Chapter 3

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Ryan's P.O.V.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, because when I opened my eyes, we were already at the house. If you could call it that!

Their home was huge! It was practically a mansion. The boys tild me that there was even a giant pool and a hot tub in the backyard. I gasped aloud. Calum chuckled and grabbed my suitcase, about to carry it up to the house; but I took it from him. The boys looked at me strangely. So, I just shrugged and blushed.

We headed up the stairs to the door. Luke unlocked it and it opened wide. I was astonished. It was even nicer inside than out! Unless you count the pizza boxes and sheets of music laying everywhere.

The boys laughed and walked in. I followed, in shock. Ashton asked me a simple question.

"Would you like to see your new room?"



I was crying miserably. Dylen was still in the hospital, and would be for 2 more weeks. I tried to refuse going to the orphanage for that long, but no one would let me.

We finally arrived at Miss Marie's Orphanage. I tried to stay in the car, but was gently pulled out by Miss Marie herself. She pulled me into a hug, and asked me a simple question;

"Would you like to see your new room?"

I shook myself out of the memory to find myself on the floor and to see the boys staring at me again. I blushed a violent shade of red. I looked at Ashton and nodded, a headache setting in.

Calum and Ashton lead me upstairs, while Michael and Luke went to the kitchen to make breakfast. We passed several doors with each of the boys' names on them, until we reached a pale blue door. I walked in, shocked at the sight that met my eyes.

There was a queen sized bed with pale blue sheets and a pale green comforter. The pillows matched the comforter, and the headboard was the same color as the door and the sheets. The carpet, desk, and dresser were also pale blue, whereas the walls, desk lamps, and the closet/bathroom doors were all the pale green color. I was amazed. All of this for me? I guess I'm not as worthless as I thought.

Other than Dylen, this was the first time I felt loved. For the first time in 2 years, I was truly happy.

Memories: Adopted By 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now