Chapter Twenty Four - Told You So

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Amber's POV

I wish Bonnie would hurry up and come back, she's only been gone a day and I already miss her. I know I need to tell her about how Tyler had acted yesterday, but I don't want her to worry.

That Ellie girl had been sitting with us so I assume she's moved here permanently. I hate how likeable she is, I want to hate her but then she gives me no reason to. She genuinely appears to be on our side.

She does photography with me and I can see she really tries to get along with me. Speaking of photography, that's where we are now. I've only known Ellie just over a day, but I know she probably knows Tyler better than all of us combined.

"Have you seen Tyler today?" I ask her.

"No." She shakes her head, "I wouldn't worry though, he does this all the time."

The bell rings, Ellie and I move to the bustling corridors. Teenagers hot, sweaty and drama plagued trudge from their last class to their next. I have a free period so I wander to the lot, I'll probably drive to Bonnie's house for a while.

I glance around the lot briefly, something caught my attention. My heart feels like it's stopped, Aiden is standing with Tyler near their cars and Tyler is smoking. Why is he smoking?
Tyler hands Aiden a cigarette. Both of them?! They both laugh about something and then Aiden sees me and puts the cigarette out. He's walking toward me but I turn and get into my car. I lock the doors and Aiden is at the side of the car unbelievably quick, he's pulling at the door handle but to no avail. I start the engine and drive, I couldn't believe that Bonnie was right about them all along. I wanted to believe that they were different, for them and for my feelings for Aiden.

Bonnie's driveway comes up fast and I have to slam on the brakes so I don't miss it. The car makes a squealing noise as it skids. Bonnie appears in the doorway with an agitated look on her face, but when she sees my car her face softens. I pull into her driveway and turn the car off and climb out.

"You were right about everything Bon, all of it." I say before she can even ask what's wrong.

"I don't want to be right about anything, but what am I right about?"

"Aiden and Tyler."

The look on her face tells me she is disappointed, I know she fell for Tyler the way I fell for Aiden.

"Come inside." She says evenly but she is struggling and I can see it.

She puts a finger to her lips and leads me to the kitchen. She looks horrible, still in her pyjamas at midday and her hair looks half brushed and half mattered.

"Sorry Anna's asleep and I was too." She says digging for a hair brush under a pile of magazines on the bench. She finds it and finishes the other half of her hair and then moved to make coffee for us.

I sit down at the table and watch her pull a packet of cookies out of the cupboard. "So what's happened?" She says over her shoulder.

"I saw them smoking." I say far more upfront than I originally intended.

"He knows a I can't..." She stops with the cookies and looks down at the bench for a long time.

"Cigarette smoke." I sat quietly. "I can't stand it because it stinks, but you..."

"Say it Amber I won't even be able to breathe around him. Cigarette smoke messes with my asthma." She doesn't look at me.

Neither of us speak after I say that, I feel stupid. I caught feelings for Aiden and then I dragged Bonnie into it and now we were both hurt. I should have known better, even Bonnie tried to tell me.

"I can see what you're doing." I look up and she's turned around and is watching me. "It's not all your fault, so stop blaming yourself. I fell for Tyler on my own." She's walls and sits opposite me at the table and rests her head on her hands not breaking eye contact with me.

Anna coughs in the living room but must have still stayed asleep. "Well I came here and ruined your day to tell you what happened." I say sadly.

"It's ok I need a little air will you stay here with Anna? I have to do a couple of things in town."

Bonnie's POV

I get out of the car outside the small chemist about a four blocks from my house, Anna is almost out of medicine. I walk in and take her prescription to the counter, to my surprise I get it back straight away. When I go to pay I grab a bag of jelly beans for Anna.

I open the door to leave get a face full of smoke. Tyler is with Aiden and a girl I've never seen before. I cough wildly my lungs can't take even a small amount of second hand smoke. Tyler looks up and sees me, there's something in his eyes that only lasts a second and then he looks away. The girl laughs, "Alright there sweetie?" She sneers.

"Leave her." Tyler says in a voice that doesn't sound like him, a voice that is devoid of his usual caring tone.

"You aren't supposed to smoke within 10 meters of shops." I fire back, "Have a nice life." My voice is laced with sarcasm.

I look at Tyler once more he looks hurt but I don't stay any longer the smoke is burning my lungs. I unlock my car and as I get in I here the girl say, "What a weakling."

When people ask me if there was one thing I could change about myself, I would change my asthma in a heartbeat. Not so I could ruin my lungs by smoking, so I wouldn't have so much trouble doing the simple thing we all have to do, breathe. I don't understand why Tyler is doing this, he was fine yesterday. Now I don't even recognise him.
I don't recognise the guy that stole my heart.

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