Chapter Twenty Five - Protection? Whatever

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Bonnie's POV

After about three days Anna is back to normal, which means so am I. I walk casually down towards Amber who at our lockers, Ellie and Chloe are coming from the opposite direction to join Amber as well. Her ginger hair is in a messy bun today and her green eyes look tired, her outfit is a mismatched mess. Pale jeans and a shirt that looks like it might be her brother's. Amber never really talked much about Alex, her brother. In all the years I had known her I have only ever seen him once. So to cut a long story short I know Alex as well as I know a stranger.
All I really knew about the guy was that he went to Marist and has blonde hair and blue eyes. He lived on campus and that's why I never saw him at Amber's house.

"Alex lending you his clothes now?" I say leaning against my locker, I'm trying to make her feel better but it's not really working.

"Is this Alex's?" She looks totally oblivious. Nothing like the usual sharp, could pick the tiniest detail, Amber.

"Yes." I say nodding at Chloe and Ellie.

I don't get that Ellie girl. If she's Tyler's friend then why is she still hanging out with us? She came here to be closer to her friend, but now he's gone back to his old self and she's still hanging with us.

"I hate how much it hurts." Amber says jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Stop blaming yourself for all of it, people eventually show their true colours." I say pulling her into a hug.

"If you ask me they're not worth it, they don't even deserve you guys." Ellie says.

"Who's side are you on anyways?" Chloe says what we have all been thinking.

"I wanted to believe he had changed, make no mistakes I want no part in this, I will not pick sides but I cannot justify what both of them have done."

Chloe, Amber and I stare at Ellie, Our mouths hanging open. That wasn't what I was expecting. The bell rings echoing down the halls of Huntings telling us all we have somewhere to be.

"Chin up Amber I'll catch you at recess." I give her one final squeeze and wander if toward legal studies.

I take back my old seat down the front. Mr Monelly is already writing up blackboards full of crap for us to write. So I get started hoping that the old Tyler included wagging class too. Fifteen minutes in and no sign of Aiden or Tyler and my racing, uneasy heart starts to slow. My usual luck proves to still be there and they turn up twenty five minutes into the period. Monelly is pissed. I have never seen him so angry, he yells at them practically screams at them. Unlike the rest of the class I keep working to avoid and kind of involvement in this screaming match.

"Fine whatever, it won't happen again." Tyler says finally and he and Aiden walk past me and up toward the back. As they walk past the smell of stale cigarette smoke is incredibly strong and makes me gag. It's disgusting why anyone would want to smoke, I don't know. It's like sentencing yourself to death and it screws up your lungs.

They're both quiet at the back and the rest of the period flies by, the bell ringing to signal recess but I'm not quite finished my notes yet. Everyone else files out of the room tiredly but I stay, there are still two sentences I don't have down.

"Hey can you tell Amber something for me?" Aiden says casually, the room is empty besides him, Tyler and myself.

"Why don't you get some balls and tell her yourself, I'm not a carrier pigeon." I start packing my stuff away. My tone was the kind that screamed sarcasm and nonchalance.

"You both aren't making this very easy." Tyler says in that scary emotionless time of his.

"We're not making it easy?! Are you serious?! You chose to do this, now you have to live with consequences." My voice is rising. The hurt and the pain is hitting and I can't control it.

"Are you really that blind that you can't see we are trying to protect you!" Tyler yells back at me.

"Don't you get it?! It's life threateningly dangerous for me to be anywhere near you! You chose to smoke and revert back to being a dick. I'm sorry but my lungs can't cope with smoke." I finish my tone quieter with a slight crack in my voice and Tyler looks like he's been hit by a train.

When I get upset and angry like that I don't breathe enough and I can feel the shortage of oxygen in my lungs. I pull the inhaler out take one puff and leave them standing there.

I know everyone probably thinks I was too harsh, heck I even think I was. They needed to hear it, they needed to be told. However I'm still stuck on the part about them protecting us, how could that be? How could what their doing protect us even the slightest? I know I need to talk to Amber about this but I don't really have the energy right now.

I glance back down the hall the way I had come, Tyler and Aiden are walking in the same direction. Their heads are hung slightly but I know they won't show it in front of anyone especially not the other jocks. Tyler looks up and meets my gaze before I break away and enter the girls bathroom. I can be alone here, I wander up to the taps and stare at my reflection in the mirror. My black hair hanging loosely around my face and the brown eyes staring back at me. My plain black zip up hoodie with its white tassels and my plain baby blue tank peeking out from underneath. I look down at my pale jeans and worn out converse, this is me. Why the hell did Dane want me so bad? Or maybe it wasn't me he wanted, maybe it was Tyler. But then why go after me? I'm not even that attractive..... But neither is that Ashley girl.

The door of the bathroom squeaks open and I fling myself around to see who it is, my heart sinks.

The Bad Boy Loves Me?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora