Chapter Eleven - Forgiveness & Reunion

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Bonnie's POV

What got into Tyler? He was freaking scary today, he had a murderous look in his eyes. I've never seen it before.

I was texting Grandma before and he was staring at me. I got all awkward and went back into the ward because I had no idea what to do. The next time I came out, he was gone.

Mum and Dad have to stay in the hospital for a long while. So I am undertaking mission impossible, full time school and full time Anna with work in there somewhere. It's late by the time I pull into the drive way Anna's asleep in the backseat. There's someone on the porch but I can't tell who it is, my heart races for a moment what if its whoever has been stalking me? I lock the doors of my car, there's no way I'm getting out. The figure moves and steps into my still illuminated headlights. Whoever it is has a hoodie on, wait that hoodie....

My mind flashes back to the day Anna ran out onto the road, a sigh of relief passes over me. It's Tyler. He's holding a bunch of flowers and he walks up to the door and gazes at me through the glass. Most of me wants to not let him in again, not let him close enough again but I'm desperate for someone to hold me and tell me everything will be alright. I unlock the car door and he opens it he's quiet  for a long moment.

"Bonnie I-"

"Let's get Anna to bed then we can talk I guess." I interrupt, he passes me the flowers and carries Anna inside with me ahead unlocking everything for him.

"I'll put these in some water."

When I go up to Anna's room Tyler has her in bed all wrapped up, his hand is resting on her head. I don't want to interrupt whatever's happening here, so I just watch from the doorway. She's asleep but he's still talking to her anyway.

"You see I stuffed up Anna," he's saying quietly, "I love your sister but I don't deserve her." He turns around and I dodge out of sight. He mustn't have seen me and continues. "I don't know whether she'll ever forgive me because I'm a dick and she's just so kind and caring. I'm one hell of a jigsaw puzzle that's missing half the pieces, maybe because she is the other half of the pieces. But I guess I'll never know because I stuffed up so bad." He sighs.

"I forgive you." I say stepping out from my hiding spot.

"Oh shit, you didn't hear that did you?"

"Every word."

"Bonnie I, I think I love you. No I know I love you."

"I know. But hey your gonna wake my sister, come on."

"That's all you're going to say, Bonnie I just told you that I loved you."

"I'm scared you going to break my heart into a million pieces. So that's why I'm holding back."  I say and it comes out in a gush of words before I really thought about it.

"I won't."

"So I'm  supposed to take your word? That's alright until I'm picking up a million pieces of my heart."

"You won't be, I just want a chance and if I blow it you never have to speak to me again. I wanna protect you Bonnie, cause I know there's some creep out there following you around."

"Ty I don't know who it is, and neither do you." I cross my arms over my chest and sigh, "Whoever it is could have even caused the accident for all we know."

"You just used 'we' does that mean..."

"Ok, ok one chance but break my heart and I'll break your nose." I laugh, how and why am I laughing? At a time like this it seems wrong but it feels right at the same time.

"So we scrap study, I'll look after Anna while you're at work and we're gonna catch a stalker."

"That all sounded great except the last part." I hadn't realised but all through that conversation we'd been walking to the living room and even sat on the sofa together. I sit back leaning my head on his shoulder. I hope I know what I'm doing, otherwise this could get messy.

"I want to try something, but this time it's won't be forced and awkward."

"What are you -" he kisses me mid sentence, people talk about how you're supposed to see fireworks. I'm seeing nothing, but I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy maybe I'm in love. It just sounds stupid when I say it, sappy at the most.

"Why me?"

"Because you're everything I wish I was."

Well that hit me like a train going eighty miles an hour, Tyler wanted to be like me. When did this even start? How long has he wanted this?

"But I'm Boring Bonnie, nobody wants to be like me."

"There's nothing boring about you, they just can't see past the wall you put up."

I'm starting to doze, my eyelids feel heavy. "Ty I'm tired."

I feel him move out from our hug and he stands up. Lifting me, he carries me up to my room and puts me into bed.

"Are you good if I go home?"

"Mhmm." My eyes are shut already.

"Ok I'll lock up too."

"Night Bon." Is the last thing I hear before I drift into unconsciousness.


Tyler's POV

I lock the door from the inside and pull it shut, it's late, near eleven. I hadn't realised before that half the streetlights on Bonnie's street didn't work. It's pitch black so I use the torch on the back of my phone to navigate the garden path. I hear a bush rustle to my left.

"Who's there?" I shine the torch at the bush but I can't see anything there. "Einstein." I call hoping it's just him sniffing around.  The German Shepard doesn't appear, maybe my ears are playing tricks on me.

"Hello Tyler."

Holy crap, hell no that can't be...

"Why are you lurking around here?" My voice gets that tone of aggravation mixed with annoyance.

"Payback's a bitch."

"What do you want?"

"Guess you'll have to meet me at the coffee shop  where Bonnie works to find out. 10am tomorrow don't be late."

I was about to come up with some smart ass remark but he was already gone. Demons from my past were catching up and Bonnie was going to be caught in the crossfire. Whatever happens I have to protect her, no matter what.

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