Chapter Five - Lakeside Drama

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I force my way down the bustling corridor toward math, I'm already late. A poster taped up to the wall catches my eye, a school dance. I shake my head stupid school dances they always come up with the worst themes.

"Sorry I'm late Sir," I say to the teacher as I walk in, he must be a relief teacher.

Amber is staring at me, and I remember that text she sent me that I never answered. I try to avoid her stare but I can feel it burning holes I the side of my head. My phone starts vibrating like mad in my pocket I glance at Amber, but she's not holding her phone. It's not her.

I ignore it, it'll stop it has to. I spend the whole period dreading to find out what or who it is. The bell sounds and scares me out of a trance I hadn't realised I was in.

I dodge away from Amber and attempt to disappear into the crowd. I can see up ahead that the corridor turns a corner, I turn it and throw myself against the wall. I try to catch my breath and steady my breathing, then I remember my phone.

The screen comes on in my hands, some unknown number had sent me all those texts. I open them, four of them are asking for my name, the rest are saying that they know where I live and where I work. I know I can't panic not here in front of everyone, but my breathing picks back up I feel my asthma threatening to rear its head.

I hand lands on my shoulder, "Bonnie?" Tyler's voice is there, but it sounds so far away.

"Bonnie." He says again.

"Huh." I shake my head as if to clear it.

"What's happening? Are you okay?"

"I," I feel heat in my cheeks and then before I can stop it tears well up in my eyes.

Tyler takes his jacket off and puts it around me, my body tenses up. He keeps his arm around me and guides me through all the people. If I didn't know any better I say he was covering me so no one would see me crying.

I let him lead me along he opens a car door and sits me in the seat. He walks around and to the drivers side, he starts driving out of the school lot.

"Where are we going?" I say quietly, timidly.

He doesn't say anything he just watches the road, I start to realise where he's taking me. He takes the road to the lake, somewhere along the way he goes down a small road I'd never noticed before.

There's a big willow tree at the end with a bench under it, it has a beautiful view of the lake. I watch him get out and sit on the park bench, he looks like he's waiting for me. I get out and join him, but I sit myself as far away from him as possible.

"What was bothering you before?" He asks breaking the silence.

"It was nothing I probably just overreacted."

"You don't get to play secrets with me."

"There's no law saying I have to tell you either." I retort.

"You were crying, tell me or I'll make you." He looks angry but in a scary angry way.

"Since when have you even cared huh?"

He looks as if he's been taken off guard, as if he hadn't expected me to say something like that. He's frowning at the ground with a look of defeat on his face. If I wanted to talk I would, but right now I'm too busy worrying about those texts.

"Look I know I am a jerk. I know I did some pretty shit things to you, but now I'm trying to make up for it and you won't let me."

"You can't help me with this one, no one can."

"How do you know? Something had you so upset that you cried and looked like you might pass out. If I didn't care we wouldn't be here right now would we?"

"No." I give in he's right and I am

"So are you gonna tell me what's up?"

"Just see for yourself." I hand him my phone a frown creeps across his face followed by a look of extreme aggravation. He looks like he might lose his humanity, and go insane.

"That's not all." I say quietly, "Someone was following me home from work the other day when I saw you. I couldn't see who it was."

The thought of the other day makes my heart race and my breathing unsteady. I start to wheeze, I snatch my inhaler from my pocket and take a pump to steady my breathing. I never used my inhaler in front of anyone, not even Amber knew that I had asthma. I turn to look at Tyler he's staring at me, he looks quite taken aback. I look away from him out onto the lake, it is a nice distraction.

"I didn't know-"

"That I had asthma, that of all the things I could possibly suck at its breathing?" I interrupt.

"No, I didn't know you were so beautiful."

"What are you trying to do here?!" I stand up outrage building up inside me. "Are you trying to take advantage of me?!"

"N-no." He stutters.

"Oh really because that's exactly what it looks like. I bet you bring all the girls here and make out with them."

I start to walk away, it's ten miles back to town better start walking. It's not like I could call Amber, she's still mad at me.

"Bonnie wait." He says, "At least let me drive you back."

"No thanks I'd rather walk."

Actually there are a number of things I would rather do right now like stabbing myself in the arm with a rusty fork for being such an idiot. Why did I tell him anything? It's not like I could ever trust him anyway. His deal was to use girls and pretend to care right before he dumps them publicly. The same went for Aiden, and Amber wouldn't listen to me so I'm hanging out for the I-told-you-so moment. There is no way in hell I am going to be Tyler's little bitch, he's going to have to do more than play Dr Phil to gain my trust. When you've been burned before you don't exactly line up to have it happen again. So he can just take his annoying bad boy attitude and shove it where the sun don't shine. I'll gouge both my eyes out before I ever fall for his sappy bullshit.

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