Chapter Thirty One - My Love

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Bonnie's POV
My alarm shakes me awake violently, I can't afford to be late today. Everyone's been looking forward to this day since the start of the year. I know if I don't wear something nice Amber will probably kill me.

I climb out of bed and start going through my closet. I pull out a nice purple button up shirt and some black skinny jeans, I'm not really in the mood to play fashionista. I head down stairs and have a quick breakfast, a bowl of cereal, and then head to the bathroom. I clean my teeth and leave my hair wavy, and I add some mascara to my eyes. I only wear minimal makeup.

I head off because I promised Amber I would pick her up today. The Johnson house is bustling when Alex lets me in, I know Amber is probably fussing over her hair. I don't have the energy for that.

She rushes down the stairs putting on her earrings as she goes. She looks gorgeous as always, wearing a floral dress that falls just above her knees and a pair of pink ballet flats.

"What is this?" She gestures to what I'm wearing.

"The best I can do." I say and try to smile as she hugs me.

"Amber did you use all the milk?" Alex calls from the kitchen and she laughs.

"That's our cue to leave." She drags me out the front door before Alex can ask again.

I'm quiet because I still can't deal with everything, but Amber seems determined to have the best day ever.

The lot of Huntings High is filled with people, students, parents, friends and grandparents all here for the ceremony. My family will probably be late and so will Amber's. I catch sight of Tyler's mother and avoid her gaze. The place is hectic, people running this way and that. Ellie and Chloe come toward us, Ellie dressed simply like me but Chloe was dressed to the nines.

I pass Dane on my way to our year meeting point, the dumbass is going the wrong way.

"Bonnie." He says I turn and glare at him.

"What gives you the right to talk to me?" I snap angrily at him.

"I just want to say goodbye and that I'm sorry."

"Yeah well apology not excepted!"

"I'm moving up state, I made mistakes. I hope you can forgive them one day." He turns to leave, "By the way Tyler's a great guy." With that he gets swallowed by the crowd.

"Oh yeah sorry Amber I screwed your life up too." Amber says her eyes lit with anger.

"What an asshole." I say and we both move on to join everyone else.

For the ceremony we are seated in alphabetical order so I'm miles from Amber. Amber is close to Tyler far from Aiden. The teacher gives instructions for what we have to say when we collect our reports. The best thing that happened this year, I have no idea what I'm going to say.

I watch people I don't know collect their reports and say random things about the year and then leave the stage. Until I hear Tyler's name, he walks up slowly and carefully.

Tyler's POV
I hate getting up in front of everyone, and what I'm about to do is probably say the sappiest thing I've ever said in front of everyone. It needs to be said, she needs to hear it.

I take the steps up to the stage two at a time, I'm keen to just get it over with. I shake the Principal's hand, take my report and lean into the microphone.

"The best thing that happened to me this year was I met a girl and I fell in love with her. She helped me get good grades and make something of myself." I say and then I watch her.

She lifts her head and watches me and a watch a smile spread across her face. I leave the stage and return to my seat. I wait impatiently for her turn and it's agonising.

"Bonnie Stevenson." Comes over the PA system.

I watch her rise and walk to the stage, she looks beautiful in that deep purple shirt.

She takes the report and I hold my breath as she leans into the microphone.

Bonnie's POV
I hate being the centre of attention but here I am. I clear my throat and hope I wouldn't make a complete idiot of myself in front of everyone.

"The best thing that happened to me this year was when I learned who had my back and who my real friends are. Sometimes they turn out to be not who you thought they would be." I look at Tyler and smile at him, he smiles back.

He knows I'm talking about him and us. I leave the stage. I can't wait to tell Tyler that Ashley must have admitted her selfishness to Dane. The thought of it all being over was comforting as I take my seat back. The ceremony concludes not long after and I see Aiden and Amber talking, a good sign.

She looks like she's annoyed and is pointing at him incredulously. He grabs her and kisses her and a smile spreads across my face. Those two were made for each other, both just as feisty as the other.

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn. Tyler has his hands on his pockets, his black hair looks as if he attempted to tame it. Those ice blue eyes staring back at me. I throw myself at him and hug him tightly, I'd missed him so much. How could I have made such a crappy decision to start with? He lifts me up and kisses me and I kiss him back, the passion in it is like nothing I've ever felt. I know my family is probably here somewhere and can see me, but in this moment, right now, nothing matters but him. He puts me back down and looks at me, "What changed your mind?"

"Oh when you hear what I did, you'll know what did it." I say, it's finally my turn to smirk.

"I can't wait love." He answers.

"Tonight." I say and then walk over to see my parents. A smirk still on my face. For once I, Bonnie Stevenson had succeeded and I did it with out Amber's or Tyler's or anyone's help. Let me tell you, it felt good.

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