Chapter Two

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Aaron's POV

When we got to my house I immediately got a towel for Aphmau so she can dry off, as well as a blanket, and a nice hot cup of jasmine tea. Her favourite.

We sat in silence for a long time. A very long time. Then I finally broke it by saying...

"I'm sorry that I was late. I saw someone I knew back in high school." I don't like talking about high school, it gives me a lot of mixed memories. Mostly good but some are bad.

"Oh really? Who?" She asked.

It took me a while to respond I mean it's my ex girlfriend we're talking about.

"My ex."

"Oh." Just one word. One word summarized how she felt at the moment. It looked as if she was about to cry.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Ya, *sniff* who am I to barge into you're personal life. I mean am I right?*sniff*"

The weather wasn't helping the whole situation and it doesn't look like it will stop any time soon.

"Hey Aphmau, it's getting late and it's still raining outside, I don't want you to catch a cold... so why don't you stay over for the night. You could sleep in the guest room."

"Ya, that sounds... fine. I'll just call Katelyn so she wouldn't worry about me."

"What about Kawaii~Chan?"

"Ya... heh better not do that."

"Why not? Oh. Ya... nevermind. So what do you want to do?"

"Umm... can we watch Frozen?"

Really? She wants to watch Frozen. That movie is really getting old now and annoying, everywhere I go I hear at least one little girl sing Let It Go.

"Seriously? Frozen? Don't you think that you're a little too old for that?"

"*long 'dramatic' gasp* You can never be too old for Did-ney."
I love how she says 'Did-ney' instead of 'Disney'. It makes her sound so childish and cute.

"Urg, as much as I hate to say it but FINE! We'll watch Frozen... just promise me one thing, DO NOT sing Let It Go."

"Aww, but that's the best part."
She gave me her adorable puppy dog face, the one where I cannot say no to, even if I try she always gets me with that face.

"Alright fine. You can sing the song." 

She gave me a hug. I was shocked, I think this was the first we actually hugged. Realizing that she's still hugging me she quickly pulled back while face turns bright red.

"Let's just start the movie." She said. And so we sat there, a distance apart from us as we watched a Disney movie.

Aphmau's POV

We got to Aaron's house safely. He gave me a towel to dry up and a blanket so I wouldn't get cold. That's one of the things I like about Aaron, he's always so caring.

Aaron said that he'd be back with a nice cup of jasmine tea, my favourite. When he got back it was so awkward, well for me at least. I couldn't stop thinking of my dream. It's haunting me like a ghost, I can't even look at him in the eyes without blushing. What is wrong with me?! I don't even know! The last time I remember something like this happening was back in high school. I think Aaron could tell that this whole situation was pretty awkward so he finally said something.

"I'm sorry that I was late. I saw someone I knew from high school." Aaron has never told me anything about his high school life. So I got curious and asked.

"Oh really? Who?" Though the answer he gave me wasn't the answer I was hoping for.
"My ex." His ex. The only response I could think of was "Oh." I looked as if someone has ripped out my heart then crushes it like in Once Upon A Time. I could feel my face getting hot and tears were already starting to form. I think he noticed because he then asked me if I was alright. Of course I said that I was but really I not. I just want to go home but that doesn't look possible it hasn't stopped raining yet. I guess Aaron was thinking the same thing because he just said that I should stay here for the night. I didn't want to catch a cold like he mentioned so I accepted. I told him that I'll just call Katlyn. So I excused myself.

"Katlyn! It's me Aphmau,"
"Aphmau? Where are you? Kawaii Chan and I were so worried!"
"I'm at Aaron's house I going to spend the night here due to the thunder storm."
"Aphmau Senpai! You're staying at Aaron Kun's house! Ahhhhh! Aphmau Senpai did you know-"Oh no. Kawaii Chan knows now! Ugh that means she'll make fanfics of us. Ahh!
"Kawaii Chan give me my phone back!" In the background I could hear Kawaii Chan screaming that her ship has sailed and Katlyn shouting at her to shut up.
"Look guys, I got to go now. Bye." I hung up on them before they could respond. When I got back Aaron asked me what I wanted to do and I won't lie I kind of wanted to watch Frozen.
"Can we watch Frozen?" I asked.
"Seriously? Frozen? Don't you think that you're a little old too for that?" He chuckled as I do a long dramatic gasp. "You can never be too old for Did-ney!"
"Urg, as much as I hate to say it but FINE! We'll watch Frozen... just promise me one thing, DO NOT sing Let It Go." I never knew that Aaron had some strong feelings for Frozen. I guess you do hear all of the little girls pretend to be Elsa and sing Let It Go. But the reason I wanted to watch Frozen in the first place was because I wanted to sing Let It Go. So I begged Aaron if I could sing it. I even used my cute puppy dog face which seems to work on everyone even Katlyn.
"Okay fine. You could sing the song."
Yay! It worked! I rushed over to Aaron and I hugged him. I didn't realize it at first but then after a second I turned bright red and I quickly pulled back.
"Let's just start the movie." So we sat there in silence as the movie played.

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