Chapter Nine - Cheated

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Bonnie's POV

Tyler and Aiden leaving like that has me worried, what the hell is going on? They told us to stay here, but I want to go after them. There's that stupid council meeting Amber and I have to go to about the school dance, there's no getting out of that one.

I've got to come clean with Amber about the messages I got the other day, my mysterious disappearance and then there's the asthma thing. I really don't want to tell her about my asthma but she has every right to know. The meeting is boring until someone nominates me as head of the dance committee. So that includes all the dances for the year, great. Now I have to organise the dance and a theme and who knows what else.

I have the best idea, it kind of just hit me like a freight train. "The 20's." I say. Excited gasps and chatter rises after my idea is out there. "All in favour?" The council teacher asks, majority of the hands shoot into the air. "Alright 1920's it is."

The meeting disperses to my relief, I realise there's  a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach like somethings not right or something bad is going to happen. I've never claimed to be psychic, I'm not superstitious, but usually when I get this feeling it's pretty accurate.

"So the 20's where'd that idea come from?" Amber raises and eyebrow at me.

"You know I kinda just plucked it out of the air." I shrug.

"Sound like its gonna be the best dance ever."

"We need to talk." I decide nows as good a time as any.

"Ah okay." She says looking startled by my sudden urgency.

I take Amber out to the spot we always sat at in seventh grade, under the bleachers on the oval. It's private and secluded here there's no chance of someone finding us or overhearing us.

I tell her the same things I told Tyler, the messages, someone following me home on Saturday etcetera. The only part I leave out is the asthma part I want to save that for last.

Amber is nodding and frowning here and there but she doesn't seem angry that I didn't tell her I had asthma. What I've gathered from her opinion she fully trusts Tyler and Aiden. I don't.

I tell her about the conversation Tyler and I had last night about pretending to be together.

"It was my idea to actually try it out though."

"You?" She laughs slightly.

"You said give him a chance, I am it's just a guarded chance. Twenty dollars says he'll break my heart into a billion pieces."

"I'll bet that, so if he doesn't you owe me twenty and if he does I owe you twenty."

"Deal. I'm pretty confident about this though." I shake her hand to seal the deal.

I hate the influence Tyler has over me, the blushing and the way he has me thinking about him. A week ago I wouldn't have had a boyfriend or even though about having one. In other words I was waiting for him to stuff it up and when he does there's no going back.

"So you said you'd be his girlfriend just because it's satisfying for you to see Chloe in living hell?" Amber says.

"Pretty much. If you think I trust Tyler Hanson for even a second you're wrong." God I wish that was true, I was just bullshitting my way around my actual feelings.

Right now, I don't know who I can trust. Amber and I have gone silent both of us contemplating and pondering our problems.

"What if eagle tattoo guy is the stalker!" she gasps suddenly.

My eyes widen, of course it's so obvious I was running away from practically what could've been anyone. Amber has seen who it is, it all makes sense now, a lot of sense.

"Amber." Aiden's voice comes from behind me.

"Did you find him?" She asks desperately.

He shakes his head and Amber sighs with relief, "Thank god he was scary and I was worried about you."

"Where's Tyler?" I ask.

"He was right behind me..." Aiden trails off looking over his shoulder.

He starts running back the way he came, Amber keeps pace with him but I can't. If I try I'll have an attack.

"Oh my god!" I hear Aiden's voice come from around the corner ahead of me. I make it to him and Amber just in time to see him pull away from.... Oh dear god.

"Bonnie." He says walking toward me, "it's not what you think."

"Oh really cause that's what it looks like." My voice is uneven.

"She forced herself on me." He says, "come on Bon you know I wouldn't."

"No I don't know. Go to hell." I spin on my heel and storm away.

"Bonnie." I hear him call after me.

"Bonnie please." Amber chases me. "Let him explain himself."

"He already has."

I go straight home and despite me hating him, I still cried over him. To think that I thought for just a second that he... That he had changed. I'm such an idiot, how could I be so stupid, so gullible.

I hear the doorbell ring as I read through my history notes from today, maybe it's Amber. I wouldn't talk to her or anyone. She just wants me to like Tyler and Aiden, but I don't because my brain knew they were not trustworthy or likeable. I can hear mum's voice but it's indistinct and distant, I can't understand what she's saying. 

"Bonnie." She calls. I hear her talk some more and then there's a knock on my bedroom door.

"Seriously Amber if I wanted to talk I'd call." I fling the door open not to find Amber but Tyler instead. "Get out." I go for the slamming of the door cliche, but he stops me.

"I just wanna talk." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"Funny that because I don't." I return to my desk to act as if he's not here.


"Leave god damn it, you did exactly what I thought you would so just go." I say my eyes are welling up, I don't want him to see that I'm upset.  "Haven't you got anyone else you can annoy?!"

"Well I-"

"Get. Out."

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