyler once, threw herself into a fight she couldn't possibly win. She didn't have a chance but she gave Alex a chance, she may well have saved his life. It's hurts that people aren't always who you think they are. They paint a beautiful picture and everything is sunshine and rainbows until they realise they aren't getting what they want from you. I wish Aiden was who he said he was instead he's just some dickless low life bad boy. He was willing to let Alex die, my brother, my family, my other best friend in this world. A world without my brother wouldn't be worth living in.

I pull the door of Lomax open, the place is pretty dead, just what I need, peace. I order a latte and sit. I don't how long I've been here, then again why should I care? It's not like anybody is waiting for me.

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