Chapter Twenty Seven - Warning

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Bonnie's POV
It's good to have the old Amber back. She's over the problems that happened between us and the boys, and she knows it's just a performance for Dane.

I pull my hatchback up in her driveway, it has been a long time since we had our last sleepover. Her house looks the same as last time, brick with a tiled roof. Her front door opens she's already in her pyjamas at four in the afternoon but there is a look on her face that is unfamiliar.

"What is it?" I say as I approach her at the door.

"Alex decided to come home for a few days."


"The last time you saw Alex you were thirteen."

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." I assure her, she hesitates but then leads me inside.

The television is on blasting some kind of music channel, It seems to bother Amber but not me. There's someone on the couch eating a packet of corn chips. Blonde hair blue eyes, complete with a Marist varsity jacket just like Dane's. Alex.

He turns to see us, "Bonnie. How you doing?" He says.

I'm surprised he remembered me, even way back then it's not like we played together when I came over. As long as I can remember he's been a border at Marist, and I had only ever seen him once before.

"Hey, I'm pretty good. What about you?" I say not really knowing what else to say.

"Pretty chill." He continues eating the chips and then offers me some, I take some to be polite not because I want some.

Amber looks increasingly uncomfortable, probably about as uncomfortable as I feel. I don't really know what I'm supposed to say to Alex.

"Heard you had a fling with Tyler Hanson." Alex says and I almost choke on a chip, that wasn't very subtle.

I clear my throat and narrowly avoid a coughing fit. "Who told you that?" I say staring at Amber accusingly.

"Dane Radley, overheard him the other day in the cafeteria." Alex says turning the television off and looking me in the eye as he talks. "Dane's an ass but if anyone knows Tyler it's him."

"Trust me Dane doesn't know shit." I say, "Tyler doesn't even like him anymore."

"He was boasting about breaking you guys up. He said it was revenge for Ashley, we're all over what happened with that though."

I realise that Amber hasn't told Alex about Dane and his games with us. Maybe Alex could help, he's grade 12 and maybe he could put the fear of God in Dane. Maybe.

"What did happen with that?" I say ignoring Amber's annoyed look.

"She's a attention seeker and she wanted them to fight over her, that is until she finally decided she wanted Tyler. As you can imagine Dane didn't take it too well. He's hated Tyler ever since."

"What did you think of Tyler?" I can't stop the questions, if anyone would know it's Alex.

"If you ask me, bad news. He used to smoke wagged a few classes, had the bad boy label."

I nod, "He's changed a bit ."

"He must have for a girl like you to even consider him."

"A girl like me?" I raise an eyebrow playfully.

"Smart, sweet and should have high expectations. You don't deserve any less." He says not breaking eye contact with me.

"Thanks I try." I smile not really sure what else to say, Alex payed more attention than I thought.

"If you want to ask me anything, just ask." He says, and then turns the television back on.

Amber and I wander up to her room, which is still like an eight year olds room. Painted pink with stuffed animals up on shelves, she refuses to get rid of them. Her desk sits in the corner with books piled on top, it looks like if you tried to move one you would cause an avalanche.

"I forgot how nice your brother is." I say sitting down on her bed.

"He's ok I guess. But how could you think I would tell him you were dating Tyler?"

"I don't know, I just didn't know how else he would have found out."

"Either way we have more pressing issues, like the boys." Amber sits down beside me.

"Yeah that little sweetheart." I say sarcastically, "We cannot let on that its all fake. This is a genius plan and I don't want us to be the ones to stuff it up."

"We can do this." Amber says triumphantly.


Tyler's POV

"Wait you told her!" Aiden looks annoyed, "Dude you told me I couldn't even talk to Amber!"

"Chill, she's going to talk to Amber and tell her that you love her." I answer having a puff of the cigarette I've been holding.

We're standing outside Lomax probably because we have nothing better to do. Especially since we have to stay away from the girls.

I see someone familiar walking toward us but I can put a name to his face. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, and a Marist jacket on.

"Tyler Hanson I'm only going to tell you and your friend once." He turns to Aiden. "I know you are dating  my sister, you won't want to hurt her in anyway or else you'll have me too deal with. And you," he turns back to me, "Bonnie doesn't have an older brother to watch out for her so I'll treat her like she's my sister too. I know you're sweet talkin' her, same goes for her you mess with her you mess with me."

"You don't have to worry about us, you should be worried about Dane Radley." I say.

"I haven't forgotten what happened with you, Dane and Ashley. This is your one and only warning. Bonnie doesn't need anymore pain." And with that he walks off.

Alex Johnson. Amber's brother. 'Bonnie doesn't need anymore pain.' What did he mean by that? It suddenly occurred to me that I didn't know anything about Bonnie's last relationship. But he does obviously.

Exactly what has she been through?

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