Chapter 31

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Sofia's P.OV.

It took forever for Ryan and I to settle down to sleep last night. We we're so excited to see each other again, and She wanted to know what had been happening while she was gone.

However, no matter how many times I asked her about what happened these couple years, her reaction was always the same. Ryan's face would immediately go blank and emotionless, and she would refuse to answer the question. Later, I would see the haunted look in her eyes that would immediately disappear when she caught me watching.

Something had changed in Ryan. She was happier, more grown up. I was aost afraid to know what she had been through. The boys hadn't asked yet what had happened. They we're just over the moon at her reappearance in our lives.

And then there were Blake and Skylynn.

Ryan's boyfriend, and new friend.

Blake wasn't bad in my opinion. He would treat her right. Skylynn I wasn't so sure about, but maybe I was just jealous. Maybe I should get to know her?

Skylynn's P.O.V.

I could tell that Sofia wasn't sure about me yet. And I was going to prove her wrong. I am a good person, I am a great friend, and she is going to realize that whether she likes it or not.

Maybe she's just jealous. I was there for Ryan when she couldn't be. I was the friend when Ryan needed one, and didn't have one. I was the only one who was able to calm her down after seeing my father.

OK. So maybe I see her point. I am defensive, competitive, and closed off to the world. I can be a little blunt... OK more than a little. I am sarcastic, I have thick walls to protect me, a dark humor...... I guess I could be hard to trust.

But I'll prove it to her still. I can be trusted. And I can be a friend.

Ashton's P.O.V.

Ryan was home, safe and sound.

The night she returned, she said something, something that we had never heard her say before.

"I love you guys! I love you so much!"

Michael began to cry, Luke got teary eyed, Calum's face lit up like the sun, and I felt this bubbly happy feeling in my chest.

"We love you too babygirl."

Michael's P.O.V.

I felt a rush of happiness every time I saw Ryan. Our little girl was home! Of course, she was technically an adult now.... but she will always be our little girl.

Of course, I did get drunk again the morning after she arrived home....

Luke and Ryan were sitting on the couch watching Mulan when I staggered into the room. I jumped over the couch backwards.

"Mikey!" Luke yelled as Ryan startled. "Don't do that!"

"I can do whatever I want, I'm punk rock!"

Luke shook his head as Ryan laughed.

Luke's P.O.V.

It was such a relief to see Ryan safe and sound, and laughing. I knew we had to ask her what had happened in the past years, but I didn't want to spoil anything. The boys and I want to give her the world.

Of course there is the issue of what happened to her these past 2 years. I'm sure she'll tell us when she's ready, but I can't help but be at least a little curious.

Calum's P.O.V.

I was so glad that Ryan was home, and why poison a good thing, but I was worried about her. Especially after what happened the night she got home.

The girls had been sleeping for awhile, when out of nowhere, we heard a scream come from upstairs. We all rushed up the basement steps, dropping our video game controllers, then up the regular staircase, and into the girls' room.

There we found Sofia trying to wake up Ryan, who was thrashing around in her sleep.

"No! No, don't come any closer! Please!" She cried out desperately, tears streaming down her face.

Blake and Skylynn ran in too, Blake rushing to her side, he grabbed her hand as she finally woke, jolting up into a sitting position.

We needed to know what happened to her. We needed to know now.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Everybody is so concerned for me, I can see it behind their smiles and in their eyes. But, I'm just not ready to talk about it yet. Talking about it makes it real. I'm not ready for it to be real. For now, it's just a nightmare.

Only when I say it out loud, will it become a memory.

Ashton asked me what happened while I was gone. I froze. My hands clenched into fists, and my eyes squeezed shut. Memories flashed across my eyelids, and my entire body began to quiver.

"I--I can't..."

And I fled the room.

Memories: Adopted By 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now