Chapter Eight - Unwanted Questions

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I can't believe I agreed to be Tyler's girlfriend. Worst of all though, is I haven't told Amber, she would want to be the first one to know of course.

Tyler drove me to school this morning, it's like he's afraid to leave me. He said he'd come to my house for study and if I wanted to walk Einstein he'd walk with me. It's our first day of actually being public about our relationship, but I guess it only started yesterday and as Mum and Dad say "Rome wasn't built in a day."

I don't know what's going to be worse Chloe's pissed off attitude or Amber's annoyance when she finds out I didn't tell her straight after it happened. Tyler and I are walking across the lot to the building holding hands like any couple would. People are staring and I feel judged, but then I remember nothing they say can hurt me physically. Chloe bounces up appearing to have forgotten yesterday's incident.

"Hello sweetie have you changed you mind about us?" She says batting her eyelashes at him but screwing her nose up at me.

Tyler doesn't even bother to stop he just keeps walking. "Nope I haven't and I never will either." He says bluntly over his shoulder.

I bite my tongue to hold in a laugh that is threatening to explode from my mouth. My eye catches another one of those school dance posters, I stop to read it properly.

"School dance! Theme yet to be decided. Will be held in the gym this Saturday night, school council members must come to the meeting at lunch today."

Great, That's me. It's my first year on the school council, I though it would be fun. Now I'm not so sure. I let Tyler lead me down the corridor towards mine and Amber's lockers. Her and Aiden are already there hugging each other. I'm actually dreading her reaction when she sees Tyler and I holding hands.

"Hey." I say to Amber as Tyler and I walk up to them.

Amber pulls away from Aiden and her face changes instantly. She grabs my arm and drags me away from Tyler and Aiden. Her crazy green eyes are sparkling and she has a smile ear to ear.

"Oh my god you and Tyler!" she exclaims in a whisper. "That's so cute. I told you didn't I?"

"Okay yes you did but keep it down you're embarrassing me." I try to hush her down.

"See he's not that bad."

"Ty and I only decided to make it official last night." I say, heat in my cheeks again.

"Ty!" She almost squeals, "Aww you even have a nickname for him." I spin quickly Tyler and Aiden are looking at us. Tyler is smirking and so is Aiden.

"Shhh!" I say trying to quiet her down. "Oh by the way we have to go to the dance meeting at lunch. You know for the school dance set up?"

"Oh yeah I saw that on the way in, maybe I regret joining the school council now." She frowns.

"No," I say starting to move back toward the boys. "It'll be fun, we get to choose the theme and this time it won't be lame."

"What won't be lame?" Tyler asks with a smirk on his face. He has the kind of look someone has when they know something they shouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised if he heard Amber talking really loud.

"The school dance. The school council is picking a committee today." Amber answers for me.

The bell rings time to go to legal studies. Amber hugs me, that look of excitement still glistening in her eyes.

"Come on Bon Bon don't wanna be late." Tyler says holding his arm out to me. He definitely heard Amber and I talking about nicknames.

Amber's POV

I let out a mental squeal of joy when Tyler calls Bonnie Bon Bon. It just so adorable the way those two act when they're together. Ok maybe I'm acting a bit prematurely, or a lot prematurely but it is pretty darn cute. Now I wish I'd chosen Legal Studies instead of Digital Media, so I could be with Aiden as well as Bonnie and Tyler. I head off in the opposite direction than the others went, but I can see someone looking very suspicious eyeing me off, creepy.  I attempt to walk past whoever it was but not successfully.

"Do you know that girl with Tyler Hanson?" He asks me.

"Why? Who wants to know?" I challenge, I usually challenge people when I'm afraid, don't ask me why.

"Just answer the question." He says in a tone that is brimming with impatience.

"I'm sorry I don't know her." I shove past him hoping he won't chase me and I head for class. All through Digital Media I keep thinking about that guy, why did he want to know about Bonnie and Tyler? And how did he know them? I feel like I should tell Bonnie about it but I also have the feeling she's not telling me something. Bonnie and I have always told each other everything what could have possibly changed? It's so not like her to dodge my texts and avoid me at school, somethings up.

The bell rings and I feel a surge of fear inside, I don't want to walk alone to the cafeteria. Especially with that creepy guy hanging around, but I know I have to. I'll be safe once I get there and I'm with Aiden. I approach the table Bonnie and the boys are already there with trays of food, but I've lost my appetite after the confrontation. It must be noticeable on my face because my friends all have looks of concern on their faces.

"Amber are you okay?" Bonnie stands to meet me, I feel a tingling in my knees. I'm usually a strong girl but that guy really got to me.

I decide against lying. "No, there was this creepy guy asking about you and Tyler."

"What did he look like?" Tyler asks.

"Strong, scruffy he had a tattoo on the underside of his wrist. I think it was a eagle." Tyler's face changes and so does Aiden's.

"Wait so he talked to you?" Aiden asks me with a look of utmost seriousness.

"Yes I was scared so I acted like I wasn't, you know Bon like I always do." I look at Bonnie for support and she nods.

Tyler has his jaw clenched and Aiden looks pissed. I don't dare to ask any questions but I know somethings up, they stand and start to walk away.

"Ty?" Bonnie calls after him.

"Both of you just stay here and we'll be back." Aiden is looking at me and without another word they walk off, not even glancing back once.

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