Chapter Thirty Two - Advice

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Bonnie's POV

I head to Lomax alone after the ceremony still bubbling about my success. I was unaware that guilt would even work on someone like Dane, but I'm glad I tried. I order a vanilla latte, and step to the side to wait. The door to the cafe opens and Tyler comes in, was he following me? He wanders over and has a surprised look on his face.

"Fancy seeing you here." I say, "Couldn't wait until tonight to see me?"

"Oh I could've waited but where's the fun in that." He grabs a bottle of coke out of the fridge and pays for it. I'm still waiting for my coffee.

He kisses me on the forehead, "I'll see you tonight love." He's doing the trademark Tyler smirk as he walks out.

I watch him cross the road and walk in the direction of his house. I can't help but smile, I loved him even when I had to leave him. Never again. Never again would I leave him especially not because of someone else.

"He's a keeper." I turn around and look at the girl that had spoken. She's blonde and wears thick black rimmed glasses.

"Um." I say not really sure what to say to her. I don't know her, never seen her before in my life.

"He's one of those stereotyped 'bad boys' defying said stereotype. Believe me I know, I fell in love with one too." She turns to leave.

"Wait. Who are you?" I say grabbing her arm.

"I'm just a girl that made a terrible mistake, and I'm not talking about falling in love. If you really must know my name is Jasmine Foster." She smiles once more and disappears out the door of Lomax without another word.

I run to the door and pull it open. "Jasmine." I call but she's already gone. What could she have been talking about? I guess I'll never know.

My number gets called out and I grab my latte and take a seat our usual spot. Only this time I sit alone contemplating what just happened.


Amber's POV
Aiden's apology for not stepping in to save Alex's ass was pretty decent. Aiden said he wasn't into fist fights, and that what happened at the 20's dance earlier this year was a one off. He had said out of the two of them Tyler was the one who was more physical when it came to fighting.

I don't know what her to feel worried or not. Surely Tyler would never hurt Bonnie, not like that anyway. It feels good to be finished eleventh grade, it's a relief actually. School has never been my favourite thing, in actual fact it's the bane of my existence. The only good thing that's ever come out of it is my friends.

Bonnie slipped away somewhere after the ceremony, so I don't bother her, she probably wants to be alone. I do worry about the formal part tonight, Bon has never been one for dressing up nice. I have always been there to make sure she wears something nice and appropriate for whatever occasion we attend.

I wander downtown lazily, I don't have the effort to be looking for something for tonight.
I see a red dress in the window of a shop, it's beautiful. It would reach down to my ankles and it's strapless at the top. There are sequins covering the top half and not the skirt.

It's perfect.

I walk in and try it on. It's stunning, they even have matching shoes! Tonight's going to be a good night, I can already feel it.

Bonnie's POV
I put my dress on preparing for tonight. It's purple skirt falling right down to the floor. It has off the shoulder straps at the top, something I'd never worn before.

I stand before the mirror letting it judge me. My own brown eyes stare back at me, I had survived. No matter what Dane tried to do to me I had still survived, and to think I hated Tyler at the start of this year. What planet had I been on?
My mind wanders back to the dream I had about him before the start of the year. Like I've said before I don't believe in premonitions or palm reading or anything like that. Now however, I cannot describe how Tyler and I even got past hating each other. It didn't seem possible to destroy that kind of hate. Yet maybe, well obviously it was. I push the dream from my thoughts and focus on the Jasmine girl. I know I've heard her name before, somewhere.

I open my laptop and google her name, I should know why I recognise her name. But I can't remember. I pull up an article and read the heading out loud.

"Boyfriend dies to save his girl in college shooting"

Corey Anderson. She was Corey Anderson's girl, news of the shooting spread like wildfire after it happened. I remember it now, that poor girl. My heart lurches he would have to be the guy she was talking about. Was she trying to make sure I don't let Tyler get into a situation like that? I close the laptop, maybe she was just saying that I shouldn't be too quick to judge and make my mind up.
I wander downstairs to let my parents take a thousand photos, they're what you would call photo hoarders.  My mother smiles as she takes a photo even though she's not in it. Dad wanders around aimlessly in the background, playing some kind of game with Anna.

The doorbell rings and I know it's probably Tyler. I walk to get it and as I pull it open Tyler is fiddling with his tie to no avail.

"You never could tie a tie to save your life." I say pulling it off him to untangle it.

"That's why I have you. By the way you look amazing." I look down at my shoes so he doesn't see me blush.

When I feel I've recovered from the blush, I look up and put the tie back on him and tighten it. I fiddle with it for longer than necessary until he moves a loose strand of hair from my face and tilts my head up to look me in the eye. He kisses me and then takes my hand.

"Your ride my love." He steps aside and gestures to his car outside. I wave to my parents and follow him to the car. Like a gentleman he opens the door for me.

"If you'd fiddled with my tie any longer we would have been late." He says once he gets in the driver seat, a big smirk plastered on his face.

"Just shut up and drive." I say playfully and he just laughs.

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