Chapter Seven - Girlfriend

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Bonnie's POV

I grab Einstein and start the walk over to Tyler's house. The memories of today are still swirling around in my head, I'm feeling good about myself. I don't know why though, I was a bitch yesterday when Tyler was trying to help me. Probably because Tyler never helped anyone, like ever. He just made fun of you for no apparent reason. This morning I absolutely despised Tyler Hanson, but right now I'm kind of on the fence wondering whether he's trustworthy or not.  Guys like him are like the weather, unpredictable.

I could have murdered myself for blushing and getting all giggly after he kissed me. I couldn't help it, it was just so frigging funny to see Chloe get annihilated in front of half the school. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. My problem with her is my sarcastic mouth. It just makes her more pissed off with me when I come up with some smart ass remark. It's just so satisfying to see her stumped for words, to see that she has nothing to say back to me.

I walk up Tyler's steps onto his porch, I reach up to knock. The door opens before I even have a chance to touch it.

"Hi." Tyler says awkwardly.

"Hi. Were you waiting at the door for me?" I ask confused.

"No." He says instantly looking away from me. I don't say anything and just look at Einstein.

"Okay maybe I was waiting by the door because I half expected that you wouldn't come." He blurts almost to fast for me to understand.

"And why wouldn't I come?"

"Because I kissed you today in front of everyone and you hate me."

"I don't hate you. I just despised you this morning. But then you kissed me and I felt different."

"What kind of different?" He steps aside allowing me and Einstein to come in.

"Well I definitely didn't despise you anymore and god I, I feel like you are going to judge me for saying anymore."

"I promise I won't, like ever again."

"Ok, well I kinda thought about you all afternoon." I bite my lip nervously.

"Oh thank god, because I was thinking about you too." He answers with a nervous chuckle that I mimic.

"So legal." I say hinting at the reason I'm here.

"Yeah." He says, "Legal."

I follow him up the stairs to his room, he already has all his notes ready. I scan them half of them don't make sense.

"So um what happened to the other half of them?"

"Ah I kind of, well I had them I just tore them out to throw at this cute dark haired girl in the front row." He doesn't look at me he just sits next to me on the bed.

I don't look at him either, because the heat has returned to my cheeks. I'm smiling, he thought I was cute.

Tyler's POV

Bonnie's not looking at me and she won't, but I know she's red in the face again. I watch her go through her notes she looks up once to see her dog push the door open and join us.

"He's cute. What's his name?" I ask to break the silence I created.

"Einstein. Dad named him." She says finally making eye contact with me.

"Nice it suits him."

"Amber told me you were nice." She says finally looking at me. "I wasn't convinced but now, like I said I don't know anymore."

"I don't expect you to like me over night especially since I was a colossal dick to you." I try to reassure her.

"Do you want to know the truth?"

"Ahh sure I guess."

"I thought you were the biggest dick in the world but for one reason or another, I could forgive everything you'd done after the way you acted yesterday." She shivers slightly, my room is pretty cold some times.

"You weren't okay, any idiot could have seen that. But if you don't tell me what's wrong I can't help."

She looks up at me, studying my face like she's looking for a reason to tell me. A reason to trust me. She shivers once more but this time it's more noticeable.

Bonnie's POV

It's really cold in Tyler's room and I know he's seen me shiver a couple of times now. I'm not entirely sure whether I can trust him, but I figure I've nothing to lose.

"You know how when I was at work the other day someone called me. You took the phone got all scary and then left?" Tyler is pulling his leather jacket off but nods.

"Well then I was walking home and someone followed me-" I stop abruptly because Tyler is laying the jacket around me. He stops when I stop talking. His hands are resting on my shoulders lightly. "And then there were the messages yesterday." I rest my head in my hands. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this."

"Because I'm going to help you." He sits down next to me and I let my head fall against his shoulder.

"Really?" I ask lifting my head to face him. "But how? If I don't have any idea who it is, heck it could be anyone." I fall back against his shoulder.

"I have a question," he says changing the subject. "Yesterday when I found you up against the locker you looked like you were in shock or something."

"It's not shock," I sigh. " I've never told anyone not even Amber but I have asthma pretty bad and you saw me with the inhaler yesterday. If I run for too long or too fast I have an attack. If I panic I have an attack too."

Tyler looks like he's been hit by a train, I'm not sure why. Maybe because I told him of all people, my biggest secret. Amber will kill me when she finds out I told Tyler before I told her. I proceed to tell Tyler, in more detail, about the text messages. He does a lot of nodding and frowning before he decides we should change the subject.

"So are you gonna pretend to be my girlfriend just to annoy Chloe?" He asks.

"Nah that would suck too much." I answer.

"So you don't want to pretend?" He frowns looking confused.

"Yeah pretending is overrated when you could just actually be in a relationship."

"Wait so you actually would be my girlfriend?"

"Yes silly. I'll take a leaf out of Amber's book, because you seem like a good person. And just between you and me you're a good kisser." I giggle as I watch the confusion leave his face and turn into a smirk.

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