Chapter 5

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Ryan's P.O.V.

"No!" I had cried out. My hands flew to my mouth. Calum looked at me in shock. As did the other boys, who chose that moment to walk in. Slowly, I lowered my hands and watched their faces for their reactions.

"Did you just-" Calum.
"What the-" Ashton.
"Oh sh**!" Luke. Aston slapped him for cursing.
"Huhh??" Michael.

I took a deep breath and bolted out the front door. I needed a minute. They tried to stop me, but I kept going. I saw a pair of bright white lights, and then everything went black.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned, shifting my position slightly. Pain washed over me. What happened?

"Guys she's waking up!" I recognized that voice. Dylen! My eyes snapped open, and I tried to sit up, but Calum pushed me gently back down.

"Just lay back, love." He said softly. I groaned again. Dylen's here! I thought with a smile.

"Thank god!" Ashton said, walking into my hospital room.

"We thought we'd lost you!" Luke explained. Michael was asleep on the couch.

"Dylen?" I said slowly, carefully, because it hurt to breathe.

"Did she just..." The boys nodded, and he smiled. He walked over to my bedside, and grabbed my hand. "I'm here, Ryan. I will always be here." I smiled with relief.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"You were hit by a car," Luke said, before walking over to slap Michael awake.

"What caused you to run out into the street like that?"Calum asked. I blushed.

"I-I-" I took a deep breath. "I just needed a minute. I didn't mean to go into the street, it-it just happened."
Michael jolted awake.

"Bad Purple Fluffy Unicorns!" He said randomly, then realized what he said and blushed. Everyone laughed. "Ryan's awake!" He noticed with a smile. "Who's this kid?" He asked, noticing Dylen.

"I'm Dylen, Ryan's older brother."

Michael nodded. He was about to say something, when the doctor walked in.

"Aahh, good afternoon Miss Hood," he greeted me. "I see you're awake. How are you feeling?" I thought for a minute.

"My chest hurts a little bit, and so does my ankle." He nodded, writing notes on his clipboard.

"That's to be expected miss. You are pretty bruised in your upper body area, and you have a sprained ankle. You will have to wear an ankle brace for a month." I nodded.

The doctor left after giving Calum my brace and telling us I was free to leave in an hour.

"I'm hungry." Michael said, out of nowhere.

"You're always hungry, Clifford," Ashton said, laughing.

"Me too." I agreed.

"OK," Ashton smiled. He handed me the menu for room service.

"Yay!" Michael and I yelled in unison. We looked at each other and started laughing.

A/N- The reason Michael yelled what he did, was because he was dreaming about Ryan's Accident. She had been standing in a grassy field, when a purple fluffy unicorn ran at her, spearing her with its horn. Kinda sweet that Michael was so worried he dreamed of it right?

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