Chapter Ten - Freak Accident

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Bonnie's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling no better than I did last night. Anna is sick and I'm going to look after her today, at least I don't have to face school.

With a slight spring in my step I walk downstairs to find Anna on the couch watching cartoons.  The fridge, however is responsible for ruining my day. The Calendar on the fridge informs me of an assignment due today.

"Anna. Come on we gotta go drop something at school real quick."

Once at school I feel like a secret agent on a mission, and if anyone sees me in compromised. Anna plays along with my sneaking, she's actually enjoying it. So far so good, I haven't ran into anyone.

Oh shit, I spoke to soon. Amber, Aiden and Tyler are conveying in the corridor that is my only way to the staff room. I'll just wait surely they won't stand the for too long.

"Amber!" Anna squeals and runs around the corner. I exhale sharply mission is now compromised.

"Hey little one where's you sis?" Amber asks her.

"Oh she's playing secret agents with me you won't find her."

"Really?" Amber says doubtfully. I know it's childish to hide so I pretend I wasn't hiding.

"Anna." I call and walk out from my hiding place, my sister comes back to me but it's too late to run and hide.

"Bonnie." Amber speaks first.

I walk past her and the boys without a word. Call me a bitch but I am not going to stand there and receive some bullshit excuse for yesterday. I hand my report in and make my move back the way I'd come.

"Bonnie." Amber grabs my arm this time.

"What!" I snap, "God if I wanted to talk I would."

My phone buzzes in my pocket, I turn my back to the others.


"Bonnie Stevenson?"


"I'm sorry to inform you there's been an accident."

"What do you mean an accident?"

"Your parents they were in a car accident, their condition is critical."

"Oh dear god." I know my face has turned as pale as a ghost.

The hospital. It's all I can think of, it's all that matters. "Bon?" Anna's looking up at me her face so innocent she's not ready for something like this.

My breathing quickens, I'm going to have an attack my panic is bringing it on. I dig through my bag violently searching for my inhaler. I start wheezing, I'm shaking badly. My bag drops the contents spilling onto the floor.

"Bonnie!" Anna cries she knows about my breathing problem and I know it scares her.

I can't breath and I can't find that damn- there's a hand on the back of my head the inhaler is suddenly in my hand. I waste no more time, I take a shot. Aiden and Amber are frozen looking like they've seen someone come back from the dead.  I know it's Tyler's hand on the back of my head but nothing matters except getting to the hospital. Scrambling around on the floor I shove everything in my bag, grab Anna's hand and run.


Tyler's POV

"What the hell just happened?" Amber cries after Bonnie is out of site.

"Bonnie had an attack." I say rubbing my forehead tiredly.

"Oh come on I've known Bonnie since the third grade, I'd know if she had asthma." Amber says sceptically.

"Yeah well maybe she never told you because she didn't want you to know."

"Is everyone just gonna ignore that phone call? Somethings up any idiot would be able to tell." Aiden interjects.

"Normally what I'm about to do is creepy and called stalking, but I'm gonna follow her." I run the same way she'd gone.

She's in her car I can see her fumbling with the keys trying to force them into the ignition. She slams her head against the wheel, keeping it there. Her shoulders shake, she's crying.

I take a deep breath and approach the car, she might punch me in the face but I can't just stand here and do nothing.

I put my hand on the door handle, take another breath and pull. She turns her head so fast to see who it is, her mascara is running down her face in the tears.

"Go away." She replaces her head on the wheel.

"You can't drive like this."

"Watch me." She grabs the door trying to pull it shut but I'm stronger than her. "God dammit let go." She's in a state of hysteria, her little sister looks scared and is also now crying.

"Move over." I say, she doesn't move. "Move over Bonnie." I say again in a harsh tone, her brown eyes meet mine with a look of utter fear. She moves into the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask in my harsh tone. She says nothing, she won't even look at me.

"Bonnie where are we going?!" I cease her arm that's closest to me, she stops fighting me and leans her head against the window.

"The hostible." Her sister says quietly from the backseat.

"The what?"

"The hospital." Bonnie says timidly. I release her arm and drive.


Once at the hospital I realise I had been way too harsh, but at least she listened to me. Her parents had been in a bad car accident and that's all I knew.

Amber and Aiden seemed to have found out what happened because they were here too. Bonnie had disappeared the moment we got here, she didn't say anything to me. I'm just the guy holding her car keys hoping she'll forgive an asshole like me.

The door she went in has a piece of tape on it, "Stevenson" is written on the tape. I've been staring at that door hoping she'll come out, but what would I say if she did?

"Oh hey Bonnie sorry you saw me kiss Chloe yesterday, it wasn't my fault. And sorry for scaring you in the car in front of Anna."
God it sounded even stupider in my head. I'm a jerk, I know that, I don't deserve her but I'm that selfish that I still want her. I don't want Chloe or some other cheerleader slut, I want her.

She's perfect just the person to, I can't believe I'm saying this, fix me. Everybody else would just give up, and I'm forcing her to give up I just keep giving her reasons to give up on me.

The door opens she's just standing there texting someone, but she's so, never mind I'm just going to stare at her. I'm not expecting her to look up but she does. She frowns at my staring and walks back in the room shutting the door behind her.

I blew it, might as well just leave. So I do, I trudge out and catch a bus home. Why do I screw everything up?

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