Chapter Thirty - Missing You

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Bonnie's POV
I know everybody is probably unable to understand my choice. Choosing my education over Tyler would seem insane to most people my age, but it was a choice I made for myself.

It's a strange feeling standing in the lot of Huntings High, a different person than I was at the start of this year. Year eleven is almost over and yes I have regrets. I walk past the spot where I watched Alex get bashed trying to protect me. There's still blood on the pavement, it's a constant reminder of what happened here. I want it rain so it can wash away the last remaining piece of a battle we could never win.

Amber haven't spoken in at least two weeks, we wanted to give each other some space. I know she's hurting as much as I am. I head for my locker, alone. I'd rather be alone these days, the corridors are filled to the brim with sweaty teenagers. I force a path through the middle of them, my locking is in view now. I catch sight of someone leaning on it patiently waiting, it's Tyler. I abort I don't want to talk to him, I don't want to look into his eyes, they mesmerise me. I don't want to miss him, but I do. It's like the Grand Canyon opened up inside me, and I don't blame him. I blame Dane. I'm smart enough to realise that Dane won't give up which means I have to. I have to give Tyler up.

I head to Legal deciding to ditch my notebook and use my laptop instead. Monelly drones on for entire double period about the different types of law, but it's not like I really care anyway. I know Tyler is watching me and I know Aiden is too. Could this get anymore awkward? I've ended everything with Tyler but I still can't concentrate, I don't know how to. The only thing I actually know for sure is how much I hate Dane, for everything he's done to Amber, Alex and I. The bell pulls me out of my trance and I quickly leave so no one can corner me.

I dodge the cafeteria and go to my car, I'd rather sit there alone. At least I can be at peace here.


Tyler's POV
She didn't come to her locker this morning, and she hasn't spoken to me for weeks now. I didn't deserve her and dragged her to hell and back. I just want to say sorry, but she's avoiding me like the plague. In Legal she sat there the whole time never glanced back once. I miss her. I miss her presence, her love and that undying attitude for victory even when the odds were against us. Our year eleven graduation is in two days, a small ceremony but important nonetheless. You get a little certificate saying you completed grade eleven, and you have a fancy dinner thing.

I don't know how to face it without her by my side. How to go up there in front of everyone and say the best thing about this year. It was always her. I would do anything for her, I'd move heaven and earth for her.

I watch her walk out to her car alone, I know she cries in it, especially when she has a free period after lunch. Those beautiful brown eyes all puffy and red. I know misses me just like I miss her. I don't want to let her go, I don't want to see her cry. I want to hold her tight and tell her everything will be ok.

Dane wanders into the cafeteria looking tired, and I feel a bubble of pure hatred rise inside me. There are no words to describe how much I despise him, how much I want to hurt him. Oddly enough though, everyone at Huntings seems to hate him anyway. Which I'm totally fine with, I wouldn't care if he died tomorrow.

Amber walks in next her orange hair in a thick braid, denim jacket and jeans. She has a look of sadness when she notices Bonnie isn't with Chloe and Ellie. I know she worries about Bonnie but she doesn't intrude either. I know she's been working hard on the graduation ceremony, something her and Bonnie would have done together.


I can't get her off my mind I want to talk to her so bad. I want to hug her, I want to kiss her. I love her more than I love myself or anyone else. I even gave up smoking again for her, I love her but I don't know how to get her back.

Amber's POV
Everyday is harder than the last. Aiden hasn't spoken to me, it's been weeks since the fight with Dane. Never once did he come and try to apologise for not helping Alex. Bonnie and I haven't spoken and I know she's torn up. I don't know how to help.

I still love Aiden despite everything, I miss him and his company. He and Tyler still sit together occasionally sneaking a look at us. I've met his glance once, his eyes pleading with me. No I will not let him.

Bonnie is out in her car again this is the fifth time this week. I decide I should text her, she's my best friend.

'Got any room over there for one more?' I press send and begin the waiting game.

'I need a shoulder to cry on.' She sends back two minutes later. It probably took two minutes for her to stop crying enough to text.

I tell Chloe and Ellie where I'm going and then head over to her hatchback. I knock on the window and here the locks click. I sit next to her on the passenger seat, I'm perfectly composed. When she turns to face me she looks terrible, her face red and puffy. I can't help it, the sight of her makes me cry too.

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