Chapter Fourteen - The Town Bike

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Bonnie's POV

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Amber stares back at me as if she's wondering whether to forgive me or not.

"I'm your best friend and I'm the last one to know." She shakes her head, "But can we just drop it and move to no more secrets like ever?"

"Sure whatever you want, but I really am sorry." She hugs me, everything is okay for now anyway.

Amber and I haven't seen the boys all day, because we had been in the gym setting up for the dance. It was tomorrow night, I originally said I couldn't go but Tyler's mum said she's look after Anna for me. Tyler still hadn't asked me to go with him and Aiden hadn't  asked Amber either. I think the whole twenties theme
Put them off a bit.

"Hey so what do we actually know about this Dane guy?" Amber asks.

"He's a creepy stalker who doesn't let stuff go."

"Really Bonnie? That's it that's all your gonna say?"

"There really isn't anything more to say."

"Oh thank god I was tiring from both your annoying voices."

"Oh shut up Chloe, maybe you should learn not to eavesdrop." Amber's quick sarcastic mouth never fails.

"Who are you two going to the dance with? Oh wait, no one because you'd have to pay someone to have just one dance with you." She sneers, she's such a bitch.

"Least I'm not the town bike. Everyone's had a ride on you." I can hardly believe those words came out of my mouth, Amber is laughing like its the best thing she's ever heard.

"Are you calling me a slut?" She narrows her eyes.

"Yep that's exactly what I am saying." I say, before I can stop these words from flooding out. I want the word vomit to stop but I can't.

"How dare you?! First you steal my guy and then you call me a slut!" She looks like a tomato ready to explode.

"Hey you turned Tyler off all by yourself."

I can feel that this situation is escalating beyond my control but I just have so much hate. Chloe was a bitch and it was about time someone told her so.

"Why you little flea ridden conniving bitch!"

"That's enough Chloe." Aiden appears breaking up the fight that was threatening to boil into chaos.

Aiden leads Amber and I out without a word until we reach Tyler. Amber is still laughing hysterically, she's even at the point of crying from laughing so hard.

"What the hell was going on in there?" Aiden demands looking from Amber to me. Amber stops laughing immediately.

"What happened?" Tyler asks.

"There was a fight in the gym which I broke up. These two and Chloe." Aiden answers before I have the chance.

"Chloe said a bitchy thing to Bon and then Bon got a backbone, and let me tell you it was awesome." Amber grins.

"Backbone?" Tyler looks at me but I still feel embarrassed and ashamed of what had come out of my mouth.

"I told her she was the town bike. Everyone's had a ride."  I say quietly, I wait for a lecture on how saying that was so not like me.

Tyler starts laughing and so does Amber and Aiden. They are finding it way too amusing, what I said wasn't supposed to be funny. It was supposed to be very sarcastic or maybe a little funny.

"So you basically said that she's slept around with most of the guys. That she's a slut?" Tyler asks between his uncontrollable laughter.


He laughs again. "See this is why I love her Aiden."

"Someone had to tell her, and the truth hurts." I snuggle my head onto his shoulder.

"So are you gonna be my date to the dance tomorrow?" He kisses the top of my head.

"Hell yes, it's going to be great! That is if I quit messing around and get everything done. Come on Amber." I drag her back toward the gym there's still plenty of work to do.


Tyler's POV

I stare at myself in the mirror, the last time I wore a tux was after Dad died. They're  uncomfortable but I just keep reminding myself that I'm doing this for Bonnie.

My black hair won't sit down neatly, so I look a bit like I stuck my finger in a power point. There's no way I'm going if I can't get it right.

"Tyler honey, do you have a corsage for Bonnie?"

"Mum I can't even get my hair to sit neatly." I sigh.

"Alright let me look at you." Mum looks tired the way she always has since Dad's death. Tonight more so than ever. "There." She says fixing my hair and tie.

"Thanks Mum, and no I don't have a corsage."

"You can give her mine from my senior prom, your Dad gave it to me."

"Mum I -"

"Please take it, you're going to be late."

I get to the dance before Bonnie, Aiden and Amber are dancing already. I grab some punch to pass the time as I wait for her.

"Oh my god." I hear Amber breathe.

I turn and Bonnie is at the door of the gym, dressed in a stunning strapless midnight blue dress. It falls to just above her knees, her shoes are matching coloured stilettos so high that she looks uncomfortable. Her black hair is down covering her shoulders, the perfect frame for her face.

"I made her wear the shoes." Amber admits after seeing my reaction.

"She's so... Beautiful." I breathe, my jaw is practically on the ground as she walks up to me.

"Hey is it too much?" She looks unsure.

"No I'm just blown away." I gulp.

"You clean up nice Bonnie." Aiden says.

"Yeah you too. Look at you both in your tuxes." She looks from me to Aiden and back again.

I hand her the corsage and her eyes widen, "Oh Ty it's beautiful." I tie it to her wrist and she smiles that shy smile of hers.

"Bonnie may I have this dance." I say awkwardly holding out my hand to her.

She takes it, "Yes you may."

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