Chapter Four - Tips & Tricks

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Bonnie's POV
Tyler isn't dumb, I don't even feel like he needs to be tutored. I mean he genuinely sounded sorry last night.

It's Saturday morning and I'm on my way to work. I'm slowly starting to get used to the Amber and Aiden thing. Slowly.

That whole thing is beside the point, I work at a small café as a barista. It's called Lomax Cafe and it's a popular spot for teenagers to hang out. I wander in and tie an apron on, against my own judgement. I personally think the grey aprons look ridiculous.

"Bonnie." I turn to my boss Cathy, an old lady, Lomax has been in her family for years.

"Good morning Cathy." I smile politely.

Cathy's told me so many times that I'm her favourite staff member, she says I work really hard and that I'm committed.

"Good morning to you to dear." She answers with a smile that reaches her eyes.

I start my usual routine making coffee after coffee. When a familiar order appears on my screen. Large hazelnut latte on skim.

"Amber." I look and Aiden has his arm around her. "Aiden." I say after its obvious that I saw him.

"You finish now don't you?" Amber asks.

I glance up at the clock, she's right I do. Time had flown by, I nod. "Meet you when you're out." She says.

I take my apron off and pull my hair loose. I'm unplugging my phone from the sound system with my back to the counter.

"Any chance of one last coffee from the best girl at making them?" I turn around to see who would say that.

Tyler is leaning against the counter smirking at me. He's wearing the same thing he wears everyday, jeans with a black leather jacket and a black button up shirt. The only thing that changes is the shirt, it's always jeans and the jacket. If you didn't know him he would intimidate the crap out of you, which even though I know him, he still intimidates me.

"You must be joking." I answer.

"Am I laughing." He raises an eyebrow

"I am on tomorrow maybe you should wait until then."

"That would be too long." He says over exaggerating a pout.

"Fine. One." I say turning back to the machine. Without my hair tied back it falls in my eyes.

"Vanilla Latte please." He hands me the money.

"You've given me ten dollars more than I need." I look up at him.

"That's your tip and payback for me being a jerk."

"I can't take this."

"It wasn't an offer." He takes the coffee from me and walks off to join Amber and Aiden.

I know I should give Aiden a chance but I don't want to, not after everything he's done to me. I walk out from behind the counter and towards to corner booth where Amber and the boys are sitting.

I walk over and smile awkwardly. God Damn it why does Tyler make me act weird?

My phone rings and I'm thankful for something to do with my hands.



"Who is this?" I ask

"Tell me what you know about Tyler Hanson."

"I don't know anything I swear." I splutter fear rearing its head inside me.

Just then Tyler snatches the phone from me. "Call this phone again and I'll break you neck." He says in a tone so devoid of humanity, that it scares me. He ends the call slams my phone on the table and storms out.

I'm just standing there stunned and scared. What just happened and why did Tyler react so badly? And how did he know who it was?

"Hey Bonnie, you alright?" Aiden asks, I fight back the urge to say "since when do you care!" But I don't want to hurt Amber.

"Fine. It's been a long day." I walk away, now is not the time for me to sit there and listen to whatever they wanted me to.

I take a short cut home, something about that phone call has made me nervous. My mind is wandering to deep dark corners, trying to comprehend what might be going on. I cut through the park where I take Anna to play sometimes. Someone is watching me, I can feel it. You know how you just have that feeling, well it's stronger than ever now.

"Tyler?" I call out, I'm hoping it's just him fooling around. No answer.

"Come on Tyler this isn't funny." I glance around, whoever it is knows how to hide.

It starts to dawn on me that this isn't Tyler, and it's a scary thought. I run, everything around me turns to a blur my lungs are burning. I start to gasp desperately for air.

Oh did I neglect to mention I have bad asthma? Oops my bad....

I reach for my inhaler, I'm almost there. I burst through the front door slamming it shut, and buckle over to catch my breath. I take two puffs from my inhaler and try to breathe normally.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Dad is standing there looking like he's half confused and half worried.

"Nothing, just an asthma attack." I walk past him and climb the stairs. I'm so taking my car next time, I let out a laugh but it's a fake sound.

"Ping!" My phone goes off, and my body seizes up. I pull my phone out of my pocket, my hands are shaking.  It's Amber, I sigh with relief, "Why'd you ditch so quick?" I don't know what to say to her so I ignore it, besides I have bigger problems someone was following me and I didn't know why. Not to mention Tyler's scary reaction to whoever called my phone today.

I didn't know he could look so scary, but then again I didn't really know anything about him. He was a huge jerk but now I'm not so sure people can change right? I can see the good in everyone, and if I didn't know any better I would think Tyler was protecting me today.

What if he was?

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