Chapter Twenty Eight - Another Fight?

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Bonnie's POV
Amber and I are not into traditional sleepovers where you sit up half the night. We both value sleep too much.

After we have a quick breakfast, Alex offers to drive us to school. I don't argue but it does seem weird that he wants to pick us up too.

Alex's car is more like a truck, it's high off the ground and I have to use the step rails to get in. It's only a three seater so it's kind of cosy and squishy at the same time. It's not the most inconspicuous car ever, as we drive into the Huntings lot people stare. I suppose they get used to the regular cars they always see and this isn't one of them. Alex stops and climbs out coming round to help Amber out.

"It's so high," I say as he takes my hand and helps me out of the car. "Well thank you sir." I laugh.

"You're welcome ma'am." He pretends to tip his hat, he's not actually wearing a hat. "I'll be back to pick you guys up this afternoon."

"Thanks." Amber and I say at the same time.

"My brother never takes me to school or picks me up especially not on the same day. Somethings up." Amber says looking deep in thought.

"Maybe he feels bad that he hasn't spent a whole lot of time with you." I offer.

"Maybe." She says but doesn't seem convinced.

She stops. Aiden and Tyler are over the other side of the lot smoking. Ellie and Chloe walk up to us and stare at the boys too.

"Are you ok Amber?" Chloe asks.

"Oh fine I've just never hated anyone as much as I hate him." She says loudly and people stare at us.

We turn and walk toward our first classes of the day. Amber in the lead and I can see a smirk on her face but I know the others can't. Pretending is hard, I don't know how to deal with it I'm so in love with Tyler and I can't even look at him. We walk in past the administration office, the main door, I drop all my books I had been holding. Dane is standing there getting a timetable, Ellie helps me pick them up glaring at Dane the whole time.

"There's a point where shit gets ridiculous." Amber says looking more agitated than I am.

He walks out smirking, "Since you lovely girls are here I'm sure you could give me a nice little tour."

"Go jump off a cliff." I stand and head to Sociology. What a dickhead.

I sit in the front as the teacher walks in but my jaw drops when Dane is behind her. He smirks again and he sits next to me ignoring the ten other free seats. He doesn't say anything even though I'm still in danger of punching the smug face of his.  I gaze out the window Tyler is out doing football practice, he looks up and meets my gaze as if he knew I was there. I see him clench his jaw, I suddenly realise how close Dane is sitting he's almost on my lap.

"Get off me." I say and shove him over.

"I'm not doing anything." He says innocently.

"You might have everyone else fooled but I'm not." I can see Tyler is still watching.

He leans in closer to me and I shoot up out of my seat, "I hate you!" I say, the teacher looks shocked but I don't care. I storm from the classroom. I run down corridor after corridor not really sure where I'm going. I round a corner fast and crash into someone, I look up at the familiar blue eyes but they aren't Tyler's.

"What are you running from or is it a who?" Alex says, grabbing my shoulders forcing me to look at him.

I don't say anything.

"It's him isn't it? Not Tyler. All you had to do was tell me. He's harassing you that's why you aren't with Tyler."

The bell rings above us and people start to flood the corridors. "Amber too." He says and I just nod.

Alex leads me outside into the lot where his truck is parked, I've never seen him so angry he's practically shaking. Dane wanders out casually whistling the rest of my friends probably ten metres behind.

Alex meets Dane with a punch straight in the nose. People start to stare, Dane gives it straight back to Alex. Their on the ground now Dane is on top raining punches on Alex. I know I'm making a terrible mistake but I run toward them, Alex is doing this for me.

"Hey!" I grab Dane and try to pull him off but he shoves me and I fall my hands scrape on the concrete and bleed. I look up and Tyler has hold of Dane dragging him off Alex I crawl over to Alex his face is bloody and his knuckles  are bruised and split.

"Oh my god! There's blood everywhere!" I say trying to calm myself.

"I'm fine Bonnie." He says.

"No you aren't! There's blood everywhere!" I half scream because I'm panicking.

"Show me your hands." He sounds so calm and cares more about me than himself.

"It's just a graze." I say, Tyler is raining punches down on Dane and I start to fear that our hoax is over. Even someone as stupid as Dane would be able to tell that Tyler being so angry over this means he still loves me.

"Ty stop." I say. Dane is barely conscious by this point. Tyler has taken a few hits too, he stands wiping blood from his lip.

Amber, Ellie and Chloe are frozen in the same spot as before mouths hanging open in pure shock. Tyler walks over to where Alex and I are on the ground, he puts a bloody hand out to Alex who takes it. Tyler puts his hands under my arms and pulls me up, he knows my hands probably hurt. Amber takes her brother's keys and gets behind the wheel, out signal to follow. The four of us leave the school in the rear view mirror and head for the Johnson house.

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