Chapter Twenty One - Not Now, Not Ever

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Bonnie's POV
I'm am not very successful in getting Chloe to speak to the others. She doesn't want to. She keeps telling me that they aren't as forgiving as I am. She's probably right.

However, after a lot of persuading I managed to get her to meet us at Lomax and I would tell the others while she was present.

I'm am the first one to arrive, probably because everyone else would rather die than have to consult with the devil. Lomax is quiet for a Wednesday afternoon, but it looks like a tornado came through. The place is a mess so I wander around wiping the tables and straightening chairs while I wait. Amber, Aiden and Tyler arrive about twenty minutes later all looking rather bored. I gesture to our usual spot at the far back of the cafe. Chloe walks in almost immediately after them but she looks like she would run for it if she could.

"I don't want your life story, just say what you know and we're done here." Tyler says glaring straight at Chloe.

"I'm telling the story." I say pointedly, "Chloe is here to correct me if I'm wrong."

Tyler smiles at me he knows I'm trying to change his mind about her. He grabs my hand under the table flirtatiously, he's trying to keep me off topic. I know I have to say it quick to get their attention.

"Dane threatened to rape Chloe if she didn't go to the dance with him." It comes out like word vomit.

Amber's jaw is metaphorically on the floor, her green eyes staring at me in disbelief. Aiden and Tyler have raised eyebrows and confused looks on their faces.

"And you believe her?" Aiden screws his nose up at Chloe.

"This is serious." I say sternly looking at each of them. "So y'all better get over this problem you've got with Chloe or we're going to have a problem. Believe me I know you aren't heartless so act like it."

A long dramatic silence follows, no one daring to say a word. You could hear a pin drop. My hand has gone to sleep but I know Tyler still has hold of it.

"I'm not asking you to be my best friends now, and I know I don't deserve what I'm asking for, but I need your help." Chloe breaks the silence finally.

"Fine. But you get one chance and only one chance." Amber says.

"Yes I understand." Chloe answers not daring to make eye contact with anyone but me.

"Tell us everything you know about Dane." Tyler says his ice blue eyes on Chloe like a set of razor sharp knives.

"I don't know much, only that he has some weird obsession with Bonnie." Shes scratches the  back of her neck, "He said he wanted to make Tyler pay, for what I don't know. He used me to distract you from Bonnie so he could get to her. He said he'd ruin me if I told anyone and the sexual assault part too."

Tyler's POV

I stare at Chloe in disbelief, Dane was a lot of things but sexually abusing a girl? She had to be making this up, I know that guy, he used to be my best friend. Used to be. That was before Ashley. Oh god she ruined it all, everything....


"I asked her out and she said yes!" Dane punches me lightly on the shoulder. The guy has had a thing for her for as long as I can remember.

"Well good for you." I answer punching him back. "I've got go and see coach, I'll  catch up with you later."

I wander down the halls searching for coach but I can't find him, for old guy he moves fast. I feel a hand on my back too gentle for a guy. I turn around and Ashley is there, her hand grips my bicep and she reaches up and kisses me on the cheek.

"What are you doing?" I say.

"Baby, Dane won't find out." She says slyly.

"This is wrong." I try to move away from her but she follows keeping hold of my arm.

"He's my best friend, and I won't do this to him." I keep backing away from her but she still keeps coming. My back hits the row of lockers along the wall, I am trapped.

Her eyes meet with mine, she really is beautiful but I won't. She's Dane's girl. Before I can stop her she's kissing my mouth pinning me against the lockers.

"What the hell!" Dane's voice breaks through whatever this is.

"Dane I'm sorry." Ashley is on her knees crying, begging him.

"How could you? I thought we were friends." Dane's eyes stay on me not her.

"She kissed me." I say rather incredulously.

"We're done! And I swear to god I will take anyone you ever love from you. If you get a girl I will take her!" He storms away leaving Ashley spluttering on the floor and me with my mouth hanging open.

"You shouldn't have dated  him if you wanted me!" I spit at her.

"I wanted you both!" She yells.

"You selfish little brat!" I say storming off down the corridor.


"Tyler? Tyler?" Bonnie is waving a hand in front of my face. I shake my head quickly.


"What happened man? You were totally out of it." Aiden says watching me suspiciously.

"Nothing I'm just kinda tired." I say quietly.

"Are we seriously that boring?" Amber asks.

"No I'm just tired."

"Well we got through what we needed to let's get out of here I'm kinda tired too." Bonnie says squeezing my hand, she's my saviour, she knows I want to leave so she's helping.

Once I get home Ashley is still on my mind, I can't shake the feeling that she owes me. She screwed me over and now she can fix her mistake. Maybe I should pay her a little visit and tell her so. I won't let this crappy past come in and ruin Bonnie's and my relationship. Not now, not ever.

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