Chapter Twenty Six - Hoax

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Bonnie's POV
I stare, where does he come off following me in here. Tyler lets the door close and leans against it so no one else can come in and I can't get out. I don't turn to face him, I watch him through the mirror.

"You really don't get it do you?" He says those ice blue eyes fixed on me.

"I don't want to talk."

I grab my bag off the sink, where I had it sitting, I move toward him I pull the door handle but he's stronger than me. "Let me out." I say quietly.

"You really believe I left you. At least it's super convincing for Dane if even you believe it."

"What did you just say?" I abandon the door and look up at him.

"I said that if Dane thought-"

"I know what you said," I say frustratedly, "All you and Aiden had to do was tell us that you were going to do this."

"Then it wouldn't have looked so real."

"It felt real."

"I'm sorry."

"Did Ellie know?"



"I'm good at being a bad boy Bon, I wasn't supposed to tell you about it. But when you said that smoking affected you so much.... You looked crushed."

"Probably because I am. It hurts every time I have to breathe some of it in. Feels like my lungs are burning from
the inside out."

"I'm sorry honey." He finally gives in to hug me, I know he's been holding himself back this whole time.

He smells like he's emptied an entire can of deodorant onto himself to cover up the cigarette smoke smell. He kisses the top of my head and then my neck.

"When we walk out this door it's over..." He says, "It has to look real."

"I know."

"I need you to know that no matter what happens out there, I love you."

"I love you too."

Tyler lets me go and spins, opening the door and slipping through to the hall. He's gone. His idea was genius really, I wouldn't have thought of it. He doesn't give himself enough credit.


Amber's POV

"Meet me at Lomax asap."

I stare at the text from Bonnie it's weird, but then again it must be important. I take it seriously and head straight for the cafe and I don't tell Ellie or Chloe where I'm going. When I get there Bonnie is sitting in our usual booth in the far corner, alone.

I order coffee and join her, she's dressed like she went for a run this morning and couldn't be bothered to get changed. I hadn't noticed this morning when I saw her.

"First we have to talk about that." She looks me up and down, judging my clothes.

"Is it that obvious that I'm depressed as hell right now?" I try to return her smile .

"That t-shirt is Alex's, so yes it is." She's laughing, what does she know that I don't?

The waitress delivers our coffee and Bonnie suddenly looks serious. "What's this about?" I ask when she doesn't speak for at least five minutes.

"This is about the guys."

"I'm over that, you don't have to keep telling me to stop blaming myself."

"You weren't wrong."

I almost drop the ceramic mug of coffee all over the table and myself. She must have gone mad, everything between the boys and us was over.

"It's all a hoax. As long as Dane believes it's true then we're closer to this being over."

"What?!" I'm barely able to process what she is saying. It couldn't be a hoax, Aiden would never act like that toward me. However, if they are going for convincing then maybe he would.

"Wait how do we know this?" I say before I let my hopes get up I should know whether it's true or not.

"Tyler told me in the girls bathroom."

It was true. All of it, but it just made our lives twenty times more complicated then they already were. Now Bonnie and I had to act like we hated the people that we actually loved. I don't know how to hate Aiden, I couldn't even before I knew this was a hoax.

"Hello? Are you still with me here?" Bonnie is waving a hand in front of my face wildly.

"Yes sorry it's a lot to take in. I knew it!" I half squeal the last part and grab Bonnie's hand.

"Hey, we still have to act like it's real otherwise that plan will fall apart. No matter what don't tell Ellie or Chloe we can't risk it falling apart." She says and she is dead serious.

"I won't. I won't tell anyone. But this calls for a celebration! Sleepover girls night! You and me tonight!"

"Hell yes!" Bonnie says taking a sip of her latte.

Bonnie's smile vanishes all of a sudden and I turn to look at what she's seen. Dane strolls in wearing a Marist varsity jacket, he's heading for us. Marist students never come to Lomax, they have a cafe closer to their campus. This is Huntings territory, he's got some nerve coming here.

"So now I get to pick which one I want." He laughs smugly, good he does think this is real.

Tyler and Aiden appear at the door but they both have to act like they don't care. Aiden's eyes meet mine briefly but he tears his away, this is harder for him than he's letting on. I can see that Tyler's jaw is clenched, he has to chill out or this could all be over.

"Go F yourself." Bonnie says, typical of her not actually to swear.

"Ok then," he turns to me, "What about you sweetheart?"

"What she said."

This makes Dane agitated he grabs my arm and I recoil trying to get out of his grip.

"Hey!" It's Bonnie's boss Cathy, "You Marist kid, I never have any trouble in this cafe until you came in, get out of my cafe!"

Dane lets go of my arm and storms out of the cafe. Cathy glaring as he walks across the road outside.

"Not in my cafe." She nods and apologises to other people in the cafe for the commotion. As she leaves I look at Aiden and Tyler with a smirk on my face.

Dane got told by an old lady!

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