Chapter Ten

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Aphmau's POV

I can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. He...cares. I wasn't planning to go to Aaron's house but curiosity got the better of me, so I worked my way there.

When I got there, it I could see Aaron. By the looks of it, it looks like he's talking to someone, but from the angle I'm standing at I can't tell who it is.

I knocked on his door and he answered,
"Hey! I had a feeling that you would come." He said.
"I only came because I was curious." and also because Aaron makes the best coffee but I didn't say that.
He let me but as soon as I came in I could feel some sort of awkward tension in the atmosphere. He lead me to his living room, as always, but I found a woman with a little boy beside her.

I could feel myself sweating, I turned around trying to leave but the lady spoke. "Hi! You must be Aphmau! Aaron talks about you a lot, my name is Lilith!" Darn, too late. Now I have to sit around acting happy.
"Hi, ya... I'm Aphmau, it really is nice to meet you." We shook hands, I inched back a little to try to get a glimpse of the woman standing before me. I've got to admit she is very pretty. Maybe even prettier than I am. I looked towards the little boy hiding behind her.
"This is Jacob, my son." she said, I crouched down, to meet the eyes of the young innocent boy standing before me.
"Hi! I'm Aphmau, can you say Aphmau?" I said in my baby talk.
"Hi... A-pffhh-moo?" Awww, the with he said it somewhat made my day.
"Aphmau!" a deep voice scared me from behind. The little boy Jacob, ran to greet Aaron shouting, "Daddy!" Oh. I almost forgot that Aaron is the father of Jacob, and that the woman standing beside me is his mother.
"So, here you go ladies, coffee with milk and sugar, topped with wiped-cream and sprinkles for you..." he hands me the mug then gave Lilith a mug with similar ingredients but only with out the wipped-cream and sprinkles.

I made my way to the couch I usually claimed whenever I'm here at Aaron's house. We all sat there awkwardly, as the only person who broke the awkwardness was Jacob, who was playing with his toy truck. I wanted to join him but that was not the reason why I came here.
"Ahem." Lilith began. "I think that I should be on my way, I've got to go find a birthday gift for my father." Whew! I glad she's gone. But it's weird how she left Jacob.
"It's my week." Aaron stated.
"What?" I was confused. His week? For what?!
"It's my week to look after him. We do that weekly until Lilith and Jacob heads back to Paris."
"Oh." Let the awkwardness continue!

We sat there for five more awkward minutes until he invited me to eat. Aaron is actually a really good cook and he cooked us up some BBQ with some white rice on the side. As we were eating it still was really awkward and tense.
"Look, Aphmau," he started. "I know that you're mad at me. But can you please put that aside and just eat our lunch properly."
"Aaron, I didn't come here to eat lunch. (Even if it is delicious)" I mumbled. "I came here for answers."
"Right. Of course... what do you want to know?"
"Well first of all, why didn't you tell me about Jacob? And the whole situation with Lilith?"
"I only found out two weeks ago and I didn't wan to hurt you."
"Hurt me?! Aaron you broke my heart! That day when I followed you, I locked myself in my room saying that I'm not good enough for you."
"You– thought that I – was too good for you... I thought that I wasn't good enough for you!"
"Ya. I mean sure I saw you walking around the halls with your group. I mean you were so popular. When I was dating Lilith, I didn't tell her this but I actually liked you. I really wanted to be your friend. But I was still pretty well known. You might of known me as part of the "hot guy" squad. Heh."
"Wait, hold up! You, were part of that squad?!"
"Ya. I was the loud dark haired one that already had a girlfriend. Anyways, I was part of that group but we never really talked after Freshman year."
"So you mean you were friends with Garroth?"
"Kind of. We didn't talk much though."

We just kept talking about the good times in high school after that and I completely forgot about the time.
"Oh! Look it's almost 7:00pm! I better get going now." I said.
"Alright! It was nice catching up with you Aphmau." he said in his kind deep voice.
"Ya. You too." After that he walked me up to the door. When I just about to step out, I turned around, without even thinking, and I kissed him.

I kissed him straight on lips. It was nice and soft, he didn't push me away and it seemed like we've both have wanted this for years. I pulled back, even though I didn't want it to end , and I said, "I missed you." Then I looked at him playfully with his mouth slightly ajar and left him.


Ahhhhh! They kissed! Lol, I was thinking about the right time to make Aphmau's and Aaron's first kiss happen and I just felt like that was the perfect moment. Are you happy? Ha. Well now you have to wait until Monday.
Anyways I hope you've enjoyed this chapter.Thanks for reading, peace!

PS: I didn't have school today that's why this chapter was earlier than the others, Spring break will be coming up soon for me so expect a chapter more frequently. Maybe, every other day. I don't know yet. Bye. Peace!

PPS: Yes, BBQ with rice. Don't judge me I'm Asian(Filipino) and we Filipinos eat rice with almost everything. Lol peace!

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