Chapter 9

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Ryan's P.O.V.

I woke with a gasp. I couldn't see anything yet, everything being to blurry, but my vision was slowly returning to normal. I could tell I was in a hospital, for I could hear the dull beeping sound of a monitor, and I could smell the rubbing alcohol. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

How did I end up here? I thought to myself.

"Dylen," I suddenly yelled, "where's Dylen?!"

"Relax, love," it was Ashton, "he's fine, he's just resting at home. You were both pretty heavily drugged when we found you." My vision returned to normal, and I could see him smiling at me. I returned the smile, but I was still worried.

"You get out of here tomorrow." Michael told me. "You can see him then." I nodded, giving another weak smile.

I tried to shift my position to a more comfortable one, but the only thing that did was make a sharp pain race through my chest. I cried out, tears streaming down my my face, I started sobbing uncontrollably. Michael ran out of the room to get the doctor.

Michael's P.O.V.

Ryan cried out in pain, and then started sobbing. Ash and I couldn't get her to stop, so I ran down the hall to find a doctor. I finally saw Dr. Peters, and ran over to him, getting his attention.

"Mr. Clifford!" he started, "Whatever is the matter?" I gasped for a moment, catching my breath.

"It's Ryan, she's in pain," I explained, she won't stop crying!"

"Show me."


Calum's P.O.V.

The doctor and three medics rolled Ryan out of the room on a stretcher. It turnes out, she had a broken rib, and every time she moved it would stab into her lung. The doctor said he had every confidence that she would recover.

Luke just sat on her bed, playing with the stuffed penguin he had gotten her. I sat in a chair next to the hospital with my head in my hands. I hope she makes it out of this! I thought. A tear rolled down my cheek.

Ashton had gone home to get Dylen. We felt that he deserved to be here, no matter how much rest we thought he should get. I sighed. Why does life have to be so difficult for those kids? Right when they were starting to be happy again, everything goes wrong.

I made a promise to myself then. I will give Ryan and Dylen the life they deserve. Even if it is the last thing I do.


Dylen's P.O.V.

Five minutes ago, the doctors had told us that my sister's surgery had gone well, and we were alowed to see her now. The band and I walked anxiously down the hall to her new room.

When I entered the room, I was relieved to see Ryan awake and laughing. She was watching High School Musical on the room's TV.

She saw us walk in and her smile got even bigger. We each took turns giving her hugs, making sure to be gentle so we didn't hurt her.

It was good to see her laughing again. It was a sight I hadn't seen in years. Now maybe, just maybe, we could be happy. Only, there's one problem with that. One reason why I can't be at peace.

Our parents are still out there.

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