Chapter Seventeen - Ultimatum

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Bonnie's POV

I head back to the hospital to see Mum and Dad, Anna has been wanting to see them for a long while but they had tests to go through.

Hearing that they'd been in an accident was the scariest news I'd ever heard. My asthma had risen to a point of life threateningly dangerous, but to my surprise none of my friends ever asked about it really.

After seeing Mum and Dad, I take Anna to school and then drive myself to school. I never told Tyler that last night I thought Chloe took him away and then.... Well you know did stuff.

Chloe however, seemed uncharacteristically nice last night. Especially since she walked in on us, I thought she'd go and tell everyone what she saw. So why didn't she?

I get out of my car at school, Tyler and Aiden are over with a bunch of the football players laughing and joking. I can't see Amber, she must be late.

"Bonnie." I turn around literal shock almost causing an asthma attack, I didn't know Chloe knew my actual name.

"Hi." I say a little confused.

"Can we talk, I don't know over coffee in fourth. You have a free right?"

"Yes I do, but is this some kind of prank?" Chloe tries her best not to look hurt.

"I promise I'm done with being a bitch, I realised that last night."

I look up and Tyler is watching like he's ready to intervene. I wave him off Chloe isn't doing anything and she wouldn't want to either.

"So will you come?" She asks with a half smile.


"Please Bonnie."

"Ok I'll come, but it better not be a trap." I lock my car as I spot Amber across the lot. "Excuse me." I say walking away leaving Chloe to watch me go.

I explain the whole ordeal to the boys and Amber at break time or recess whatever it's called. "She said and I quote, 'I'm done with being a bitch.'"

"People like her don't just change overnight." Amber points out and it is a valid point.

"I made it clear that this was her first and last chance to prove herself."

"I still don't trust her." Tyler says, "I'm coming with you."

"You have class and I won't have you miss it on my account." I say mostly because I can face her alone, this time won't be like the rest.

"No way-" he protests.

"Ty I've got this one." I hug into his side trying to prove that I'll be fine.

The bell rings and the crowd begins the journey to their classes for third period. I wander slowly to history where Mrs Incarni would be waiting. I loved history, not the boring ancient stuff but World Wars, Civil Wars and Victorian eras.

This is the only class I have that Chloe's in, why I'm not sure. She doesn't seem like a person interested in this stuff. Mrs Incarni walks in scrubbing at a coffee stain on her shirt, it looks recent.

"Everyone textbooks to page 41." She gives up on the stain and puts a sweater  on over it.

I open the page, Korean War. I don't know anything about it, so I sigh and sit back to listen. The lesson just goes on and on like a bad soap opera. I have never been this bored in history.


Tyler's POV

I know Bonnie will kill me if she catches me tailing her to Lomax Café. That must be where she's meeting Chloe. I don't and have never trusted Chloe and considering she was with Dane last night, it could be a set up.

I watch them sit facing each other on either side of a booth, Chloe has a strained look on her face something that almost looks like fear. Bonnie is shaking her head and she actually looks upset about whatever she's being told, but then the unthinkable happens Chloe starts crying. Bonnie, despite everything that bitch has ever done hugs her. What the hell is happening? Every inch of me wants to run over there and demand answers, but I hold back I know it will make trouble.


Bonnie's POV

I sit down across from Chloe not really sure what to expect, you never do with her. Something is different about her today and I can't seem to figure out what. She seems to be thinking about how to say something to me but she doesn't know how.

" I didn't mean to ruin your night at the dance, things got out of hand especially with Dane. He approached me two days before told me if I didn't go with him, he'd make my life hell." She chokes as if she's on the verge of crying. I open my mouth but words won't form for me.

"So I agreed mostly out of fear, he told me that I had to wear that dress. So I could compare...." She stops.

"Compare to what?" I ask with a frown.

"Compare to you. He wanted Tyler to leave you for me, then he would have you. Bonnie he wants you and he was using me to distract Tyler from you but it didn't work." Tears well in her eyes.

"So to get your attention he tried it on Amber, Aiden got angry and the fight broke out. I panicked I didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to find you and Tyler." She takes a deep breath, "After his plan failed he gave me and ultimatum, get you away from Tyler's protection or else."

"Or else what?" I demand trying not to sound careless.

"Or else he'll... He'll." She bursts into tears, "He'll rape me." She splutters I stand up and move to her side, I hug her.

"I'm not going to let that happen."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She cries and I know it's about everything that's happened between us.

"Its ok I forgive you." I let her cry into my shoulder still unsure who this person is, the Chloe I know would never do anything like this. Then again did I ever know her?

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