Chapter Eighteen - Dizzy

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Amber's POV

I look up from my math study and almost fall off my chair, Bonnie and Chloe are walking across the carpark together. What the hell is happening? Those two hate each other, and hate like that doesn't just go away. I know Bonnie has Legal Studies now so I won't get to talk to her until later.

Tyler's car pulls into the carpark as if he'd been watching them. He looks like he's sneaking through the lot as if he doesn't want to be seen. I slam my books shut and put myself in his path out in the corridor. 

"Amber, hey." He tries to side step me but I keep moving into his path.

"Were you following her? Cause if you think she's cheating on you then you don't know her at all."

"I wouldn't call it 'following'. I'd call it 'protecting' her."  He pronounces the words so they sound distinct.

"From what exactly?" I say scrutinising every inch of his face.

"Chloe." He says simply.

"Good point." I sigh and move out of his way. "What happened? Do you know?"

"Chloe cried about something and Bonnie hugged her."

"You're kidding right?" He just stares at me, "Or you aren't kidding." I scratch the back of my neck.

"Amber." I fling my head around trying not to look suspicious, Tyler does the same.

"Hey Bon. Chloe." I don't even look at Chloe. Bonnie must be out of her freaking mind.

Is no one going to point out the shear weirdness of Bonnie and Chloe, within ten feet of each other and not ripping each other's heads off?

Chloe's eyes are red and puffy, a rare sight indeed considering she is thought to be Satan's daughter. A true evil conniving bitch, that would make even the demons question their purpose.

"We need to talk." Bonnie looks at both Tyler and I.

"I'm not talkin' to her, forget it."  

There's a look in Bonnie's eye that reminds me of the kind of look you give someone when they betray you. Hurt, sadness, disapproval. All in one look. Tyler elbows me in the ribs and it wasn't gentle.

"Fine." I mutter and Bonnie smiles.

"After class." She turns and walks away not bothering to wait for Tyler, she knows he'll catch her anyway.


Bonnie's POV

Mr Monelly has us taking notes from the textbook, Aiden hasn't said anything since we got here. It's not like him.

"You're really buying that act."

"Ty I told you I don't think it's an act."

"Are we talking about the same person?"

"Chloe? Yes I know what I'm doing I just need you to see why."

"I'm not playing forgive and forget, I -"

"Mister Hanson, what is the answer to question five? Or don't you know because you have been talking to Miss Stevenson this whole time?"

"It's obstruction of justice, sir." Tyler says but I know he stole the answer from my book.

"Very well then, less talk more work." Monelly says returning to his laptop.

"Bon, I just wanna be sure that we're not making a mistake." He says in a whisper.

"Do you trust my judge of character?"

"Of course I do."

"Then know this, Dane is involved in this and it's heavy. Real heavy. She's scared out of her mind. I'm scared out of my mind."

"But what the hell is-"

"We'll talk about it after class." I interrupt.

Tyler sighs but goes quiet for the remainder of the period, I know he has a thousand questions to ask but just doesn't for one reason or another. There's something about this whole situation that bothers me, it's not Chloe. Am I in over my head? Should I have just stayed away from Tyler Hanson. No I wouldn't go there, I love Tyler and he loves me.

I know this but why is it bothering me so much? There's a bad feeling building inside of me but I can't extinguish it, it won't go away.
There is five minutes before the bell to end the class, but I feel ill. This feeling is eating away at me. Before I can stop myself my hand shoots up and I'm asking to go to the bathroom. In my hectic rush to get out of the room, I knock several chairs over.

"Bonnie!" Tyler's voice sounds strained but I ignore it.

Without even waiting for an answer from Monelly, I burst into the empty hallway. I'm running for the girls bathroom. As I run past an empty classroom something inside in its darkness catches my eye.

"Bonnie!" Tyler's calls are echoing down the hall, without thinking I burst into the classroom.

"Oh thank god." A voice comes from the darkness, "He knows I told."


"He can't do anything to hurt us." I try to say but the feeling of sickness is making me dizzy.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes." I lie, "Where is he? Is he here?"

"I swear I saw him go past the door." She stammers.

"Your mind is playing tricks on you, it's just your imagination."

"I saw him."

"Chloe, you need to calm down." I try to move toward her but the dizziness makes me stumble.

"Bonnie are you sure you're alright?"  She says concern lacing her voice.

"Yes I just...." I don't know where my sentence went. Blackness seeps at the edge of my eyes and I'm falling, all my actions seem to be in slow motion. Chloe dives at me, screaming my name as my eyes slide shut and I collide roughly with the floor.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE!" Chloe's voice sounds miles away but none the less she's screaming.

And then there's nothing but blackness, I can't hear Chloe anymore. I can't hear or see anything, the world has fallen to blackness.

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