Chapter Fifteen - Dancing With The Devil

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Bonnie's POV

Let's put it this way, I never thought I'd be here dancing with Tyler but things change I guess. I lean against him as we sway to the music, I decide to take in Amber's dress.

It's emerald green to match her eyes, and it falls to the floor. It is backless and ties around her neck, I don't know what shoes she is wearing. I close my eyes and let Tyler guide me, it is relaxing and I'm just flowing into it when he stops abruptly.

My eyes open instantly, Aiden and Amber have stopped dancing to stare at the entrance. Chloe walks in wearing a tight pink mini dress, looks like something a prostitute might wear. The dress isn't important, it's who she's with that had Tyler and Aiden on edge. Amber glances at me, am I the only one that has no idea who that is?

Chloe and the guy walk over to us. "Can I help you? Oh wait I don't want to." Tyler puts himself between me and the guy. Then I notice the tattoo, an eagle on his wrist just like Amber said.

"Dane." I say breaking the silence.

"Yes sweetheart." He smirks, Tyler's body stiffens as if he's trying to hold himself back.

"Don't call me that sleez bag. You better quit following me or I'll call the cops, this is no game to me."

"Ooo Tyler she's a feisty one." Dane takes a step toward Tyler.

"Stay away from us or you'll regret it." Tyler says through clenched teeth.

"I just want one dance," he looks at me, "and I'll leave you alone."

"No." Tyler says instantly.

"Ty, got a minute." He turns away from them to face me. "If I do this he will leave us alone."

"No, he's vindictive." I put my hand up on his cheek.

"I don't want to do it but if it means he'll leave us alone, I will." He hugs me, at first I'm taken by surprise, but I hug him back tightly.

"If he tries anything I am going to rip his head off and shove it up is arse." He assures me, I walk around him and over to Dane who is looking smug like a murderer that got away with his crime.

"My darling." Dane says taking my hand.

It takes every ounce of me not to pull away in disgust.

"Your boyfriend is very uptight."

"I'm not here to chit chat nor do I want to."

"You're very much like him."

"Go to hell Dane, you've got serious issues and you need to get over yourself. I know about Ashley, ever thought maybe she was just a cheater?"

He stops dancing and glares at me, "Even if she was he shouldn't have done it."

"You need therapy cause there's something really wrong with you."

He seizes my wrists with a look almost murderous, but a thousand times scarier than Tyler has ever looked.

"You are insufferable." He growls.

"Good cause I'm not trying to impress you. You stay the hell away from my sister, I know you gave her that note."

"You got it did you? Hmm she was so easy to convince. You know I told her that I was your boyfriend? She believed me too."

Against my better judgement I slap him hard across that smug face of his. I am so angry that my hands are shaking, Tyler is by my side in a heartbeat.

"How dare y-"

"You asked for it you bastard." I spit.

Tyler walks me away, my hands shaking and my breathing unsteady. God I can't believe I just did that. Dane's a nutcase and I just pissed him off and probably made everything worse. Tyler must be able to tell that I'm beating myself up. He hugs me again and I know he's itching to know why I slapped Dane.

"Ok maybe I shouldn't have slapped him."

"That was the best thing I've ever seen." He's smiling, "And since you're my date." He puts his arm out toward the dance floor and I walk out ahead.  The 20's theme is great, but whoever chose the music totally missed the era.  The song Tyler and I are dancing to is the BeeGees, the music is way out by like 40 years.

His cologne is strong tonight, it's something I've come to mix with safety. Tyler is mixed with safety. Tyler's not the best dancer, he seems like he's trying not to step on my feet.

"You know what, dancing is overrated." He says leading me toward the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask but as soon as we leave the gym he starts running. I run with him even though I'm in danger of face planting because of these shoes.

He opens a door to a small room no bigger than a stall in a bathroom. It's about three metres from my math room. "Before you say anything, we don't have to do this."

I stare into his eyes I'm not this kind of girl, but now I just want to kiss him so bad. I disregard his statement and just smile at him. He pushes me back toward the wall, his hand cups the back of my head. Our lips meet with a passion I have never felt before, a desire to be nowhere but here. His kisses move down to my neck, and before I realise what I'm doing I'm ripping his jacket off. His hands run down my sides as I'm undoing his tie.

There's a knock on the door and both of us sigh. "This better be good." Tyler calls.

The door opens revealing Chloe in her prostitute styled dress. "Seriously?" Tyler sounds irritated.

He goes to slam the door, "please I need your help." She begs.

Tyler looks at me and I nod, I don't want him to go but I'm not that mean. He grabs his jacket and tie off the floor, throwing the tie around my neck and pulling me into another kiss.

"Hold this for me won't you love." He lets it hang around me and disappears.

Who was that girl? I wonder thinking about my actions with the jacket and tie. That was so not me, I'm not that kind of girl. I have bigger problems right now, like why Chloe just dragged my boyfriend off  in the middle of the dance.

The Bad Boy Loves Me?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora