Chapter 19

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Ryan's P.O.V.

We arrived at the airport that would take us to the UK, and exited the car. I looked around. The airport terminal was crowded with people, packed, even. The plane ride would last a day, and we decided to use a commercial plane instead of a private jet. This time anyway.

The call for boarding came over the loudspeakers and we got onto the plane.

My head was still pounding, bit I ignored it. I had experienced worse pain.

I looked out the plane window, watching the clouds. I had never flown before, this was more amazing than I thought. Then a voice came over the P.A. system. (A/N that's what it's called right? I've never flown on a plane.)

We apologize for any inconvenience, but we will shortly be experiencing some minor turbulence. Make sure you are seated and buckled. The turbulence shouldn't last long, and everything is under control.

The pilot hung up the P.A. system and I buckled up. I started breathing heavily, fear went through me. I had to calm down. Suddenly, the plane started shaking violently. I gripped the arms of my chair until my knuckles turned white. So much for calming down.

The plane gave a particularly big shake, and the back of my head smacked the window. All went black.

Unknown's P.O.V.

The turbulence soon was over, and I glanced around the plane. Then I looked over at the girl sitting next to me. She was limp and unconscious. I started checking her pulse and her temperature. Her pulse was steady and her temp was normal.

Next, I started feeling the back of her head for any cuts or breakages in the skin. Nothing but a bump. I sighed. She would be fine.

"Hey!" Yelled a voice. I jumped. "Who are you, and what the f**k were you doing to my daughter!?"

Calum's P.O.V.

After the turbulence ended, I glanced to the boys to see if they were OK. They were, so I looked to Ryan. What I saw made me see the with anger. She was slumped in her seat, unconscious, with a strange man feeling her up!

"Hey!" I yelled. The plane went silent. "Who are you, and what the f**k were you doing to my daughter!?" All eyes went to the man.

"S-s-sir, I-i- I was just trying to make sure she was OK! She passed out during the turbulence, I'm a doctor."

I nodded, my face loosing some of its redness and fury.

"I'm sorry I overreacted. Me and the boys are really protective, and it looked like......." I trailed off, the doctor skaking his head fiercely. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Pierce. Ryen Pierce."

Luke's P.O.V.

Woah, another Ryan... Cool. Also, confusing.

Michael's P.O.V.

Well. This is awkward. Calum just cussed out a doctor who shared the same name as our daughter. This should be interesting.

Ashton's P.O.V.

Well sh**. Congratulations Calum... why would you do that?

Calum's P.O.V.

Sh** sh** sh** sh**sh**sh** sh**. I'm a f**king a**hole! D**n! My life is over! Please let him forgive me! Sh**!


Hi music notes! Whataya think of Calums little meltdown there?
@HajirAlamidi approved this chapter, will you?

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