Chapter Sixteen - Flying Punches

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Tyler's POV

Chloe drags me by the arm back toward the gym, I'd rather be with anyone but her. There are shouts coming from the gym that sound like a riot. People are chanting "fight, fight, fight!" Chloe is through the door dragging me behind. There's a huge crowd and I can't see anything, I start barging through to get the the front. Amber is almost in tears right in the front, it doesn't take me long to notice why.

Aiden is on the floor fighting with Dane, punches are flying in every direction. I have to try and break this up, I grab Aiden under the arms and drag him away from Dane.

"What the hell's going on here?!" I demand using all my strength to hold Aiden back.

"He touched her!" Aiden yells and I realise he's talking about Amber.

"Calm do-" Dane's fist collides with my face right in my left eye, I stumble and fall. Why the hell did he hit me for? Oh well I kind of wanted to punch him for everything he's done to Bonnie anyways.

I clench my fist and put all my energy and rage into a blow that hits home on Dane's right eye. Dane hit me again and hits Aiden too, we're both on the floor suffering from the blow. He pulls his arm back again to hit me, but then I see midnight blue stilettos. Bonnie is standing between Dane and I.

"Come on you coward hit me." Bonnie says, the crowd is full of shocked gasps.

Dane just stares at Bonnie, "You've got some real nerve girl." He says.

He lifts a hand toward her, "Touch her and you're dead." I all but growl.

Dane narrows his eyes at me and turns around to leaves. The crowd immediately disperses, obviously seeing that it was over. Amber runs in and holds Aiden in a hug, Bonnie isn't moving from her position.

She turns around and looks down at me, her face as pale as a ghost and hands shaking violently.

"Let's get the hell out of here." Aiden gets up helping me up at the same time.

Bonnie still has my tie dangling around her neck, I take her hand and the four of us exit the gym headed to the lot. The idea is to go back to Bonnie's to get ice for our injuries, because she wouldn't take no for an answer.


Bonnie's POV

I don't know what it feels like to have a heart attack, but I think I came pretty close tonight. Standing there between Tyler and Dane, that was crazy. I don't even know what made me do it, what gave me the guts? Dane really had put the fear of God in me but someone had to do something. So I did, I risked a lot tonight for Tyler but would he do the same for me? He would I think, I hope.

We arrive at my place, I've been worried about Tyler's black eye. I sit the three of them in the living room while I get the ice packs together.

"He was touching my butt." I here Amber say as I re-enter the room.

"Ahh right and you punched him didn't you?" Tyler looks at Aiden.

"Dude if it was Bonnie you would've done the same thing." Aiden answers defensively.

I sit down on the edge of the coffee table facing Tyler, so I can hold the ice to his eye. "Violence-" I start.

"Is never the answer." All three look at me and laugh.

"But hey he deserved a good kick in the arse. " I laugh with them.

"Except we got our arses kicked." Aiden  grumbles.

"He's gonna have a black eye too though." Amber points out.

I keep the ice gently pressed against Tyler's eye, "What goes around comes around." I murmur.

Tyler still has that look on his face that's screams "I'm so in love with you". I want to talk about what happened in that room, where we made out but Aiden and Amber are here.

"So where'd you two disappear to?" Amber asks raising one eyebrow.

"Nowhere." I say a little too fast.

"Sure you did." Aiden smirks at Tyler.

"It's not like that." Tyler directs at Aiden.

"Come on Bon." Amber is pushing.

"I need a drink." I stand up and walk to the kitchen glad to escape the awkward questions.

I turn the kettle on to make a hot chocolate and Tyler appears in the doorway. He doesn't say anything just a leans there watching me.

"Anna's probably wondering where I am." I break the silence.

"Anna is probably asleep." He points out

"How's your eye?"

"Nothing I haven't experienced before."

"That girl you saw-"

"You mean you tonight in the room near math."

"I swear I don't know what got into me." I can feel my cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

"You just love me and don't know how to admit it."

Hearing him say that was the most accurate thing I'd heard in a long time. He was right, but the thought that I had fallen for a guy like Tyler. It scared me, he was a Badboy and I'd seen what he could do to people. Yet here I am head over heals for him.

"You're right." I sigh dropping the teaspoon I'd been holding.

"And you're scared I'm going to break your heart and go back to being a dick."

"Right again." I cross my arms and lean back against the bench. "I'm scared of the way I acted tonight, it's just so not me. All that time I was thinking about how many other girls had been in there with you." I sigh again.

He walks over and pulls me into a hug, "I know it's hard to trust me but I promise there's only you now."

I nod into his chest, I have to take his word until he breaks it. He kisses the top of my head, "I love you." He murmurs into my hair.

"I love you too."

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