Chapter Twenty - Truth and Love

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Bonnie's POV

Twenty minutes have passed of Tyler and I sitting beside each other in complete silence. His room is cold as always and I don't have the thickest jumper on to keep me warm. I want so desperately to say something, but what? Things had gotten out of hand today, and it had been a long day. The yellowy orange streaks of dusk seep through a crack in the curtains, illuminating half of Tyler's face.

I can't take it anymore, I open my mouth and start talking not really aware of what I'm saying because Tyler is talking at the same time.

"You go." I say not daring to make eye contact with him.

"Lady's first." I see a smirk creep onto his face, and I'm falling in love with him all over again.

"I didn't know." Is all I can manage to say his face turns into a sea of confusion.

"Didn't know? Didn't know what?"

"Please don't be mad at Aiden, he just told me about your dad and what happened."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Tyler stare at the floor and scratch the back of his neck absently. Both of us still refuse to make eye contact with each other.

"I don't want sympathy, I'm over that it was a long time ago."

"Ty, you're nothing like him. You never will be. I know today has been really challenging, Chloe me passing out and now this."

He spins around and our eyes finally connect, "I'm so in love with you, I don't ever want to lose you because you make me a better person. You're my rock Bon." I open my mouth but he keeps going, "Then when you passed out at school I freaked, thought Dane might have had something to do with it or maybe it was your asthma or..." He looks like he wants to grab me and hug me and never let go.

"No one has ever said anything like that to me before. I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything."

My head, unconsciously, rests on his shoulder and his head rests on top of mine. "I never want to fight with you again, and I know how unrealistic that sounds but I feel like you and I are meant to be." He says after a long moment of silence. "I never want to have to see that look of fear on your face and in your eyes, especially not because I have scared you."

"It's fine I wouldn't call it fear, I would call it shock or surprise." I say stubbornly but I can feel a smirk appearing on my face.  "Oh and by the way mum and dad got out of hospital this afternoon, but I was looking for some guy that I can't seem to stay away from so I haven't been home to see them yet."

Tyler springs up off the bed, "Then what the hell are we waiting for! We have to celebrate!" He pulls one of his leather jackets on (yes I mean one because he owns about 15), and pulls me off the bed dragging me out to his car.

"What about my car?" I ask.

"I'll come get you in the morning and you can get it then, because right now I want to drive my girlfriend home with a short stop."

"Short stop?"

"Well you want pizza don't you?"

"Duh is that even a question?"

"You can't answer a question with a question." He says sheepishly. 

"You did it first." I elbow him lightly in the ribs.

"Okay you got me." He leans in and kisses me on the cheek.


It's so fantastic that Mum and Dad are home, Anna will be feeling much better now that their back. She shouldn't have so much to worry about at her age. I stare at Mum while she eats, hospital food is bad we all know that so she is happily eating her pizza and so is Dad.

"So Tyler you are Bonnie's boyfriend?" Dad says abruptly.

"Dad!" I say embarrassment overwhelming me.

"Well I thought you were just friends but it's starting to look a lot like you aren't."

"Yeah ah," Tyler clears his throat, "I wanted to ask you about that but then there was the accident and..."

"Oh honey, you can date Bon if you want." Mum says smiling at Tyler.

"Now hold on Melissa." Dad says to Mum, "Aren't you the guy Bonnie didn't like?"

Oh god Dad just made this a hundred times more awkward for me, that was so one month ago. Tyler was a dick back then but certainly not now.

"People change Dad." I put my head in my hands, I've never been so embarrassed.

Tyler's hand rests on my back between my shoulder blades. "I was a asshole, and I'm not afraid to admit it. But your daughter is the most amazing girl and sometimes I question whether I deserve her or not."

"Aww Bonnie." Anna's voice comes from the other room. I leap off the couch and race around the corner just in time to grab her, "You little eavesdropper you." I tickle her and she squeals and it's deafeningly high pitched.

My dad is eyeing Tyler suspiciously over his slice of pizza, "Fine you can date her but if you hurt her I'll hurt you." Dad says very sternly "So are you a football player?" He says his tone lightening after the sternness of his previous statement.

Maybe things weren't going to be as bad between Dad and Tyler after all and I had been dreading this exact night for a long time, I just hadn't mentioned it.

Tyler and Dad babble on about football and how Dad used to be fullback in his days. All that stuff that drives me to extreme boredom. Tyler was a keeper but I still haven't had the chance to tell him what Chloe told me which constantly bugged me in every passing moment. I'm afraid of what he will say, but I'm more afraid of what he will do.

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