Chapter 30

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Sofia will be played by Freya Tingley



Ryan's P.O.V.

2 months after our first attempt at escape, we tried again. I had been here for almost 6 months, and I couldn't take it anymore! Blake took my hand, and we ran down the halls as quickly and quietly as possible, Skylynn close behind. This time, instead of Matthew and Horace blocking our exit, it was the terror himself, Mr. Carter.

Matthew and Horace popped up behind us, and each grabbed one of the twins. Mr. Carter stepped forward, grabbing onto me, and held me tight by the shoulders.

"I think it's time for a harsher punishment. Don't you my dear?" He asked me. "Put my children in their room and lock them in. I'll have a 'talk' with them later. Then, Horace, fetch me my whip."

"Leave her alone!" Blake yelled, fighting against Matthew. "Let her be! Father please!"

Blake continued yelling all the way to his and Skylynn's room. I heard Skylynn scream, and then the door was slammed and locked. I began to tremble uncontrollably.

Horace returned with a harsh black whip, and a couple lengths of rope. Mr Carter took them and guided me down to his rooms.


End of Flashback

Blake traced over the scars that may forever lie on my back.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. I smiled.

I know. I wrote, passing the paper to him. You don't have to be.

"I couldn't protect you from him. I couldn't save you! I broke my promise..."

He trailed off when he realised that I was still smiling. He couldn't help but grin a little too.


I took the paper back and wrote:

You are saving me. You are protecting me. You've never failed. I love you.

Luke's P.O.V.

It had already been a month since Ashton worked out the no concerts thing with management. Still no Ryan. But, on the bright side, the sightings of her were becoming more frequent, and closer to home. Soon. And she will know that we refused to give up on her.

Calum's P.O.V.

I should have known that Ashton's plan wasn't going to work. If it were, she would have been home by now. It's not that I'm giving up on Ryan, I'm just losing hope. 2 years is a long time to wait. Each new sighting filters a little bit of hope back in, but that light quickly burns out like a flame. I just hope that she knows we care.

Michael's P.O.V.

God, we've missed so much with Ryan. She is now 18! We missed her 17th, we missed her 18th, and now I'm afraid of missing her 19th. I think I am the most protective of Ryan, behind Calum, and I'm getting really paranoid about these people she is with. What if Calum was right? What if they are preventing her from coming home?

Memories: Adopted By 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now