Chapter Twenty-Five

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I purposely waited for a long time before I upload this chapter. Lol. Sorry. Before you start reading...

Please don't kill me. 😣

Aarron's POV

When I woke up it was 1:30pm. Aphmau wasn't in the room so I just assumed that she went to go find some food for us.

I unpacked all of my things and I put it in a drawer. I was going to unpack Aphmau's stuff but I don't know how she wants to organize it, so I just simply left it.

Ten more minutes has passed and Aphmau is still not back. I hope that she didn't get lost. I mean LA is a big city so there are a lot o twists and turns here, and there.
Aphmau's a smart girl so I'm sure that she'll handle it.

Five more minutes has passed and I'm beginning to get bored so. I put on my swimming trunks and got a towel and I headed for the pool.
Before I left though, I made sure to leave Aphmau a note saying where I was. I didn't bring my phone so I didn't want her to worry.

I headed towards the elevator, and I saw a small familiar face.


It was Jacob. But what is he doing here?

"Aaron! What are you doing here?"

Urg. Lily. I should have know from the moment I saw Jacob. The question isn't what am I doing her it's what is she doing here?

"I came to take Aphmau to Disneyland on her birthday." I said in my most dullest, most boring voice. I didn't want her to get any ideas, but it was too late because she smiled at the idea and said,

"Oh! I was doing the same for Jacob!"

I swear that she's stalking me.

The elevator finally came to our floor and I clicked the "L" to take me to the Lobby so I could go swimming. Turns out that they were going to go there too, but they didn't change yet.

I dropped my stuff in a locker at the boys' change room and I went in the pool. It was actually really warm, even though I didn't use a shower. The pool was pretty big, it even came with a water slide. So far it was only me here surprisingly. But that changed a couple of minutes later.

Jacob came rushing to get in the water, he looked cute in his little swimming trunks, arm floaty, and floaty ring. Just to be careful, I walked up towards him so he won't slip and fall while running towards me. He came out before Lily did, so I placed him in the most shallow part of the pool.

He cried at first maybe because he's getting used to the water, but then when I started splashing, he laughed and splashed some cholrine-filled water into my eyes. He laughed at my reaction.

Lily, came out and plopped herself next to me, I was sitting on the edge of the pool just watching Jacob splash some water at himself.

"Aww, Jakey, why are you splashing yourself?" Lily asked him in a baby voice.

Like he understood what she said, Jacob slashed her directly in the face. I couldn't help but laugh along with him.
My laugh was cut off though with a sudden splash of coldish-warm water to the face. Lily and Jacob laughed so hard. I jumped into the pool and started splashing water everywhere. I had to admit that it was really fun.

The Lily I knew in high school was back. The thought of that made me smile, and then we grew quiet, with the occasional splashes coming towards Jacob.

It was the first time, in a long time,since I actually saw a genuine smile placed on that girl's face. She turned towards me, as if reading my thoughts, and said,
"I've never seen you smile like that in a very, very, long time Aaron."

I smiled at her. She leans closer towards me, half of my brain is telling me that I can't show any feelings towards her, that I'm with Aphmau, and I should be happy about it. But the other half is telling me that I've missed Lily, and that I wanted to feel like the Aaron I once was with her.
I know that I should move away, but I felt like a stone statue, like Lily was Medusa (exclude the snake hair) and she was slowly casting the stone-changing spelling upon me.

Finally, it came, her lips were place gently on top of mine, smiling. It was short, and it gave me chills when we grew apart, we moved a distance from each other watching Jacob splash happily.

Suddenly the door to the girl's change room opened, with Aphmau popping out from it. Her timing couldn't have been worse.

I suddenly felt a sharp pang in my stomach. What have I gotten myself into?

OoooOoh! Aaron! What have you done?!
I hope you guys aren't too mad at me. It just suddenly popped into my head as a problem so I stuck with it.
But honestly, come on, you've got to see it coming. Especially with me writing the story. By now you should know my writing patterns.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed (or hated) this chapter. Thanks! Peace!

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